Andragogy: Six Assumptions by Malcolm Knowles

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Andragogy: Six Assumptions by Malcolm Knowles

English / 英文

Malcolm Knowles, a leading figure in adult education, identified six core assumptions of andragogy, which differentiate adult learning from pedagogy, the traditional model of child learning. These assumptions are:

  1. Self-Concept: As adults mature, they increasingly see themselves as self-directed.
  2. Experience: Adults have rich experiences that they bring to the learning environment.
  3. Readiness to Learn: Adults are more ready to learn things they feel they need to know.
  4. Orientation to Learning: Adults are motivated to learn to the extent that they perceive that it will help them perform tasks or solve problems in their life.
  5. Motivation: While adults respond to external motivators, they are mostly driven by internal factors.
  6. Need to Know: Adults need to know the reason for learning something before undertaking the learning process.

Traditional Chinese / 繁體中文

成人教育的領軍人物Malcolm Knowles確定了六個andragogy(成人教育)的核心假設,這些假設區分了成人學習與兒童學習的傳統模型(pedagogy)。這些假設包括:

  1. 自我概念: 隨著成年人變得成熟,他們越來越將自己視為自主的。
  2. 經驗: 成年人有豐富的經驗,他們將這些經驗帶到學習環境中。
  3. 學習準備度: 成年人更願意學習他們覺得需要知道的事情。
  4. 學習導向: 成年人受到在其生活中有助於執行任務或解決問題的學習的激勵。
  5. 動機: 雖然成年人會對外部激勵因素作出反應,但他們主要是由內部因素驅動的。
  6. 需要知道: 在進行學習過程之前,成年人需要知道學習某件事的原因。

References / 參考文獻

  • Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2015). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (8th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
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