Vital Pulp Therpy在irreverible pulpitis案例的應用

2024/04/07閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

撰文者: P.Y. Jeng 鄭博元醫師

Vital pulp therapy (VPT, 活髓治療) 包含indirect/pulp capping, partial pulpotomy跟full pulpotomy。傳統上,VPT主要應用在reversible pulpitis的牙齒,目的是要保留牙髓活性,讓尚未發育完全的牙根繼續生長。不過近幾年,有許多文獻指出,其實irreversible pulpitis的牙齒進行pulpotomy之後也有很高的成功率。這樣的科學進展逐漸顛覆了許多臨床醫師傳統的觀念。

不過pulpotomy到底要移除多少pulp tissue,還是有許多爭議。有些醫師說要慢慢移除上方的牙髓組織,觀察牙髓出血的狀況、顏色、與質地。也有一些人認為移除2-3mm即可,有些人覺得要拿到orifice。

近期IEJ (2023)就發表了一篇randomized controlled trial,針對成年病人class I caries有ireversible pulpitis的第一大臼齒去做partial (PP) 或full pulpotomy (FP),後續以NaOCl消毒,並補上biodentin,追蹤一年觀察牙髓的活性。


這篇study原先有71位受試者,不過4位病人因為牙髓發炎太嚴重、無法止血,而exclude掉。另外15位被exclude掉的病人是有partial或complete necrosis的跡象。因此只剩50位病人進行randomization,後續又一位病人lost follow-up,因此只有49位病人進行分析。

一年的追蹤顯示,PP有88% (22/25)的成功率,FP 91.6% (22/24),兩者之前沒有統計上的顯著差異 (p = 0.979, log-rank test)。失敗的5位病人,有2位在治療後半年內出現疼痛的症狀,可能是術前的diagnosis沒有做好、低估了pulp inflammation的程度。2位病人是填補物斷裂。1位病人是發生牙齒裂掉。

Conclusion: 有extreme deep caries的恆牙,即便出現irreversible pulpitis,執行VPT依然有很高的成功率。不過術前、術中還是要謹慎評估牙齒發炎的程度,必要時還是需根管治療的介入。

Vital pulp therapy (VPT) was conventionally used in immature permanent teeth, so as to preserve pulp vitality and allow apexogenesis. Recent researches reveal that VPT is also a feasible option in decayed mature permanent teeth even with s/s of irreversible pulpitis. This RCT done by Jassal et al (2023), which was published in International Endodontic Journal, showed us excellent clinical results 1 year after partial and full pulpotomy. With a careful preoperative and intraoperative assessment, and delicate treatment, the vitality of the pulp could be maintained and root canal treatment could be avoided.

Enjoy your read!


Jassal A, Nawal RR, Yadav S, Talwar S, Yadav S, Duncan HF. Outcome of partial and full pulpotomy in cariously exposed mature molars with symptoms indicative of irreversible pulpitis: A randomized controlled trial. Int Endod J. 2023 Mar;56(3):331–344. doi: 10.1111/iej.13872. Epub 2022 Dec 4. PMID: 36403208.

(DOI: 10.1111/iej.13872)
