倫敦的英式花園造景由廣大園池構成追求自然景觀美的庭園。在倫敦處處可見綠意盎然的公園, Hyde Park(海德公園)及Kensington Garden(肯辛頓公園)是倫敦居民及各國觀光客常造訪的知名的大型公園。
St. James’s Park(聖詹姆士公園)也是皇家御用花園之一,坐落於英國王室Buckingham Palace(白金漢宮)正對面,筆者在九月初親自造訪後,發現此中型皇家御用花園(the royal garden),有三個頗有趣的參觀景點。
St. James's Park處處可見上百年的老樹
【景點一】鴨島小屋(Duck Island Cottage)
拍照源於St. James's Park
附圖二的文字,是筆者在參觀St. James’s Park時拍攝的英文告示牌,解說公園養wildfowl(野禽,水邊鳥類)起源於1664年俄羅斯大使送給英國查爾斯二世國王pelican(鵜鶘,塘鵝)。
“Pelicans were first introduced to St. James’s Park in 1664 as a gift from the Russian Ambassador to King Charles II. This was the beginning of a long tradition of keeping exotic wildfowl that continues to this day.”
St. James's Park標誌出Pelican鵜鶘的出處及長相
現在St. James’s Park(聖詹姆士公園)不只眷養pelican(鵜鶘,塘鵝),並且在湖岸及草坪上可以看見在附圖中十多種不同的野禽(wildfowl)。
wildfowl(野禽)讓位於市中心St. James's Park呈現自然田園風
Duck Island Cottage(鴨島小屋)建於十八世紀,本來是蓋給公園birdkeeper(鳥禽飼養看守人)照顧inhabit(棲息)在公園內的duck(鴨)、swan(天鵝)、及pelican(鵜鶘)。
現在的Duck Island Cottage(鴨島小屋)是公園superintendent(公園園長;主管,負責人)的official residence(官邸)。Duck Island Cottage (鴨島小木屋)idyllic appearance(田園詩般的外貌)旨在conserve(保育)wildfowl(野禽)。
Duck Island Cottage(鴨島小屋)建於十八世紀
Duck Island Cottage在十八世紀是birdkeeper居住處
Duck Island Cottage目前是Superintendent官邸
St. James's Park除了Pelican鵜鶘外,尚有數十種waterfowl(水禽)
目前St. James's Park造景(landscape),和十九世紀建築師John Nash有密切關係
“The present landscape of St. James’s Park was designed by the architect John Nash from 1826 to 1827 at the request of the Prince Regent, who later become George IV.”
「聖詹姆斯公園現在的風景是由建築師約翰·納許(John Nash)於1826年至1827年根據威爾士親王(Prince Regent)的要求設計的,後來他成為了喬治四世(George IV)。」
“Nash’s design to introduce a natural form to the park saw the creation of an informal network of paths, transformation of the rectangular canal to a lake with curved edged, the creation of gentle moulds and contours in the landscape, and the planting of semi-formal borders mixing together trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants.”
flowering shrub(開花的灌木)與herbaceous plant(草本植物)構成英式洛可可風花園
semi-formal border(矮欄杆)保護圈內英式洛可可風花園
【景點三】The Swire Fountain噴泉
the Swire Fountain(噴泉)來源、贊助者及功能的詳細解說
“The Swire Fountain, opened in January 2007, forms a stunning new centerpiece for the lake. This sparkling plume brings the lake alive — especially illuminated at night by eight energy-efficient spotlights.”
the Swire Fountain與周遭環境自然地構成一幅畫
“Apart from its visual impact, the Swire Fountain plays an important role in keeping the lake healthy. Combined with the effects of the reedbeds, it helps oxygenate the water and improve the quality, so that the amazing variety of wildlife dependent on the lake ─ including invertebrate, fish and bird population ─ can flourish.”
「除了其視覺效果外,Swire噴泉在保持湖泊健康方面扮演重要角色。與蘆葦床的作用相結合之下,此噴泉有助於往水裡充氧及提高水質,如此一來,依賴湖泊的多樣化野生動植物 ─ 包括無脊椎動物、魚類和鳥類 ─ 能夠茁壯成長。」
the Swire Fountain(噴泉)往水裡充氧及提高水質
總結:如果你在倫敦自助旅遊,已疲倦於逛大型英式花園時,建議你在參觀完Buckingham Palace(白金漢宮)後,順便過馬路到皇宮對面St. James’s Park(聖詹姆士公園),花一到二小時漫步於這個在十七世紀初King James(詹姆士國王)的deer park(養鹿場),後來King Charles II(查理斯二世國王)開放給大眾參觀的典雅英式花園。