He will leaf through old books
Where I have written silly things.
FM2 & FLIM shot by Emma @花蓮 @ 台灣。2012.
They become part of you. 他們是你的一部分
They take you for themselves. 他們把你當作自己。
I have watched them in the city. 我看見他們在城裡。
They stack themselves up 靠牆擠在一起
Against the walls like chairs. 好似成排的椅子。
They always seem to be waiting 他們似乎總是
For something to happen. 在等待著什麼事發生。
It never dose. 卻什麼也沒發生。
Or if it does I’m never there 或者即使發生,而我缺席。
I do not trust them. 我不相信他們。
They aren’t satisfied with death. 他們不滿意死亡。
They keep on coming back. 他們不斷地回歸。
Someone old will be inside your flesh 一位老人會在你的體內
Not long from now 離現在不遠。
Taking you over completely 他逐漸把你取代
Going about your business 掌管妳的事物
Sleeping with your wife. 與你的妻子同眠。
I know the one who wants me. 我認識要接替我的那位。
Sometimes I think I know thoughts. 有時我瞭解他的思想。
He will know me very well, 他也對我瞭若指掌,
But still we won’t get on. 但我們依然不會和睦相處。
He will walk for miles 他將走很遠的路,
Just thinking of me. 心裡惦記著我。
It will be very much like love. 這很像愛情。
He will leaf through old books 他會翻閱舊書本,裡面記著
Where I have written silly things. 我寫的一些蠢事。
He will search out photograph albums 他會翻出相本,
And stare at pictures of me, 凝視我帶有膠水味的
Adjusting old white corners 泛黃照片
Smelling the gum. 並抹平捲角。
Poetry wrote by Kevin Hart, translation by 張少揚
摘自 《澳洲當代詩選,英漢對照 》