文法分析 - Object pronouns - 8

閱讀時間約 4 分鐘


例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill)

文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge)

抽選練習: Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined nouns and expressions with one or two pronouns.

  1. Je n'ai jamais rencontré tes amies.

(= I've never met your friends.)

正確答案:Je ne les ai jamais rencontrées.

錯誤示範:Je ne les ^ jamais rencontré.


  1. lack of auxiliary verb (avoir)
  2. past participle agreement with the direct object pronoun (les) for verb with auxiliary verb (avoir)

概念分析:For verbs with auxiliary verb (avoir) in the passé composé, past participle agreement in number and gender has to be made with the preceding direct object pronoun la (l'), les, nous and vous.

les: tes amies (f. pl.)
Je ne les ai jamais rencontrées.

Reminder on past participle agreement

Things may be a little bit more sophisticated when there is also an infinitive in a sentence with passé composé.

e.g. Nous avons vu la navette spatiale traverser le ciel.

(= We saw the space shuttle crossing the sky.)

It the direct object doubles as a subject of the infinitive, agreement of the past pasticiple must be made.

l': la navette spatiale (f.)

the direct object pronoun la becomes l' in front of a vowel.

= Nous l'avons vue traverser le ciel.


If the direct object does not double as the subject of the infinitive, no agreement would be required for the past participle.

e.g. Nous avons vu démolir la vieille prison.

(= We saw the old prison being demolished.)

In this case, 'la vieille prison' is the object for the infinitive 'démolir', not subject.

Nous l'avons vu(_) démolir. (nothing is added at the end of the past participle)

亦書 的其他內容
*推薦搭配讀書歌單使用這篇筆記 例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the und
*推薦搭配讀書歌單使用這篇筆記 例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the und
例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined nouns and
例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses w
例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses w
例句來源: Advanced French Grammar (McGraw Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses
*推薦搭配讀書歌單使用這篇筆記 例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the und
*推薦搭配讀書歌單使用這篇筆記 例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the und
例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined nouns and
例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses w
例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses w
例句來源: Advanced French Grammar (McGraw Hill) 文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge) 抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses
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這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
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