總是很難拿捏英文Email的開頭嗎?讓工作坊給你 5 個萬用句 !
在商業溝通中,一封郵件的開頭至關重要,它可以瞬間影響收件者對你的印象。不用擔心!工作坊特別整理了5 大公式,幫助你克服這個困擾 !
“I hope this email finds you well”
- 公式 : I hope this email finds you well. +「進入正題」
- 適用情境 : 這個開頭問候幾乎適用於任何情境!儘管有時被認為過於老套或制式,但對於英文郵件的新手來說,這個用法絕對是一個適合的起手式!
- 實例 :
Dear Mr. Hank,
「I hope this email finds you well.」
Attached to this email is the requested document outlining our proposed project timeline.
Please review the document and let me know if you have any questions or require further information.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
“I hope you are having a productive week”
- 公式 : I hope you are having a productive week.+「進入正題」
- 適用情境 : 當你與工作夥伴或客戶在一個重要專案中緊密合作時,這個開頭問候絕對是很好的選擇。除了展示對他們工作的關注,更能體現你對合作的重視。這句話將為你的郵件開啟一個積極而溫暖的氛圍,促使對方願意分享進度或執行狀況的信息 !
- 實例 :
Hello Peggy,
「I hope you are having a productive week. 」
Just wanted to follow up on the report you were working on.
Please let me know if you need any additional information or support."
“It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance”
- 公式 : It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. +「簡單的問候」+「進入正題」
- 適用情境 : 當你第一次與對方連繫或接觸,尤其是為了即將開啟的合作與談話。
- 實例 :
Dear Ms. Sarah,
「It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.」 I hope you are doing well.
I recently came across your profile on LinkedIn, and I was impressed by your expertise in advertising. As someone who is passionate about the field, I wanted to reach out and connect with like-minded professionals.
“It's been a while since our last conversation”
- 公式 : It's been a while since our last conversation. +「簡單的問候」+「進入正題」
- 適用情境 : 如果你已經有段時間沒有與客戶或合作對象聯繫了,這個開頭可以為郵件增添一絲熟悉的親近感,更進一步展現你對他們的關注與重視 !
- 實例 :
Dear Nick,
「It's been a while since our last conversation」. I hope this email finds you well and that you have been making progress on your projects.
I wanted to reconnect to discuss a potential collaboration opportunity that I believe aligns well with both our organizations' goals and values.
“I know you're swamped, so I'll be brief”
- 公式 : I know you're swamped with 「對方正在忙的事」 , so I'll be brief. +「進入正題」
- 適用情境 : 當你與客戶建立了穩定的合作關係,而且你希望重點式與對方進行對話時,這句開頭絕對是一個適合的選擇 ! 除了簡潔明瞭,讓對方迅速理解你的對話目的外,更能讓對方感受到你對他們時間的尊重 !
- 實例 :
Dear David,
I hope this email finds you well. 「I know you're swamped with your current projects, so I'll be brief.」
I wanted to update you on the progress of our latest initiative.
學習了以上 5 種商務用法後,我們離英文再更近了一步 ! 有任何疑問,直接告訴我們,讓工作坊和你一起解決 !
最後,追蹤我們,和工作坊一起學習英文吧 !