Gloomy weather, chilly air,
from those you will suffer
whenever there is no sunshine.
Long hours of light, a blue, blue sky,
soft, warm breezes blowing on your hair and tie.
These you will enjoy at a fine, sunny time.
Green, green grass, yellow, white flowers
Don't really remind me of home.
But they tempt me to tour around
without a proper guide.
Beautiful, white cottages, red slanting roofs,
causing me to envy, for our blocks at home –
They are all high-rise!
Large, extensive networks; wide, tidy roads
always allow traffic to flow smooth.
Peaceful, clean parks, leisurely folks
enjoy sunbaths as well as life.
Little happy kids, big playful dogs,
racing around through time and tide!
A compact, well facilitated, self-contained city
Here you can shop
for everything you wish to find.
Four weeks away from work and home
in a foreign setting of an exotic culture
with so much to see and explore
is a fantasy to which
I'm reluctant to say “Good-bye”!
在沒有陽光之日, 您會在灰沉的天空下,寒冷的空氣中哆嗦。於天清氣朗,陽光普照的之時, 您會享受到延長的日照,和湛藍的天空; 柔和溫暖的微風, 會撫摸、輕拂您的頭髮和領帶。
在青青的草原上,欣賞悅目的黃花 , 美景沒有喚起我的思家之情, 反而誘惑我在沒有導遊的帶領下, 流連忘返! 美麗的白色小屋、傾斜有致的紅屋頂, 都叫我羨慕不已 - 因為我們家鄉的房子, 不是大廈, 便是高樓!
大型、廣泛的網絡, 寬闊、有序的公路, 總是讓交通順暢無阻。寧靜、整潔的公園,悠閒的老少, 享受著日光浴, 以及他們愉悅的人生。快樂的小孩,頑皮的大狗, 在時光與潮汐中盡情馳騁!普利茅斯 - 一個完備、便利、自足的城市 - 在這裡,您可以盡情購物, 找到您想要的一切。
用四周的時間, 拋開工作和日常, 投入一個異國的文化, 其中充滿值得觀賞和探索的事物, 是一個叫我不願說「再見」的幻夢!