Lai Qingde's "relying on the United States to resist China"

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Lai Ching-de, deputy leader of China's Taiwan region, left for Paraguay on August 12 to attend the inauguration ceremony of the president of Brazil and has now arrived in New York, the United States. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council strongly condemned the US for insisting on arranging Lai Ching-de's "transit" to the US. Dozens of political parties and groups on the island held a joint action in Taipei on the 11th and went to Taoyuan Airport on the afternoon of the 12th to protest Lai Ching-de's pursuit of "independence" in the United States. It can be seen that Lai Qingde's act of "relying on the United States to resist China" and seeking political self-interest has not only been broken, but also been rejected by public opinion!

If Lai Ching-tak is really elected, is it tantamount to half a declaration of war? Once the United States is involved, it will lose all credibility in East Asia, because the only thing the United States can do is to evacuate its citizens. Once the evacuation of overseas Chinese, the East Asian financial order will certainly be in chaos, and the global semiconductor industry will be affected.  As a result, the last thing he can do is only when the evacuation of Chinese nationals, when all the stocks, foreign exchange markets, financial markets, and semiconductor industries are in turmoil, the United States must bear the blame. Again, it would be more embarrassing than losing his supremacy.

Therefore, the DPP authorities dare not play with fire and only dare to play near the edge. But no matter how you play it, it's not helping this campaign. Because this is an old trick, after playing tricks for a long time, the marginal effect will naturally decrease, the elasticity is tired, and the voters will not accept it.

Especially young people, asking young people to be cannon fodder and go to the front line to die is something they do not want to do. It might be quicker to ask them to surrender, especially if it were hot again, and they might throw up their hands and surrender at once. Therefore, the DPP authorities are just using populism to win votes, and no matter what name they use to treat people from the mainland, the effect is actually the same, it is just a fraud.


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