Group Dynamics / 群體動力學

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Group Dynamics / 群體動力學

Group dynamics refers to the interactions and behaviors that occur among individuals when they come together to form a group. It encompasses both psychological and social phenomena, such as communication patterns, roles, norms, and decision-making processes. Understanding group dynamics is critical in various settings, from organizational behavior to social psychology, as it influences productivity, creativity, and social cohesion. The theory and research on group dynamics have evolved over time and have been influenced by various psychological theories and models, including social identity theory, social influence theories, and systems theory.

Key Concepts in Group Dynamics / 群體動力學的關鍵概念

  1. Roles / 角色: Members within a group often take on specific roles, such as a leader, follower, or mediator. These roles can be formally assigned or naturally assumed and can evolve over time.
  2. Norms / 規範: Norms refer to the implicit or explicit rules that govern acceptable behavior within the group. These norms help maintain stability but can sometimes lead to conformity pressures.
  3. Cohesion / 凝聚力: Cohesion is the sense of belonging and unity among group members. High levels of cohesion can improve productivity but may also result in groupthink, a phenomenon where the desire for unanimity overrides the consideration of alternative perspectives.
  4. Conflict / 衝突: Conflicts often arise due to differences in opinions, values, or interests among group members. Conflict can be destructive but also can be constructive if managed effectively.
  5. Communication / 溝通: Effective communication is essential for group functioning. Communication patterns such as who speaks to whom, how often, and in what manner can significantly impact group outcomes.
  6. Decision-making / 決策過程: Group decision-making processes can include consensus building, voting, or delegation to an authority figure. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages.

Applications / 應用

Group dynamics principles are widely applied in organizational behavior, team building, educational settings, and even in therapeutic group interventions. Understanding group dynamics can provide insights into managing teams, fostering creativity, and encouraging positive social interactions (Levi, 2016; Forsyth, 2018).
群體動力學的原則廣泛應用於組織行為、團隊建設、教育設置,甚至在治療性群體干預中也有應用。理解群體動力學可以提供管理團隊、培養創造力和鼓勵積極社交互動的洞察力(Levi, 2016; Forsyth, 2018)。

References / 參考文獻

Forsyth, D. R. (2018). Group Dynamics (7th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Levi, D. (2016). Group Dynamics for Teams (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.

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