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當我第一次開始做 Penta(有譯:伍群)工作時,我曾經告訴過我的學生:「現在去坐在咖啡館」,你明白的數字「去坐在咖啡館」。嘿這些數字非常簡單,你有三個人在一起,你得到了緊張。緊張。為什麼你有緊張?在你們三人一起只有兩個人中只有兩個人可以看著彼此。即時張力。
當你在基因水平上處理這個「3」時,基因要求說任何一對結合,必須產生至少 2.2 個孩子。不要問我 0.2 是什麼樣子的,但儘管如此,我們應該能夠生產足夠的東西來維持我們的生命。所以從基因上講,當這對夫婦聚在一起時,他們產生了他們的第一個孩子,而不是基因發生了是啊!他們說:「請再來一個!請再來一份!」在我們再得到一個之前,將會有緊張和問題。就是會有。所以這個「3」,這是一個基本的緊張關係,超過 70% 的離婚發生在一個有「3」的家庭。絕大多數單親父母只有一個孩子。「3」是張力點。所以當你繼續生產另一個孩子的那一刻,你得到了 4 個。4 是好的,4 是安全的,無聊的和紮實的。非常容易預見。這是關於「4」的一件好事。走進一家咖啡館,3 個人坐在咖啡館裡,坐在一張桌子旁。他們中的一個人感覺被遺忘了。完全被排除在外,對另外兩個很生氣,因為他們一直在繼續,突然有人走進門坐下,桌子變成了 4 人。一切都很好。
現在,當你帶入一個 5 時,你會認為基因真的會放手。你知道那時基因會說「嘿,看,你需要 5 個。」4 個很好,但如果其中一個是同性戀怎麼辦?如果其中一個死了怎麼辦?上帝保佑。如果其中一個成為天主教神父怎麼辦?你真的搞砸了,你必須確保你有生殖單位,所以讓我們有 5 個。 所以「5」是最理想的。 五號就像「嘿,我們成功了!」問題是第五個是圖騰柱上最低的,總是製造問題。它立即引起人們的注意,因為這裡有兩個人在互相交談,那裡有兩個人,其中一個被遺漏了。通常是一個有 5 個人的家庭,我會告訴你,總是有人失踪。總是失踪。這是他們保持穩定的方式。如果總是失踪的總是同一個,那通常是害群之馬。或缺席的父親或任何情況。
所以這些是基本數字。這基本上就是 Penta 所做的,我想讓你注意到關於 Penta 的一些事情,很明顯首先是為了給你定位,就是看看下面這個紅色,這代表什麼?我們知道這是正常身 Bodygraph(人體圖)的骶骨中心,這裡的黃色是G 中心,這裡的棕色是喉嚨。因此,我們正在關注中央能量欄中的這些通道。它們從骶骨中心上升到喉嚨。這六個通道是 Penta 的通道。然而,Penta 又不是人類。你可以知道。它沒有脾臟中心,沒有情緒系統中心,沒有 Ego(自我)中心,沒有 Ajna(眉心)中心,沒有頭腦中心,沒有根中心。所以我們不是在談論人類。我們不是。關於 Penta 的另一件事是,當你查看人類的人體圖時,在人類的人體圖中,能量可以向任何方向移動。換句話說,如果你看到通道中的能量並不總是向上移動,它可以以任何可用的方式上下和橫向移動,它是多向的。當你看 Penta 時,方向總是一個方向。而且你還會注意到這裡有一個差距,因為事實上這在人體圖中會是 46 匣門,但在 Penta 中,它不是在那個意義上的 G 中心。你可以看到有一個分離,所以基本上能量必須向下移動然後向上流動。同樣的東西從另一邊流出,一切都從中心流出,一切都通過喉嚨中心的這三個匣門表達出來。我們在人體圖中所知道的,我們所知道的那些表達自我角色的匣門。在這裡,我們所擁有的是家庭呈現自己的方式。
從根本上說,我們從這張圖表中得到的是,我們有可能立即看到任何家庭的基本問題在哪裡!現在想想它的工作方式是動態的。這裡的中心是真正的關鍵。因為當然你看到的是一種漩渦,而那個漩渦植根於 2/14通道。這才是真正的核心。所以,首先要認識到 transauric(經耳)Penta 是一種非常強大的力量。它是一種深刻的生成力。當它利用那些在那裡的人的 Aura(能量場)時,它正在做什麼?它正在利用它們的力量,以推動家庭的方向。
首先,你必須瞭解有關 Penta 的一些訊息。從一開始,我們在世界上遇到的最大困境之一就是物質和唯物主義!從一開始就是!那是一種生物形式,我們制定生存策略的方法之一是收集更多,擁有超過我們需要的,最終變得貪婪,渴望權力,你知道所有這些不同的事情隨它去吧。並且有這種哲學社會學指責我們對此負責。換句話說,我們生來就唯物主義。我們為此而生。這不是真的。像任何生物形式一樣,我們在這裡生存。但是唯物主義,唯物主義是 Penta。這就是 Penta 的意義所在。Penta 是保證年輕人生存的基本結構。在物質層面,如果沒有在某個層面上取得成功,你就無法擁有它,以便能夠供養他們。Penta 的一切都是單向的材料運動。單向物質。而且不僅單向、物質,還喜歡炫耀。Pentas 喜歡展示。你可以在任何郊區看到這一點。你的街區裏有一家沒有粉刷的房子?他們會知道嗎?真的嗎?當你的孩子早上出去的時候,有人看著窗外,看看他們是怎麼穿的。一切都在衡量,一切都在比較,那張媽媽帶著孩子在公園馬車裡的美妙照片,所有這些不同的家庭坐在長凳上,他們的嬰兒手推車在公園裡,他們都在看著對方。他們有一輛比我們更好的手推車。他們是這樣。你看到那個嬰兒的玩具怎麼樣了嗎?這真的太不可思議了,你看,bla,bla,bla⋯⋯當然還有那個在沙箱里拉下褲子和大便的孩子,所有的母親都會知道。那個媽媽,她不是很好,是嗎?我們的孩子不是這樣的。你認為為什麼家庭會在周日或任何一天把孩子拖到家裡?這個傳統。如果你住在同一個社區,你會帶上你的孩子,然後去你父母的地方。這是 Penta 的一部分。這是 Penta 所說的「基因係的連續性,看看我們做得很好。」「我們現在很成功,看看我們的孩子在那裡做得很好,這不是很棒嗎?」當你把他們帶到你父母那裡時,你會在前一天去購物,所以他們有非常好的衣服可以穿,他們看起來非常好。孩子們在這裡出生,你知道所有的東西,你要出去表演!他們認為它是我們,不是我們!我們不是那樣的,如果你把我們中的任何一個放在一邊,你知道,我們不是那樣的。但是 Penta 是!而當你進入 Penta 的那一刻,你就進入了機制,所以你玩遊戲。你別無選擇。世界上競爭最激烈的環境是家庭。家庭。家庭與其他家庭競爭,因為 Penta 具有令人難以置信的競爭力。好吧,我的孩子們去了哈佛!他們非常有競爭力。這就是 Penta。
所以首先要瞭解這個機制是,把所有的指責都放在一邊,因為訪問 Penta 對你沒有任何好處。因為它不在乎,因為它不在乎。這是一個機制,這個機制的整個基礎是,這就是我們如何建立一個成功的基因庫。如果你有一個非常成功的 Penta 並傳播了更多成功的 Penta,最終你會為自己建立一個基因庫。你給自己一個部落。這就是這些機制的意義所在。是的,它避免了我們所有的意識!沒有脾臟中心,沒有眉心中心,沒有太陽神經叢/情緒中心。避免所有這些,避免我們的 Ego(自我)胡說八道,它避免了所有這些。Penta 沒有壓力,它們只是生產機制。
When I first began to do Penta work, I used to tell my students: “go sit in a café” now that you understand the numbers “go sit in a café”. Hey the numbers are very simply, you’ve got three people together, you’ve got tension. Tension. Why do you have tension? The moment you get three people together only two of them can look at each other. Instant tension.
When you deal with the three at the genetic level, the genetic imperative says that any pair bond, has to produce at least 2.2 children. Don't ask me what a 0.2 looks like, but nonetheless, we’re supposed to be able to produce enough, to keep us alive. So genetically, when the couple gets together, they produced their first child, instead of the genes going yeah! They go: “one more please! one more please!” And there will be tension and there will be problems until we get one more. And there will. So that three, that's a basic tension, over 70% of all the divorces that take place, take place in the family that's a three. Vast majority of single parents have one child. The three is the point of tension. So the moment that you go ahead and you produce another child, you got four. Four is good, four is safe, boring and solid. Very predictable. This is a nice thing about four. Go in to a café, you got three people sitting at a café, there sitting at a table. One of them feels left out. Totally left out, pissed at the other two because they're going on and on and all of a sudden somebody comes in the door and sits down and the table becomes a four. And everything's fine.
Now the moment you bring in a five, you would think that the genes would really let go. you know at that point the genes say “hey, look, you need to have five.” Four is nice but what if one of them is gay, what if one of them dies, God forbid. What if one of them becomes a Catholic priest. You’re really screwed, you gotta make sure that you got reproductive units here, so let's have a five. So five is the ideal. Five is like “Hey, we made it!” Problem is that the fifth one is the lowest on the totem pole and always create problems. And it immediately goes back to attention because there's two people over here talking to each other and there's two over there and one of them left out. Usually a family with five and I'll show you, somebody's always missing. Always missing. It's the way they stay stable. And if the one that's always missing is always the same one, it’s usually a black sheep. Or the absentee father or whatever the case may be.
So those are the basic numbers. This here is basically what the Penta does and I want you to notice something about the Penta, the obvious is first of all to orient you, is to see that this red down here, this represents what? We know this is the sacral center in the normal body graph, the yellow here is the G center and the brown up here, this is the throat. So we're looking at these channels in the central power column. They go up from the sacral center and go to the throat. These six channels are the channels of the penta. However again, the Penta is not human. You can tell. It’s got no spleen, it's got no emotional system, it has no ego, it has no ajna, it has no head center, it has no root. So we’re not talking about a human. And we’re not. The other thing to understand about the penta is that when you're looking at a human body graph, that in the human body graph the energy can move in any direction. In other words, if you're looking at energy in the channel is not always moving up, it can move up and down and sideways in whatever ways are available, it's multidirectional. When you're looking at the penta the direction is always one way. And you'll also notice that there's a gap here because in fact what this would be in the body graph would be the 46 gate but in the penta, it's not in the G in that sense. You can see that there is a separation so basically the energy has to move down and then up to flow. And the same thing from the other side and everything flows out through the center, and everything gets expressed through these three gates in the throat. What we know in our body graph, what we know as those gates that express the roles of the self. Here what we have is the way in which the family presents itself.
No fundamentally what we get out of this diagram is that we get the potential to be able to see where the basic problems are in any family, instantly! Now think about the way this works is a dynamic. Here in the center is really the key. Because of course what you're looking at is a kind of vortex and that vortex is rooted in the 2/14. This is really the core. So, the first thing to recognize about the transauric Penta, is that it is a very powerful force. It is a deeply generative force. And what it's doing when it's tapping into the auras of those that are there, it's tapping into their power, in order to fuel the direction of the family.
First of all, you got to understand something about Penta. One of the great dilemmas that we have had in the world, since the beginning, is material and materialism! From the beginning! That is as a bio form one of the ways in which we develop strategies to stay alive, was to collect more, to have more than we need, ultimately to get greedy, to be power-hungry, you know all of these various things that go with it. And there is this philosophical sociological finger-pointing at us, as being responsible for that. In other words that we are born materialistic. That we are born for that. It’s not true. Like any bio form we are here to survive. But materialism, materialism is penta. This is what the Penta is about. The Penta is the basic construct that guarantees the survival of the young. You cannot have that, without being successful at some level, on the material plane, in order to be able to provide for them. Everything about the Penta is a unidirectional material movement. Unidirectional material. And not only is it unidirectional and material, it likes to show off. Pentas love to demonstrate. You can see that in any suburban neighborhood. You got one house on the block that isn't painted? Are they going to know about it? Really? When your kids go out in the morning, there are people looking out the windows, to see how they're dressed. Everything is being measured, everything is being compared, that wonderful picture of mothers with their babies in the carriages in the park and there's all these different families sitting on the benches with their carriages in the park and they're all looking at each other. They have a nicer carriage than we do. They do. Did you see how that baby's toy was? That was really incredible, you know, bla, bla, bla… And then there's of course the kid that pulls down his pants and shits in the sandbox and all the mothers are going to go get that. That mother, she's not very good, is she? Our children aren’t like that. Why do you think families drag their children to their families on Sundays or whatever day it is? This tradition. If you live in the same community, you grab your kids and off you go to your parents place. This is part of Penta. This is Penta saying “the continuity of the genetic line, look at us were doing well.” “We’re successful now and look at our children there doing well, isn’t that terrific?” And when you take them to your parents, you go shopping the day before, so they got really nice things to wear, they look really good. The kids are born here, you know all the stuff, you're going out to put on a show! And they think it's us, it’s not us! We’re not like that, if you take any one of us aside, you know, we’re not like that. But Penta is! And the moment you're in the penta you’re in the mechanism, so you play the game. You don't have any choice. The most competitive environment in the world is families. Families. Families competitive with other families, because pentas are incredibly competitive. Well my children went to Harvard! They're incredibly competitive. This is what pentas is.
So the first thing to understand about this mechanism is, put all the blame stuff away because it isn't going to do you any good to visit the Penta. Cause it isn't paying any attention, cause it doesn't care. It's a mechanism and the whole basis of this mechanism is, this is how we build a successful genepool. If you've got a penta that's really successful and propagates more successful pentas, eventually you build yourself a genepool. You got yourself a tribe. This is what these mechanisms are about. And yes it avoids all our awareness! No spleen, no ajna, no solar plexus. Avoids all that, avoids our ego bullshit, it avoids all of that. Pentas aren’t under pressure, they're just productive mechanisms.
~ Ra Uru Hu
自學自修實踐及分享 Human Design 人類設計/人設圖/人類圖。

獨一無二的Projector 的其他內容
只要 Projector 動機是正確的,你就會保持你的正道,你會是正確的。
如果你看到有人喉嚨中心開放、G 中心開放,他們的 G 中心有激活。其非我策略是「一直在尋找愛,一直在尋找方向」。
Projector 引導的方式是他們只是提出正確的問題。就這樣。這就是他們的潛力。
我們每個人,真正地,都有一種獨特的方式來實現這一點。沒有規範,沒有規則。沒有做到這麼快或那麼快。我們可以確定的事情很少。一是清理細胞系統的七年周期。但我知道最大的敵人是 Mind(頭腦思維)。
只要 Projector 動機是正確的,你就會保持你的正道,你會是正確的。
如果你看到有人喉嚨中心開放、G 中心開放,他們的 G 中心有激活。其非我策略是「一直在尋找愛,一直在尋找方向」。
Projector 引導的方式是他們只是提出正確的問題。就這樣。這就是他們的潛力。
我們每個人,真正地,都有一種獨特的方式來實現這一點。沒有規範,沒有規則。沒有做到這麼快或那麼快。我們可以確定的事情很少。一是清理細胞系統的七年周期。但我知道最大的敵人是 Mind(頭腦思維)。
Google News 追蹤
人的基因,因為生存而需要學會辨識的物件,成了信念。 信念就是生存系統。 人類意識只對生存有關的東西產生解釋,並排除任何不助生存的東西,過濾任何不助生存與威脅的訊號並歸類為無意義。 這樣他們放眼望去都是有助生存且可以理解的物件。 這構成了人類社會的矩陣或環境或世界觀或人類物質世界。
用五行(木、火、土、金、水)詮釋、看待我們的人生,從而了解自己在意的是什麼,潛意識裡的匱泛來自於哪裡。 汲汲營營所追求的是「社會價值」賦予的應該,還是自己內心真實的想要。 看似擁有人人稱羨的一切,卻仍然感到有所空缺。以為是自己的不懂知足,更多的可能是不懂得自己真正想要的是什麼。 五行是構成人的
錢幣十 / Ten of Pentacles 物質的富足、公式化的生活、珍惜當下 解說 拱門外,年輕夫妻一家人,看男人的裝扮、左手拿著像權杖,好比權杖二或者寶劍六為了生活而高瞻遠矚、努力默默前行的人。為了穩定生活,他是辛勤工作的人;女人、小孩與身旁的小狗,身處在和諧、寧靜明亮的環境中,就像
人類設計中的59-6通道 - 親密與性 通道59-6在人類設計中有生育、創造、情感和性親密、衝突與摩擦等特性。 通道的構建 59-6通道在薦骨能量中心和情緒能量中心間建立了一條通道,該通道有的兩個閘門: 第59號閘門- 性 這個閘象徵著打破人與人之間障礙的慾望和能力。這不僅僅是關於浪漫
人類圖裡的解讀 2/5的人生角色,是由喜歡孤獨、由愛尋求回應的2爻與潛意識中愛空想、不切實際的5爻所組成的,給予人一種奇特又迷人的性格。 經常能提供身邊的人不同的想法及見解,所以別人很喜歡詢問他們的意見,人們看到你,就像是看到一盞明燈,為他們照亮了前方的路。是大家心靈的導師。 從朋友和同事之間
和諧一致的生活(編按:合一的生活) 在今天的冥想中,我們要討論整體,這就是所有存在最基礎的真相。就每個個體來說,我們都不一樣。我們有不同的生活方式、信念和觀點。 不過,這些差異只存在於物質界。在分子和靈魂的層次,我們都是一體的,並與宇宙的主源頭相連。當我們開始充分理解生命一體的概念之後,個人的「
人的基因,因為生存而需要學會辨識的物件,成了信念。 信念就是生存系統。 人類意識只對生存有關的東西產生解釋,並排除任何不助生存的東西,過濾任何不助生存與威脅的訊號並歸類為無意義。 這樣他們放眼望去都是有助生存且可以理解的物件。 這構成了人類社會的矩陣或環境或世界觀或人類物質世界。
用五行(木、火、土、金、水)詮釋、看待我們的人生,從而了解自己在意的是什麼,潛意識裡的匱泛來自於哪裡。 汲汲營營所追求的是「社會價值」賦予的應該,還是自己內心真實的想要。 看似擁有人人稱羨的一切,卻仍然感到有所空缺。以為是自己的不懂知足,更多的可能是不懂得自己真正想要的是什麼。 五行是構成人的
錢幣十 / Ten of Pentacles 物質的富足、公式化的生活、珍惜當下 解說 拱門外,年輕夫妻一家人,看男人的裝扮、左手拿著像權杖,好比權杖二或者寶劍六為了生活而高瞻遠矚、努力默默前行的人。為了穩定生活,他是辛勤工作的人;女人、小孩與身旁的小狗,身處在和諧、寧靜明亮的環境中,就像
人類設計中的59-6通道 - 親密與性 通道59-6在人類設計中有生育、創造、情感和性親密、衝突與摩擦等特性。 通道的構建 59-6通道在薦骨能量中心和情緒能量中心間建立了一條通道,該通道有的兩個閘門: 第59號閘門- 性 這個閘象徵著打破人與人之間障礙的慾望和能力。這不僅僅是關於浪漫
人類圖裡的解讀 2/5的人生角色,是由喜歡孤獨、由愛尋求回應的2爻與潛意識中愛空想、不切實際的5爻所組成的,給予人一種奇特又迷人的性格。 經常能提供身邊的人不同的想法及見解,所以別人很喜歡詢問他們的意見,人們看到你,就像是看到一盞明燈,為他們照亮了前方的路。是大家心靈的導師。 從朋友和同事之間
和諧一致的生活(編按:合一的生活) 在今天的冥想中,我們要討論整體,這就是所有存在最基礎的真相。就每個個體來說,我們都不一樣。我們有不同的生活方式、信念和觀點。 不過,這些差異只存在於物質界。在分子和靈魂的層次,我們都是一體的,並與宇宙的主源頭相連。當我們開始充分理解生命一體的概念之後,個人的「