學 python之前是不是要先去iOS的swiftplayground 學基本的程式概念呢? 那些程式語言之間的語法會相通嗎?
Before learning python, can I first go to the iOS swift playground to learn basic programming concepts and syntax? Will those basic programming language syntaxes be compatible?
這是我本人真實存在的問題,我向生成式AI(ChatGpt及Perplexity )跟三位工程師們聊過這個問題
這是個不錯的開始!Swift Playgrounds
提供了互動式的環境,讓你用圖形化的方式了解程式的基礎概念,像是變數、條件判斷、迴圈等,這些都會在Python 裡用到。如果你已經有iOS 裝置且對這種方式感興趣,那麼用 Swift Playgrounds 先學一些基本概念會很有幫助。
不過,如果你的目標是成為 Python 工程師、學習機器學習、深度學習等,還是建議在 Swift Playgrounds 之後儘早到 Python。
Engineer A:你需要去定義你最想做的事
Why is the application for your code?
Like python is kind of all-purposed, including but not limited to Al/ML, data analysis, backend framework, etc.
And swift is a language for developing iOS-based application.
Like CSS is the best language for styling, SQL is the most general database language, we cannot use CSS for storing data. Maybe you need to define what you want to do firstly.)
Engineer B:
Swift 的跟Python沒有太多相似之處
As far as I know, Swift doesn't have much similarities with Python. Also, programming for mobile devices differs a lot from classical programming
Engineer C:
Syntax is never compatible between languages but some concepts can be transferred.