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Dear Anna

It must have been terrible for you all I know before I was married but engaged to Ray we lived in South Australia and we had an earthquake late one night I can remember looking out of my bedroom window at the telegraph pole in the street swaying and our house trembling but nothing to what you have all endured. Immediately we saw the devastation on the TV I had to write to Mother to see if you were all ok. Happily, you all are but I feel that having the after shocks all the time must still be frightening for everyone especially those that were in buildings that were destroyed or damaged. We are so proud of what you have achieved in becoming a teacher at a Special Education college. You were always a very caring young lady so we were not surprised at your achievement. I will write to my mother after I send this. You are all like family to us even though we have never had the opportunity to meet your father only seen him in photos he is included in our thoughts. Stay safe and look after yourself Love Lorraine and Ray進入你傳送了Dear Skyler Congratulations to in on all you have achieved and that you get your Master's. We were worried for you all when our TV showed how terrible the earthquake was and how much damage and loss of life it caused. I’m glad that your home is safe and the only thing to be fixed. Fixing things is not a worry it’s only material things as long as you are safe and sound. Thank you for writing to us as we care a lot about you all. Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxxx


Dear Skyler Congratulations on all you have achieved and that you get your Masters. We were worried for you all when our TV showed how terrible the earthquake was and how much damage and loss of life it caused. I’m glad that your home is safe and the only thing to be fixed. Fixing things is not a worry it’s only material things as long as you are safe and sound. Thank you for writing to us as we care a lot about you all. Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxxx


Dear Sabrina How lovely for you, Anna, and Skyler to write to us. We were very distressed when we saw the devastation on TV and our first thoughts were for you all and your safety. We were happy that your only damage was of material things not of lives. We pray for all those families that have lost loved ones and their homes they will never be able to get over it. We are proud to hear of all Anna’s, Skylers, and your achievements but you say you have now graduated but you didn’t say what you had graduated in. Your mother and father must be extremely proud of what the 3 of you have done but we are not surprised knowing how educated your parents are. Stay safe Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxxx



大女兒寫給Lorraine的信 Dear Ray and Lorraine, this is Anna, we were having a meeting at school when the earthquake happened, fortunately, there was no dam
接著又立刻收到Lorraine的回信 Dear Grace How lovely it was to read the messages from Anna, Skyler, and Sabrina.    I should not be surprised because we know how
Lorraine 於 2024年4月4日 清晨7:07 寫道: Thank you for letting us know and I’m sorry that you have had damage but wonderful that you are well.   What about t
Dear Grace Are you all alright with this terrible earthquake? Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxx We’re safe and sound. Some souvenirs bought from diff
大女兒寫給Lorraine的信 Dear Ray and Lorraine, this is Anna, we were having a meeting at school when the earthquake happened, fortunately, there was no dam
接著又立刻收到Lorraine的回信 Dear Grace How lovely it was to read the messages from Anna, Skyler, and Sabrina.    I should not be surprised because we know how
Lorraine 於 2024年4月4日 清晨7:07 寫道: Thank you for letting us know and I’m sorry that you have had damage but wonderful that you are well.   What about t
Dear Grace Are you all alright with this terrible earthquake? Love Lorraine and Ray xxxxx We’re safe and sound. Some souvenirs bought from diff
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在我國小即將畢業前, 我們家發生了一件看似不大, 卻影響深遠的事。
我第一次見到這位老媽媽時,心中滿是酸澀。她住在那破舊鐵皮屋加蓋的頂樓,周圍的環境雜亂而破敗。   我輕輕敲了敲門,走進那間屋子,裡面堆滿了她兒子的衣物,仿佛每一件都承載著她無盡的思念。她就那樣靜靜地守著,眼神中透露出一種執著和迷茫。   我輕聲對她說:“阿姨,您別太難過了,您也要照顧好自己呀
1999年921南投大地震 距今已經有二十幾年 還記得那時候我大ㄧ 那天凌晨1點47分我才剛發完一封e-mail 回床上躺了沒幾秒 房子就開始劇烈搖晃 是地震!除了左右搖晃還上下跳動 我從沒遇過這麽奇怪的地震 是要山崩地裂世界末日了嗎? 和家人住的是好幾十年的老公寓 很害怕房子應聲
那天,73歲的媽媽一腳踩空,從樓梯上滾了下去。 在那無比漫長的幾個小時裡,她喊了幾百聲試圖求救, 但已經重聽的80歲爸爸完全沒聽見,而我們家的小孩都在外縣市工作,除了我爸再也沒有人能發現她…… 從那天開始,我經歷了我人生中第一個完完全全超出預期, 卻如流星般降墜在我生活中燃起森林大火的事件……
在我國小即將畢業前, 我們家發生了一件看似不大, 卻影響深遠的事。
我第一次見到這位老媽媽時,心中滿是酸澀。她住在那破舊鐵皮屋加蓋的頂樓,周圍的環境雜亂而破敗。   我輕輕敲了敲門,走進那間屋子,裡面堆滿了她兒子的衣物,仿佛每一件都承載著她無盡的思念。她就那樣靜靜地守著,眼神中透露出一種執著和迷茫。   我輕聲對她說:“阿姨,您別太難過了,您也要照顧好自己呀
1999年921南投大地震 距今已經有二十幾年 還記得那時候我大ㄧ 那天凌晨1點47分我才剛發完一封e-mail 回床上躺了沒幾秒 房子就開始劇烈搖晃 是地震!除了左右搖晃還上下跳動 我從沒遇過這麽奇怪的地震 是要山崩地裂世界末日了嗎? 和家人住的是好幾十年的老公寓 很害怕房子應聲
那天,73歲的媽媽一腳踩空,從樓梯上滾了下去。 在那無比漫長的幾個小時裡,她喊了幾百聲試圖求救, 但已經重聽的80歲爸爸完全沒聽見,而我們家的小孩都在外縣市工作,除了我爸再也沒有人能發現她…… 從那天開始,我經歷了我人生中第一個完完全全超出預期, 卻如流星般降墜在我生活中燃起森林大火的事件……