每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ
每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://reurl.cc/aLeyK9
全球硬碟暨 NAND Flash 巨頭威騰電子(WDC)公佈了最新一季的財報,不僅全面數據皆超越財測,更暌違 5 季後再度轉虧為盈:
此外,如果看到業務表現,WDC 共有機械式硬碟(HDD)、NAND Flash 兩大業務:
本季 HDD 營收為 18 億美元,年增 17%,季增 28%,且艾字節出貨量(Exabyte,儲存容量單位)成長了41%,價格平均上漲了 19% 至 145 美元。
HDD revenue was $1.8 billion, up 28% from last quarter, as exabyte shipments increased 41% and average price per unit increased 19% to $145. Compared to the fiscal third quarter of 2023, HDD revenue grew 17%, while total exabyte shipments and average price per unit were up 25% and 33%, respectively.