A: Did you hear about the electronic columbarium they're building for Qingming Festival this year?(你聽說今年清明節他們要建造電子靈骨塔的事情了嗎?)
B: Yes, I heard about it. It's a modern alternative to traditional graves on the hillside.
A: Exactly. It's more space-efficient and environmentally friendly.
B: But I wonder if it will still feel as meaningful as visiting a physical grave.
A: That's a valid point. I think the sentiment remains the same.
How might electronic columbariums affect Qingming Festival?
a) Change traditional rituals.
b) Affect respect for ancestors.
c) No effect.
d) Replace Qingming Festival.
Tomb sweeping [tuːm swiːpɪŋ] - 掃墓
- During Qingming Festival, families visit the graves of their ancestors for tomb sweeping. (在清明節期間,家庭會前往祖先的墳墓進行掃墓。)
Ancestor worship [ˈænsɛstər ˈwɜrʃɪp] - 祭祖
- Ancestor worship is an important tradition during Qingming Festival, where families pay respects to their ancestors. (祭祖是清明節期間的重要傳統,家庭向祖先致敬。)
Grave [ɡreɪv] - 墳墓
- They decorated the graves with flowers and offered food as a sign of respect during Qingming Festival. (他們在清明節期間用花朵裝飾墳墓,並供奉食物以示尊敬。)
Offering [ˈɔfərɪŋ] - 祭品
- Traditional offerings such as fruit and wine are placed at the graves during Qingming Festival. (在清明節期間,會在墳墓上放置水果和酒等傳統祭品。)
Incense [ˈɪnsɛns] - 香火
- People light incense at the graves to honor their ancestors during Qingming Festival. (在清明節期間,人們在墳墓上點燃香火,以表達對祖先的尊敬。)
Mourning [ˈmɔrnɪŋ] - 哀悼
- Is a time for mourning and remembering loved ones who have passed away. (是一個哀悼和紀念逝去親人的時刻。)
Traditional [trəˈdɪʃənl] - 傳統的
- Families often observe traditional customs and rituals during Qingming Festival. (清明節期間,家庭通常遵循傳統的習俗和儀式。)
Remembrance [rɪˈmɛmbrəns] - 緬懷
- Is a time for remembrance, where families gather to honor the memories of their ancestors. (是一個緬懷的時刻,家庭聚集在一起,紀念他們祖先的回憶。)
解答:b) Affect respect for ancestors.
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