週末雙語閱讀:如何翻轉咒詛變為祝福!Mr gary

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Sermon Manuscript: From Curse to Blessing—Breaking the Generational Curse

Scripture Readings:

Genesis 27:15-19, Genesis 37:31-33, Genesis 39:12-20, Genesis 41:41-43

I. Introduction: The Symbolism of Clothing


In the Bible, clothing is more than just a physical covering; it symbolizes identity, roles, and spiritual conditions. In Jacob’s story, clothing became a tool of deception; in Joseph’s story, clothing represented injustice and suffering; but ultimately, clothing became a symbol of honor and blessing. Today, we will reflect on how God’s grace can transform curses into blessings, turning darkness into a testimony of His goodness.


II. Jacob’s Deception: The Beginning of the Curse


Jacob used his mother Rebekah’s scheme, wearing Esau’s clothes to deceive his father Isaac and receive the blessing meant for the firstborn (Genesis 27:15-19). This act brought division in the family and sent Jacob into exile.

雅各用母親利百加的計謀,穿上哥哥以掃的衣服,假冒長子的身份,騙取父親以撒的祝福(創世記 27:15-19)。這一舉動帶來了家庭的裂痕和他人生的逃亡。

• Spiritual Lesson: Blessings obtained through deceit often turn into burdens. The root of the curse lies in turning away from God and relying on our own ways.

• 屬靈教訓:靠自己的詭計得來的祝福,最終會成為重擔。咒詛的根源在於人離棄了神,選擇依靠自己的方式行事。

• Reflection: Have we sought God’s blessings through improper means? Have we lied out of selfishness or fear, allowing curses to enter our lives?

• 省思:我們是否也在生活中用不正當的手段追求神的祝福?是否因自私或害怕而撒謊,讓咒詛進入我們的生命?

III. Joseph’s Brothers’ Deception: Broken Family Relationships


Joseph’s brothers, out of jealousy, sold him into slavery and used his blood-stained robe to deceive their father Jacob, claiming that a wild animal had killed him (Genesis 37:31-33). This act not only plunged Jacob into grief but also broke the bond between brothers.

約瑟的哥哥們因嫉妒,將約瑟賣為奴隸,並用染血的彩衣欺騙父親雅各,說他已被猛獸吞噬(創世記 37:31-33)。這不僅讓雅各陷入長久的悲傷,也使兄弟間的關係破裂。

• Spiritual Lesson: Jealousy is a poison that destroys family and relationships, leading to lies and greater sins.

• 屬靈教訓:嫉妒是破壞家庭與人際關係的毒藥,會引發更多的謊言與罪惡。

• Reflection: Have we harmed others out of jealousy or concealed our sins with lies?

• 省思:我們是否曾因自己的情緒而傷害他人,甚至編造謊言掩蓋自己的罪?

IV. Potiphar’s Wife’s Deception: Trusting God in Injustice


Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife after she seized his garment, claiming that he had tried to assault her (Genesis 39:12-20). Despite the injustice, Joseph remained honest and upright, trusting in God.

約瑟被波提法的妻子陷害,她搶走約瑟的外衣,編造謊言誣告他試圖強暴(創世記 39:12-20)。然而,約瑟在這樣的冤屈中,仍然堅持誠實正直,並且信靠神。

• Spiritual Lesson: Honesty and trust in God are the only ways to overcome injustice and misunderstanding.

• 屬靈教訓:當面對不公與誤解時,誠實與信靠神是得勝的唯一道路。

• Reflection: Are we willing to maintain honesty and integrity even when treated unfairly, entrusting the outcome to God?

• 省思:我們是否願意在遭遇不公平的對待時,仍然堅守誠實正直的品格,將結果交託給神?

V. Joseph’s Transformation: From Curse to Blessing


Joseph ultimately rose to power as Pharaoh’s second-in-command, symbolized by the royal robe he was given (Genesis 41:41-43). He not only saved Egypt but also reconciled with his family, turning past hatred into love and forgiveness.

約瑟最終因解夢得法老重用,被授予宰相的職位,穿上象徵尊榮的華麗衣服(創世記 41:41-43)。他不僅拯救了埃及,更拯救了他的家庭,將過去的仇恨化為愛與饒恕。

• Spiritual Lesson: The key to transforming curses lies in God’s presence and a willingness to forgive. God can turn all suffering into blessings for His glory.

• 屬靈教訓:翻轉咒詛的關鍵在於與神同在,並願意饒恕。神能將一切苦難轉為祝福,為祂的榮耀成就祂的旨意。

• Reflection: Are we willing to let go of past hurts and allow God’s love and forgiveness to change our lives?

• 省思:我們是否願意放下過去的傷害,讓神的愛與饒恕改變我們的生命?

VI. Conclusion and Application: How to Transform Curses into Blessings


1. Confession and Repentance: Surrender our lies, selfishness, and jealousy to God, asking for His forgiveness and renewal.


2. Maintain Honesty and Integrity: Trust God’s justice and timing even in adversity.


3. Forgive and Reconcile: Like Joseph, choose to forgive those who have hurt us and become a channel of blessing.


4. Walk with God: Trust in God’s promises, knowing He works all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

與神同行:相信神的應許,祂會使一切互相效力,叫愛祂的人得益處(羅馬書 8:28)。

Closing Prayer:


Lord, You are the God of all creation, who turns curses into blessings and darkness into light. Help us confess our sins and follow Joseph’s example to live a life of honesty and integrity. Make us vessels of forgiveness and reconciliation, bringing glory

福音101文章拯救靈魂101,Mr. gary寫101篇福音的文章分享。 每一篇福音文章拯救101個靈魂。101篇文章就可以拯救10,201個靈魂, 而這10,201個靈魂,再把這101篇的福音文章分享出去, 那麼就可以再拯救1萬人。 結論: 1萬的1萬倍就是好幾億人,就可以因為這個福音文章都有機會得救。
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