
更新於 2024/07/14閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

A bump in the road woke me up.

Again, I felt the car slow down, and speed up.

On my face, I felt the air heat up, and cool down.

So this was it.

Twelve hours of drive through Savannah.

Never had the chance to fly through Lake Volta.

Down the horizon sunset glowered with heat and power.

Sweat dripped down, and dried up.

“The night was chill." Echoed the voice.

A coolness in the wind woke me up again.

I could smell the rain which would never fall.

I could tell, even with my eyes closed.

Not bothered by the headlights flashing by.

Or the last rear lights fading out of sight.

That now was the car alone in Savannah.

With a tale nobody could ever share.

“Under the sun and stars." Echoed the voice.

I opened my eyes, startled by the sky.

Out of the horizon came all the hidden stars.

Recognized the Plough faster than anything else in my hometown.

I poked my head out of the window, admiring

Cities of constellation weaved together through space and time,

High above depths of dark looming on the side.

I searched the night sky, clockwise.

Never had in mind, from the corner of my eye,

Would I see the brightest stars in my life,

Twinkling silently from behind.

Between the seats, over the sleeping figures

We locked eyes, like the first time,

In the world’s deadliest fight.

You were reading me like your dearest diary.

So to you I confessed everything:

If we were meant to walk to the end of the journey,

I would hold your hand all the way through.

A wish to the stars I made.

So on the road we were left alone,

Which we should’ve had been,

Should we had met in the beginning of time.

We watched the last rear lights fading out of sight.

“What should we do?" You asked.

We walked, holding hands.

Thousands of miles of land lay still around us.

At the center of the universe we talked about our past.

Of how the hunter survived the troll in grey November.

Of how people changed without waiting for us to change.

Of how the fate twisted like a birthday surprise never had before.

Of how the memories would fade if they were not kept in words.

Of how the notes scattered in life be gathered and recounted.

Long were the stories, smoke rising casually in the sweet, warm air.

Sudden was the epiphany, thunder flashing in the heart of mother nature.

We passed the campfire surrounded by people and houses.

We passed the white chapel illuminated by starlight.

We passed the goats sleeping on the road.

Until we stopped, sit, and lay down.

Head on the bump in the road,

You counted the stars like you were touching the flowers.

Your pointed to Altair, and drew a unicorn.

I found a dog, probably hunting with Orion.

We let our imagination flow,

Fingers in the air doing hand shadows.

For a moment I thought you would never go away,

When you were hovering over me,

Curls of hair swaying, touch of your lips smiling.

Eyes twinkling.

Out of the horizon came all the hidden stars.

You were one of them.

Now you were fading into the faraway land.

The starry sky I swore I would reach someday.

All I could say was,

I was enchanted to meet you.

In this enchanting land of Savannah.

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Valentine's featured English poem series. Enjoy:) 歡迎喜歡閱讀英文文章的朋友們按讚訂閱分享:)
安往公司走去,陽光明媚,微風輕拂,是夏季難得的好天氣。僅十分鐘之遙的距離,一步步放大在眼前的大樓場景,愈清晰愈顯壓迫感。 「要是能往後跑走就好了。」這些年來,安不只一次這麼想。那為什麼不這麼做呢?
Carry Kuo 透過文字將自己的職涯經歷與心得化為對他人的啟發。他的作品聚焦於「第一次」的挑戰,特別是那些初入職場、初當主管、初創業的朋友。CK 希望用自己的經歷幫助更多人在職涯迷霧中找到方向。在這次的訪問中,我們將探索他的創作起點、核心理念與未來的創作規劃。 創作的起點:從迷惘中找到力量
上上週的自媒體新手講座結束了,感謝大家來聽,可惜時間有限,沒辦法講更深入,真的對大家有點抱歉。 我知道有同學時間撞到,沒辦法來聽。 所以我做了這份「超懶人包」跟「懶人包」,希望能幫大家節省時間。
哈囉大家好,我是黑貓老師 😎 這篇是我前幾個禮拜講座的懶人包的第二 part。 主要是聊聊剛起步的創作者在流量不多的時候,有什麼變現的機會。
安往公司走去,陽光明媚,微風輕拂,是夏季難得的好天氣。僅十分鐘之遙的距離,一步步放大在眼前的大樓場景,愈清晰愈顯壓迫感。 「要是能往後跑走就好了。」這些年來,安不只一次這麼想。那為什麼不這麼做呢?
Carry Kuo 透過文字將自己的職涯經歷與心得化為對他人的啟發。他的作品聚焦於「第一次」的挑戰,特別是那些初入職場、初當主管、初創業的朋友。CK 希望用自己的經歷幫助更多人在職涯迷霧中找到方向。在這次的訪問中,我們將探索他的創作起點、核心理念與未來的創作規劃。 創作的起點:從迷惘中找到力量
上上週的自媒體新手講座結束了,感謝大家來聽,可惜時間有限,沒辦法講更深入,真的對大家有點抱歉。 我知道有同學時間撞到,沒辦法來聽。 所以我做了這份「超懶人包」跟「懶人包」,希望能幫大家節省時間。
哈囉大家好,我是黑貓老師 😎 這篇是我前幾個禮拜講座的懶人包的第二 part。 主要是聊聊剛起步的創作者在流量不多的時候,有什麼變現的機會。
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科