【Comment】The transfer of territorial sovereignty can only be legalized and detailed by the treaty between the party that gives and the party that takes. It is immoral for a PhD of international law to invent legal text from none to prove what he believes in. MYJ is such a person.
He gave his speech on the International Forum of Senkaku Islands Dispute on September 2. He said, The Qing ceded Taiwan and Peng-hu to Japan in the Treaty of Shimonoseki concluded on April 1895. The Senkaku Islands was accordingly taken by Japan. Nevertheless, when Japan surrendered to us in 1945, Japan should return the Senkaku Islands.”(1) Was he telling the true?
The Article 2 of the Treaty of Shimonoseki stipulated “(b) The island of Formosa, together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa. (c) The Pescadores Group, that is to say, all islands lying between the 119th and 120th degrees of longitude east of Greenwich and the 23rd and 24th degrees of north latitude.”(2) Clearly enough, the Senkaku Islands, 25°47’53”N and 124°03’21”E, is neither a pertaining island to Formosa, nor an area of the Pescadores. Instead, Senkaku Islands fall within the territorial jurisdiction of the US Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands after the end of the Pacific War. The geographic boundaries are:
28 North Latitude, 124.40' East Longitude; thence
24 North Latitude, 122 East Longitude; thence
24 North Latitude, 133 East, Longitude; thence
27 North Latitude, 131.50’ East Longitude; thence
27 North Latitude, 128.18’ East Longitude; thence
28 North Latitude, 128.18’ East Longitude; thence to the point of origin.(3)
MYJ, a big mouth scholar, becomes the President- China-first. revised at 1510
領土主權的根據,也可以無中生有?過去,台灣當局(或中華台北)主張擁有釣魚台主權,理由是釣魚台在日本時代被日本劃歸宜蘭縣。因為釣魚台與〈馬關條約〉無關,所以也從未提及。國際法學者馬英九,居然發明中國在〈馬關條約〉中割讓釣魚台?「清朝在1895年4月與日本簽訂馬關條約,割讓台灣、澎湖等地,釣魚臺列嶼因此而被日本取得,但在1945年日本對我投降時,自應一併歸還釣魚臺列嶼。」(4)有關台澎割讓,〈馬關條約〉第二條的約文是「…二、臺灣全島及所有附屬各島嶼。 三、澎湖列島。即英國格林尼次東經百十九度起、至百二十度止及北緯二十三度起、至二十四度之間諸島嶼。」還有附圖,釣魚台經緯度是:25°47′53″N 124°03′21″E。一來,釣魚台不是台灣附屬島嶼;二來,釣魚台早就超出〈馬關條約〉白紙黑字經緯度的範圍。釣魚台,反而在戰後琉球託管的範圍內(北緯28+東經124.40';北緯24+東經122;北緯24+東經133;北緯27+東經131.50';北緯27+東經128.18';北緯28=東經128.18' )。馬英九真的變成馬唯中了。信口開河的人格特質。
琉球佔領第一號公告1945年4月(尼米茲公告) ■雲程譯
釣魚台歸屬:(琉球)〈民政府公告第27號〉1953.12.25 ■雲程譯
〈建立琉球政府〉的民政公告No.13(1952.02.29) ■雲程譯
馬英九談釣魚島:主權不分割 資源可分享◎VOA(2011.09.03)
[1] http://www.president.gov.tw/Default.aspx?tabid=131&itemid=25129&rmid=514 accessed on 2011/09/05
[2] http://www.taiwandocuments.org/shimonoseki01.htm accessed on 2011/09/05
[3] http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hoon-ting/article?mid=3178 accessed on 2011/09/05
[4] http://www.president.gov.tw/Default.aspx?tabid=131&itemid=25129&rmid=514 accessed on 2011/09/05