國際團體力量追尋!International Group Power Quest!

閱讀時間約 23 分鐘

Hi and Welcome to the first ever International Group Power Quest!


This is an exciting opportunity for us to make a difference in our own lives and to awaken a bit of light in the global consciousness. The numbers of people participating are growing every day and we are getting an influx of international Power Questers joining us. And while we won’t be sufficient to make a massive difference in the light of the world, our efforts in this Quest will, with every drop into eternity, cast ripples across the surface of eternity for all to feel in the quietness of their own consciousness—consciously or not!


 Of course, the greatest benefit will be to ourselves and so I am thrilled that so many of you are joining into small groups everywhere to Power Quest together, supporting each other emotionally and spiritually, smoothing your journey into silence and making it even more tangible to you. I expect your Purpose will be greatly empowered with the silence so stimulated.


I am sorry for the tardiness of this email. However, as more people applied from so diverse time-zones and countries, I realized the simple idea I began with wouldn’t work at all. It is too hard to coordinate all of us to do the Power Quest at the same time as some would be starting in the morning, some late at night, and some at dusk! And we all know that it is ideal to use darkness to diminish distractions and enhance our focus. So, I have had to make some serious adjustments.


Instead of us all Questing at the same time, we will create a wave of power that will flow around the world as each individual and group will begin the actual Power Quest at dusk/dark on the same day, July 1st. Of course, all preliminary work will be accomplished before that so some might begin with this email to prepare while others might wish to begin the Power Quest earlier in the day of the 1st to do it then.


Of course, some may not have completed the preliminary work for their Power Quest and need to use that night to complete it. The invitation is to extend the Quest into a full day, or even to a several days journey, if you have the time. Doing a longer Power Quest is incredibly rewarding and opens powerful clarity of experience.


So, the first step in the Group Power Quest, of course, is for each of you to research within for the Purpose that will drive your efforts on this Quest and focus your power towards working miracles in your life. I think some people thought we would all focus on the same Purpose, and that might be useful if we were all together and seeking a united effort to some Purpose. However, we are scattered but united in our desire and efforts to manifest the Vision that most deeply stirs our spiritual heart, those that give us a “purpose beyond self”, those that might awaken the hearts of others out of their fear and darkness into a greater purpose and joy in life.


 I invite each of you to feel deeply into your hearts for your essential yearning for purposeful action and to express that with a clear and specifically defined Purpose and clarity. This can be a new Purpose or one that will further your creative action to manifest your Vision, already begun. Remember, the Power Quest is about action and miracles, it is about making a difference, it is about fulfilling your deepest spiritual yearnings. Reach deeply and boldly for your core truth! And define it with as much specificity as you can. And manifest it!


 Then we must challenge it! We challenge the Purpose by checking it with our Commitment and with our Faith and Belief to see if we are still aligned or if there is a need for a modification. We check it through with the world of spirit, seeking any help they can offer through their challenges to our Purpose, Commitment, or Faith, or our courage. You all know the process.


 These are the steps we need to take to walk into the Power Quest, ready to drop it all into the infinite potential of consciousness, to create a channel from that pure potential, through our vehicle, into the world. I recommend you begin that process now and continue it until you reach clarity. Then, at dusk on the 1st, go into the first chamber of your Power Quest site and redo it all to be sure it is still accurate and true. Then as darkness enfolds your site, step into the Power Quest site and begin your dance with eternity and continue until you are done.


 I also suggest that when you have received your confirmation that it is done, you simply switch to the Silence Quest and anchor yourself firmly to the silence to “seat” your efforts. Stay as long as you can, until dawn or beyond if possible. Keep the dance between your physical self and eternity going until you can stay in the silence without coming out. If you have not had the Silence Quest, simply stay in the silence your Quest created for awhile and feel into all that happened until you feel complete. If you need more time, and have it, simply continue until you are done.


 For those of you Questing in a group, you might consider whether there is a common Vision you seek to enact. If so, your Purpose could have a common theme, however there is no need for that. Each can find his/her own Purpose and the rest of us will support the efforts of everyone to stay strong and focused through the night by our own strength and focus! Each of us may not see any other quester but we can feel and be inspired by the power of their commitment and their faith as they work the Quest.


 Now, with the change in the format, it won’t be possible for me to talk to the entire group early on the 1st. So I am going to offer two phone calls next week so anyone with any questions can call in for clarity—or for inspiration--but there is no need to call if you are clear on the process.


 The first call will be at 5 PM EST, on Wed, June 27th; and the second call will be on Thursday, June 28th at 6 PM EST. The calls will be as long as you need them to be, so bring your questions clearly in mind (perhaps written down). I am going to use my conference call service so each of you should call into 218-339-7800 and enter pin # 9618995 when prompted. There is a way to call in using Skype, and some other alternatives as well, that shouldn’t cost much.

第一次線上通話時間是6月27日星期三下午五點(台灣時間28日清晨5點),第二次線上通話時間是6月28 日星期四下午六點(台灣時間29日清晨6點)。通話時間長度需要多久,就會進行多久,所以請你想清楚你的問題(也許寫下來更好)。我會使用我的線上會議通話服務,因此,你需要撥打 ********,然後輸入 ******** 。你可以使用Skype 及其他不花錢的方案(hangouts dialer,如果你有google帳號的話)。

 I will be in the woods shortly until the 1st, but will try to get on email once a day in case you have any questions and cannot make any of the call times. I will try to answer your questions. If you know someone who wants to do this Power Quest but hasn’t applied, share this email with them as I might not be able to get it to them in a timely way.


 I am very excited about this Quest and excited to participate with you. I would love to hear of your experiences of the Quest and its results in your life if you have the time and inclination. But most of all I am so pleased to be joining you in this Quest. Be steady, stay strong, and know that we are all out there with you, supporting you, as we feel your support of us. Let’s plant the seeds of miracles and then bring those miracles into demonstration for a thirsty world in great need.



All Blessings in the Silence


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