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這節 CNN 10 新聞影片還討論了尼日利亞東北部的嚴重洪災,影響了超過一百萬人。博爾諾州,尤其是其首府穆伊,受災最嚴重。由於大壩的坍塌,洪水更為惡化,水位達到胸部高度,給當地人民、農作物和牲畜造成了巨大的破壞。這是該地區 30 年來最嚴重的一次洪災,對建築物、基礎設施以及當地動物園造成了廣泛的損壞。尼日利亞的洪災至今已造成數百人死亡,數十萬人流離失所。

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  1. Flood: An overflow of water that submerges land. Example: The city was devastated by severe floods.
  2. Dam: A barrier to block water. Example: The collapse of the dam worsened the flooding.
  3. Infrastructure: Basic physical structures needed for the operation of a society. Example: The flooding damaged the city's infrastructure.
  4. Displaced: Forced to leave one’s home. Example: Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced by the flood.

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University Level Reading Material

The Role of E-Waste Recycling in Sustainable Resource Management

In the modern world, electronic devices have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From smartphones and laptops to more specialized equipment like medical devices and industrial machinery, electronics permeate nearly every aspect of society. However, as these devices reach the end of their useful life, they pose a significant challenge in terms of waste management. Electronic waste, or e-waste, is now one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the world, with millions of tons discarded each year.

Among the materials that make electronics valuable are precious metals such as gold, platinum, and rare earth elements. Gold, in particular, is used in circuit boards due to its excellent conductive properties and resistance to corrosion. Although the quantity of gold in a single device is minimal, the cumulative amount in millions of discarded devices is substantial enough to make recovery efforts economically viable. This process of recovering valuable materials from e-waste is crucial in reducing the environmental impact of mining and lowering the demand for virgin materials.

Historically, the process of recycling electronics has been labor-intensive, with workers manually dismantling devices to separate their components. In some countries, this work is done under dangerous conditions, often exposing workers to toxic chemicals released during the extraction process. However, in recent years, technological advancements have made it possible to automate parts of the recycling process, improving both efficiency and safety. For example, modern facilities can now use specialized machines to crush and melt circuit boards, allowing for the safe recovery of metals like gold without harmful emissions.

One of the most high-profile uses of recycled e-waste came during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The organizing committee launched an ambitious initiative to collect old smartphones, laptops, and other electronics from across Japan. The materials recovered from these devices were used to produce the gold, silver, and bronze medals awarded to athletes. This not only served as a symbol of sustainability but also highlighted the potential of e-waste recycling on a large scale.

Despite these advances, the e-waste recycling industry faces significant challenges. One major issue is that newer electronic devices are being produced with fewer precious metals than before. This shift towards cheaper materials reduces the profitability of recycling and increases the complexity of the extraction process. Furthermore, the improper disposal of e-waste remains a global issue. In many developing countries, e-waste is dumped in landfills or burned, releasing hazardous substances into the environment.

The implications of e-waste recycling extend beyond mere environmental concerns. Economically, the recovery of precious metals from discarded electronics can provide a sustainable supply of materials that are critical for industries such as electronics manufacturing, renewable energy, and defense. For example, rare earth elements recovered from e-waste are vital in the production of wind turbines and electric vehicle batteries. By integrating e-waste recycling into a broader circular economy, we can reduce the environmental footprint of resource extraction and promote a more sustainable industrial ecosystem.

In conclusion, while the challenges of e-waste recycling are significant, its benefits cannot be overlooked. It represents a key opportunity to manage waste sustainably while reducing the need for harmful mining practices. As the global demand for electronics continues to rise, the development of more advanced and efficient recycling technologies will be critical in meeting the demands of a resource-constrained world.


  1. Indispensable: Absolutely necessary or essential.Example: Smartphones have become indispensable tools in modern communication.Viable: Capable of working successfully; feasible.Example: E-waste recycling has become economically viable due to advances in technology.Cumulative: Increasing in quantity by successive additions.Example: The cumulative amount of gold in discarded electronics is significant.Toxic: Poisonous or harmful to living organisms.Example: Improperly handled e-waste can release toxic substances into the environment.


  1. Passive Voice: Commonly used in scientific writing to emphasize the action rather than the subject.Example: Gold is extracted from e-waste using specialized machines.Conditional Sentences: Used to express a condition and its result.Example: If e-waste is not properly disposed of, it can lead to serious environmental harm.

Gap Fill

E-waste recycling is becoming increasingly important due to the _______________(1) environmental impact of electronic devices. Gold and other _______________(2) metals are recovered through sophisticated _______________(3) processes. One high-profile example of recycling came during the 2020 Tokyo _______________(4), where medals were made from recycled electronics. However, newer devices contain _______________(5) amounts of precious metals, making recycling less _______________(6). To address this, better _______________(7) methods are needed to manage e-waste and promote a _______________(8) economy.

Answers: (1) growing, (2) precious, (3) extraction, (4) Olympics, (5) fewer, (6) profitable, (7) recycling, (8) circular.

Listening Exercise

  1. What makes gold a valuable component in electronic devices?
    A. Its abundance
    B. Its resistance to corrosion and high conductivity
    C. Its low cost
    D. Its easy extraction
    Answer: B
  2. What challenge does the e-waste recycling industry currently face?
    A. A shortage of old devices
    B. Increasing use of cheaper materials in electronics
    C. Lack of technological advancement
    D. Decreasing demand for gold
    Answer: B

Speaking Exercises

  1. Debate: Discuss whether the responsibility of recycling e-waste should fall on consumers or manufacturers.
  2. Panel Discussion: Analyze the economic and environmental impact of large-scale e-waste recycling initiatives like the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
  3. Presentation: Present the potential role of e-waste recycling in reducing the global demand for newly mined precious metals.

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