1. 給予「非會員的觀察國」並不是結束,而是有期許:expressing the urgent need for the resumption of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians leading to a permanent two-State solution. 而這個其緒在1947年的《分治計劃》(Partition Plan)就已經定下一個「阿拉伯國」了。
2. 不是要否定以色列的國家合法性,而是要確認巴勒斯坦的國家合法性。“We did not come here seeking to delegitimize a State established years ago, and that is Israel; rather we came to affirm the legitimacy of the State that must now achieve its independence, and that is Palestine,” the President of the Palestinian Authority
3. There are no shortcuts. No quick fixes. No instant solutions. 這句話對台灣派也一樣適用。有關巴勒斯坦從「非會員國觀察實體」升格為「非會員國觀察國」的聯合國中文官方報導中,最有趣的是「巴勒斯坦在國際刑事法院起訴以色列戰爭罪行成為可能」。那是擁有在國際法院的訴訟資格──國家。
General Assembly grants Palestine non-member observer State status at UN○UN(2012.11.29)
29 November 2012 – The General Assembly today voted to grant Palestine non-member observer State status at the United Nations, while expressing the urgent need for the resumption of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians leading to a permanent two-State solution.
The resolution on the status of Palestine in the UN was adopted by a vote of 138 in favour to nine against with 41 abstentions by the 193-member Assembly.
“We did not come here seeking to delegitimize a State established years ago, and that is Israel; rather we came to affirm the legitimacy of the State that must now achieve its independence, and that is Palestine,” the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, told the Assembly before the vote.
Mr. Abbas noted that the world was being asked today to undertake a significant step in the process of rectifying the “unprecedented historical injustice” inflicted on the Palestinian people since 1948.
“Your support for our endeavour today,” he said, “will send a promising message – to millions of Palestinians on the land of Palestine, in the refugee camps both in the homeland and the Diaspora, and to the prisoners struggling for freedom in Israel’s prisons – that justice is possible and that there is a reason to be hopeful and that the peoples of the world do not accept the continuation of the occupation.”
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, said his delegation could not accept today’s resolution. “Because this resolution is so one-sided, it doesn’t advance peace, it pushes it backwards,” he stated, adding that peace could only be achieved through negotiations.
“There’s only one route to Palestinian statehood and that route does not run through this chamber in New York. That route runs through direct negotiations between Jerusalem and Ramallah that will lead to a secure and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians,” he added. “There are no shortcuts. No quick fixes. No instant solutions.”
The Israelis and Palestinians have yet to resume direct negotiations since talks stalled in September 2010, after Israel refused to extend its freeze on settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory.
“Today’s vote underscores the urgency of a resumption of meaningful negotiations,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said after the vote was finalized. “We must give new impetus to our collective efforts to ensure that an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine lives side by side with a secure State of Israel. I urge the parties to renew their commitment to a negotiated peace.”
Addressing the same gathering, the President of the General Assembly, Vuk Jeremic, appealed to “my dear friends from Palestine and Israel” to work for peace, to negotiate in good faith, and ultimately, to succeed in reaching the historical settlement.
“I have no doubt that history will judge this day to have been fraught with significance – but whether it will come to be looked upon as a step in the right direction on the road to peace will depend on how we bear ourselves in its wake,” he said. “Let us therefore have the wisdom to act in furtherance of the goal I’m sure we all share.”
In the resolution, the Assembly also voiced the hope that the Security Council will “consider favourably” the application submitted in September 2011 by Palestine for full UN membership.
The Palestinian bid for full UN membership stalled last year when the 15-nation Council, which decides whether or not to recommend admission by the Assembly, said it had been “unable to make a unanimous recommendation.”
Today’s action comes on the same day that the UN observed the annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Established in 1977, the Day marks the date in 1947 when the Assembly adopted a resolution partitioning then-mandated Palestine into two States, one Jewish and one Arab.
聯大通過決議 授予巴勒斯坦非會員觀察員國地位○UN(2012.11.29)
2012年11月29日 聯大在11月29日“聲援巴勒斯坦人民國際日”這一天,通過決議將巴勒斯坦目前在聯合國享有的“觀察員實體”地位,提升至“觀察員國地位”,此舉使巴勒斯坦成為繼梵蒂岡之後享有這一地位的“非會員觀察員國”。 67屆聯大主席耶雷米奇11月29日宣佈,由60多個國家作為共同提案國提交的關於授予巴勒斯坦觀察員國地位的決議草案以138票贊成、9票反對、41票棄權的結果在聯大獲得通過。 決議重申巴勒斯坦人民享有自決權和在1967 年以來被佔領巴勒斯坦領土上建立獨立的巴勒斯坦國的權利,希望安全理事會積極審議巴勒斯坦國2011 年9 月23 日提交的加入為聯合國正式會員國的申請。 巴勒斯坦民族權力機構主席阿巴斯於2011年9月23日在紐約聯合國總部向潘基文秘書長正式遞交巴勒斯坦成為聯合國會員國的申請。 同年10月31日,教科文組織大會投票通過了關於巴勒斯坦以成員國身份加入該組織的提案。這是巴勒斯坦首次獲准以成員國身份加入聯合國機構。 然而,獲得聯合國正式會員資格需要安理會向聯大進行推薦,由於持有“否決權”的常任理事會美國的堅決反對,巴勒斯坦的“入聯”受到阻礙。在這種情況下,巴勒斯坦當局決定降低門檻、“另闢蹊徑”,轉而尋求成為聯合國非會員觀察員國。 分析人士認為,11月29日聯大的投票結果,為巴勒斯坦以“成員國”地位加入更多國際組織和機構提供了機會,也使得巴勒斯坦在國際刑事法院起訴以色列戰爭罪行成為可能。。