Nvidia(輝達)創辦人及執行長在今年台大畢業典禮的演講,引起天龍國大眾熱烈討論, Artificial Intelligence(人工智慧,簡稱為AI)將如何衝擊我們未來的生活及就業市場?
碰巧在CNN商業新聞網站讀到這篇文章,文章中提到因AI榮景帶來的科技股(technology stocks)大漲(20% surge),讓美國股市正式告別「熊市」(bear market),跨過「牛市」(bull market)門檻(threshold)。
The AI boom has fueled interest in tech stocks, which dominate the S&P 500. After a horrible year for Big Tech, optimism has returned as ChatGPT has made AI the it-thing in Silicon Valley. Investors are placing big bets on Google, Meta, Apple, Amazon, Nvidia and others, hoping they can drive a new tech revolution with artificial intelligence.
(AI繁榮助長了對科技股的興趣,這些股票佔據了S&P 500的主導地位。在經歷了一年的低迷,ChatGPT再次引起了樂觀情緒,使得人工智能成為了矽谷的熱門話題。投資者們紛紛押注於Google、Meta、蘋果、亞馬遜、輝達,希望科技大公司能夠以AI推動一場新的科技革命。)