使用 Graviton Porting Advisor 來遷移到 AWS Graviton

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可以分析源代碼並檢查在遷移到 AWS Graviton 時需要更改的過時運行library

優化 aws 成本的方法之一是遷移到並採用具有高性價比的AWS Graviton

推薦使用AWS Graviton,從可持續性的角度來看,它有很好的表現


  • 不適用於所有操作系統和實例類型
  • 由於處理器設計和正在運行的應用程序規範,可能無法實現預期性能


因此,在 GitHub 上發布了遷移指南



在上面的文章中,介紹了Graviton 的 Porting Advisor 作為一種工具來幫助分析和更改工作負載中的軟體




  • Python 3+
    • Python version
    • PIP version
    • Dependency versions in requirements.txt file
  • Java 8+
    • Java version
    • Dependency versions in pom.xml file
    • JAR scanning for native method calls (requires JAVA to be installed)
  • Go 1.11+
    • Go version
    • Dependency versions on go.mod file
  • C, C++, Fortran
    • Inline assembly with no corresponding aarch64 inline assembly.
    • Assembly source files with no corresponding aarch64 assembly source files.
    • Missing aarch64 architecture detection in autoconf config.guess scripts.
    • Linking against libraries that are not available on the aarch64 architecture.
    • Use of architecture specific intrinsic.
    • Preprocessor errors that trigger when compiling on aarch64.
    • Use of old Visual C++ runtime (Windows specific).
    • The following types of issues are detected, but not reported by default:
      • Compiler specific code guarded by compiler specific pre-defined macros.
    • The following types of cross-compile specific issues are detected, but not reported by default.
      • Architecture detection that depends on the host rather than the target.
      • Use of build artifacts in the build process.


  • Python 3.10 or above (with PIP3 and venv module installed).
  • (Optionally) Open JDK 17 (or above) and Maven 3.5 (or above) if you want to scan JAR files for native methods.


#  python3 --version
Python 3.10.6


root@ip-10-0-5-161:~# git clone https://github.com/aws/porting-advisor-for-graviton.git
Cloning into 'porting-advisor-for-graviton'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 333, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (333/333), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (206/206), done.
remote: Total 333 (delta 102), reused 302 (delta 87), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (333/333), 144.62 KiB | 3.71 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (102/102), done.
root@ip-10-0-5-161:~# ls


root@ip-10-0-5-161:~# python3 -m venv .venv
root@ip-10-0-5-161:~# source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~#


(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~# cd porting-advisor-for-graviton
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Collecting altgraph==0.17.2
Downloading altgraph-0.17.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (21 kB)
Collecting Jinja2==3.1.2
Downloading Jinja2-3.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (133 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 133.1/133.1 KB 4.5 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting MarkupSafe==2.1.1
Downloading MarkupSafe-2.1.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (25 kB)
Collecting packaging==21.3
Downloading packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl (40 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 40.8/40.8 KB 7.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting progressbar33==2.4
Downloading progressbar33-2.4.tar.gz (10 kB)
Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done
Collecting pyparsing==3.0.9
Downloading pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl (98 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 98.3/98.3 KB 20.3 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Collecting XlsxWriter==3.0.3
Downloading XlsxWriter-3.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (149 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 150.0/150.0 KB 10.8 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for progressbar33, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Installing collected packages: progressbar33, altgraph, XlsxWriter, pyparsing, MarkupSafe, packaging, Jinja2
Running setup.py install for progressbar33 ... done
Successfully installed Jinja2-3.1.2 MarkupSafe-2.1.1 XlsxWriter-3.0.3 altgraph-0.17.2 packaging-21.3 progressbar33-2.4 pyparsing-3.0.9
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#


root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# ls sample-projects/
dotnet-samples go-samples java-samples node-samples python-samples ruby-samples


(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# python3 src/porting-advisor.py sample-projects/python-samples
| Elapsed Time: 0:00:03

Porting Advisor for Graviton v1.0.0
Report date: 2023-03-02 07:06:27

4 files scanned.
detected python code. if you need pip, version 19.3 or above is recommended. we detected that you have version 22.0.2.
detected python code. min version 3.7.5 is required. we detected that you have version 3.10.6. see https://github.com/aws/aws-graviton-getting-started/blob/main/python.md for mo
re details.
sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:3: using dependency library openblas version 0.3.16. upgrade to at least version 0.3.17
sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:5: dependency library numpy is present. min version 1.19.0 is required.

Report generated successfully. Hint: you can use --output FILENAME.html to generate an HTML report.
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#


  • openblas
  • numpy
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# cat sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt
# Porting Advisor for Graviton test file

FakeDependency>=1.2.3(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#

產生報告 html、json、csv、txt

(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# python3 src/porting-advisor.py sample-projects/python-samples --output report.html
| Elapsed Time: 0:00:03

Porting Advisor for Graviton v1.0.0
Report date: 2023-03-02 07:10:38

Report saved at: report.html
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# python3 src/porting-advisor.py sample-projects/python-samples --output report.json
| Elapsed Time: 0:00:03

Porting Advisor for Graviton v1.0.0
Report date: 2023-03-02 07:11:17

Report saved at: report.json
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# python3 src/porting-advisor.py sample-projects/python-samples --output report.csv
| Elapsed Time: 0:00:03

Porting Advisor for Graviton v1.0.0
Report date: 2023-03-02 07:11:27

Report saved at: report.csv
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# python3 src/porting-advisor.py sample-projects/python-samples --output report.txt
| Elapsed Time: 0:00:02

Porting Advisor for Graviton v1.0.0
Report date: 2023-03-02 07:11:35

Report saved at: report.txt
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton# ls report.*
report.csv report.html report.json report.txt
(.venv) root@ip-10-0-5-161:~/porting-advisor-for-graviton#


"errors": [],
"issue_types": "-CompilerSpecific,-CrossCompile,-NoEquivalent",
"issues": [
"DependencyVersionIssue: sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:3: using dependency library openblas version 0.3.16. upgrade to at least version 0.
"open_text_mode": "w",
"ported_inline_asm": 0,
"remarks": [
"LanguageVersionRemark: detected python code. min version 3.7.5 is required. we detected that you have version 3.10.6. see https://github.com/aws/aws-graviton-getting-st
arted/blob/main/python.md for more details.",
"ToolVersionRemark: detected python code. if you need pip, version 19.3 or above is recommended. we detected that you have version 22.0.2.",
"DependencyVersionRemark: sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:5: dependency library numpy is present. min version 1.19.0 is required."
"root_directory": "sample-projects/python-samples",
"self_process": false,
"send_filename": false,
"source_dirs": [
"source_files": [
"target_os": "linux"


4 files scanned.
detected python code. if you need pip, version 19.3 or above is recommended. we detected that you have version 22.0.2.
detected python code. min version 3.7.5 is required. we detected that you have version 3.10.6. see https://github.com/aws/aws-graviton-getting-started/blob/main/python.md for more details.
sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:3: using dependency library openblas version 0.3.16. upgrade to at least version 0.3.17
sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:5: dependency library numpy is present. min version 1.19.0 is required.




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文/Ming Reserved Instance (RI) 相比較On-demand Instance,預留實例能夠節省高達 72% 的成本。你只需提交特定的Instance配置、Instance類型和可以是1年或3年的持續時間。 非常適合持續的工作負載,例如EC2、RDS、Elaticach
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“所有人寫的程式會變成指令 每一道指令是由CPU執行 而CPU所能理解的指令類型有限”
在讀取檔案時,最怕路徑的問題,常常會有路徑錯誤造成的異常報錯。 為了避免諸如此類的問題發生,明白程式的當前目錄與檔案的路徑是很重要的。 可以利用os 模組是 Python 中的一個標準庫,提供了許多與操作系統的功能。 以下是一些常用的 os 模組基本操作及其範例: 1. os.getcwd
對 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 證照考試難度的看法、學習方法和考試內容的介紹。
實踐AWS中使用Lambda來負責登入簽核及與OpenAI API溝通,並利用S3容器託管一個靜態網頁做為前端
在Python中,import是一個關鍵字,用於將其他模組或套件中的程式碼引入到當前的程式中以供使用。 這個關鍵字允許你在你的程式中使用其他地方定義的變數、函式和類等。 當你使用import時,Python會搜索指定模組或套件的位置,並將其中的程式碼載入到你的程式中,這樣你就可以在程式中使用它們
當我們在撰寫一套系統的時候, 總是會提供一個介面讓使用者來觸發功能模組並回傳使用者所需的請求, 而傳統的安裝包模式總是太侷限, 需要個別主機獨立安裝, 相當繁瑣, 但隨著時代的演進與互聯網的崛起, 大部分的工作都可以藉由網頁端、裝置端來觸發, 而伺服端則是負責接收指令、運算與回傳結果, 雲端
在沒有分環境之前,每一隻lambda只有一個code console給所有人一起編輯,開發好了就deploy,根據設定的trigger觸發執行。 現在我們希望能夠在code console開發,然後deploy到不同的stage,目標是不同stage的api gateway能夠調用該lambda的
“所有人寫的程式會變成指令 每一道指令是由CPU執行 而CPU所能理解的指令類型有限”
在讀取檔案時,最怕路徑的問題,常常會有路徑錯誤造成的異常報錯。 為了避免諸如此類的問題發生,明白程式的當前目錄與檔案的路徑是很重要的。 可以利用os 模組是 Python 中的一個標準庫,提供了許多與操作系統的功能。 以下是一些常用的 os 模組基本操作及其範例: 1. os.getcwd
對 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 證照考試難度的看法、學習方法和考試內容的介紹。
實踐AWS中使用Lambda來負責登入簽核及與OpenAI API溝通,並利用S3容器託管一個靜態網頁做為前端
在Python中,import是一個關鍵字,用於將其他模組或套件中的程式碼引入到當前的程式中以供使用。 這個關鍵字允許你在你的程式中使用其他地方定義的變數、函式和類等。 當你使用import時,Python會搜索指定模組或套件的位置,並將其中的程式碼載入到你的程式中,這樣你就可以在程式中使用它們
當我們在撰寫一套系統的時候, 總是會提供一個介面讓使用者來觸發功能模組並回傳使用者所需的請求, 而傳統的安裝包模式總是太侷限, 需要個別主機獨立安裝, 相當繁瑣, 但隨著時代的演進與互聯網的崛起, 大部分的工作都可以藉由網頁端、裝置端來觸發, 而伺服端則是負責接收指令、運算與回傳結果, 雲端
在沒有分環境之前,每一隻lambda只有一個code console給所有人一起編輯,開發好了就deploy,根據設定的trigger觸發執行。 現在我們希望能夠在code console開發,然後deploy到不同的stage,目標是不同stage的api gateway能夠調用該lambda的