【英國Gín-á古】金鼻薰Kheh-á中集︱The Golden Snuff-Box Part 2

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This time Jack intended to give the three little red men more time for their task; but what with having enjoyed himself so much all day, and having eaten so much good food, he overslept himself, so that the big clock on the tower was whirring before it struck eight when he woke, leapt out of bed, and rushed to the golden snuff-box. But he had forgotten where he had put it, and so the clock had really begun to strike before he found it under his pillow, opened it, and gabbled out his orders. And then you never saw how the three little red men tumbled over each other and yawned and stretched and made haste all at one time, so that Jack thought his life would surely be forfeit. But just as the clock struck its last chime, out rang a peal of merry bells, and there was the Castle standing on twelve golden pillars and a church beside it in the middle of the lake. And the Castle was all decorated for the wedding, and there were crowds and crowds of servants and retainers, all dressed in their Sunday best.

Chit遍,Jia̍k本底是按算講beh hō͘ in 3仙細仙á紅人koh khah chē時間 thang khang-khòe,m̄-koh伊sńg規工--ê sńg kah siuⁿ歡喜,koh食真chē好物,soah chŏaⁿ睏過頭。Jia̍k koh cheng-sîn ê時,塔頂ê大鐘iû-koh teh hm-hm叫,beh kòng 8點--ah。伊趕緊ùi眠床頂跳--落-來,beh去the̍h hit ê金鼻薰kheh-á,m̄-koh伊bē記chit ka-tī ka phiaⁿ tī tóe--ah,一直到鐘開始tân ê時,伊chiah tī枕頭下脚chhōe--tio̍h。伊緊kā kheh-á開--開,pin-pin piàng-piàng kā khang-khòe派--出-去。Koh-lâi,你m̄-bat看過chit款場面--lah,in 3仙細仙á紅人sio-kê,poa̍h-tó,hah-hì,伸勻,趕beh khang-khòe,lóng tī kāng時間發生,看in án-ne,Jia̍k感覺ka-tī穩死--ê。M̄-koh to̍h tī 8點ê鐘tân siāng尾1聲ê時,另外1 ê輕鬆快樂ê婚禮鐘聲響起,湖ê中央出現1棟起tī 12支金á大thiāu頂ê城堡,城堡邊--á koh有1間教堂,城堡已經為tio̍h婚禮妝thāⁿ kah氣派koh lè-táu,內底跟人kah奴僕kheh kah cha̍t-cha̍t-chiⁿ,ta̍k人lóng穿in siāng好ê衫。

Chit piàn, Jia̍k pún-té sī àn-sǹg kóng beh hō͘ in 3 sian sè-sian-á âng-lâng koh khah chē sî-kan thang khang-khòe, m̄-koh i sńg kui-kang--ê sńg kah siuⁿ hoaⁿ-hí, koh chia̍h chin chē hó-mi̍h, soah chŏaⁿ khùn-kòe-thâu. Jia̍k koh cheng-sîn ê sî, thah-téng ê tōa-cheng iû-koh teh hm-hm-kiò, beh kòng 8 tiám--ah. I kóaⁿ-kín ùi bîn-chhn̂g-téng thiàu--lo̍h-lâi, beh khì the̍h hit ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á, m̄-koh i bē-kì-chit ka-tī ka phiaⁿ tī tóe--ah, it ti̍t kàu cheng khai-sí tân ê sî, i chiah tī chím-thâu ē-kha chhōe--tio̍h. I kín kā kheh-á khui--khui, pin-pin piàng-piàng kā khang-khòe phài--chhut-khì. Koh-lâi, lí m̄-bat khòaⁿ kòe chit khoán tiûⁿ-bīn--lah, in 3 sian sè-sian-á âng-lâng sio-kê, poa̍h-tó, hah-hì, chhun-ûn, kóaⁿ beh khang-khòe, lóng tī kāng sî-kan hoat-seng, khòaⁿ in án-ne, Jia̍k kám-kak ka-tī ún-sí--ê. M̄-koh to̍h tī 8 tiám ê cheng tân siāng-bóe 1 siaⁿ ê sî, lēng-gōa 1 ê khin-sang khoài-lo̍k ê hun-lé cheng-siaⁿ hiáng-khí, ô͘ ê tiong-ng chhut-hiān 1 tòng khí tī 12 ki kim-á tōa-thiāu téng ê siâⁿ-pó, siâⁿ-pó piⁿ--á koh ū 1 keng kàu-tn̂g, siâⁿ-pó í-keng ūi-tio̍h hun-lé chng-thāⁿ kah khì-phài koh lè-táu, lāi-té kin-lâng kah lô͘-po̍k kheh kah cha̍t-cha̍t-chiⁿ, ta̍k-lâng lóng chhēng in siāng hó ê saⁿ.

Never had Jack seen such a sight before; neither had the gay young daughter who, of course, was looking out of the next window in her nightcap. And she looked so pretty and so gay that Jack felt quite cross when he had to step back to let the three little red men fly to their golden snuff-box. But they were far crosser than he was, and mumbled and grumbled at the hustle, so that Jack was quite glad when they shut the box down and began to snore.

Jia̍k從來to̍h m̄-bat看過chit-lō光景,當然--lah,主人hit ê青春活潑ê chŏ͘-kiáⁿ mā m̄-bat khoàiⁿ,伊睏帽á iáu tì--leh,tng tī隔壁間ê窗á邊teh看外口ê情形。伊看--起-來是hiah-nī-á súi koh hiah-nī-á無煩無惱,só͘-pái in hit 3仙細仙á紅人beh飛倒轉去金鼻薰kheh-á ê時,害Jia̍k感覺真ak-chak,因為Jia̍k to̍h ài倒退1步讓in過,bô-thang koh看súi姑娘á。M̄-koh in 3仙比Jia̍k koh khah ak-chak,一直se̍h-se̍h念講án-ne chông起chông落有夠thiám頭,só͘-pái,tī in 3仙kā kheh-á關--起-來開始kôⁿ ê時,Jia̍k感覺好ka-chài,心內真歡喜。

Jia̍k chiông-lâi to̍h m̄-bat khòaⁿ-kòe chit-lō kong-kéng, tong-jiân--lah, chú-lâng hit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍h-phoah ê chŏ͘-kiáⁿ mā m̄-bat khoàiⁿ, i khùn-bō-á iáu tì--leh, tng tī keh-piah-keng ê thang-á piⁿ teh khòaⁿ gōa-kháu ê chêng-hêng. I khòaⁿ--khí-lâi sī hiah-nī-á súi koh hiah-nī-á bô-hoân-bô-ló, só͘-pái in hit 3 sian sè-sian-á âng-lâng beh poe tó-tńg-khì kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á ê sî, hāi Jia̍k kám-kak chin ak-chak, in-ūi Jia̍k to̍h ài tò-thè 1 pō͘ niū in kòe, bô-thang koh khòaⁿ súi ko͘-niû-á. M̄-koh in 3 sian pí Jia̍k koh khah ak-chak, it-ti̍t se̍h-se̍h-liām kóng án-ne chông-khí-chông-lo̍h ū-kàu thiám-thâu, só͘-pái, tī in 3 sian kā kheh-á koaiⁿ--khí-lâi khai-sí kôⁿ ê sî, Jia̍k kám-kak hó-ka-chài, sim-lāi chin hoaⁿ-hí.

Well, of course, Jack and the gay young daughter were married, and were as happy as the day is long; and Jack had fine clothes to wear, fine food to eat, fine servants to wait on him, and as many fine friends as he liked.

So he was in luck; but he had yet to learn that a mother's malison is sure to bring misfortune some time or another.

當然Jia̍k尾--á to̍h kah hit ê青春活潑ê chŏ͘-gín-á成親--a,in過tio̍h幸福koh美滿,Jia̍k有súi衫thang穿,有好物thang食,有優秀ê奴僕thang ka伺候,koh有chē-chē出kioh ê朋友隨在伊去kah人交陪。

Só͘-pái,伊chit-má tng好運,m̄-koh伊iáu m̄知影,in老母ê咒讖總有1工ē kā伊帶衰。

Tong-jiân Jia̍k bóe--á to̍h kah hit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍h-phoah ê chŏ͘-gín-á sêng-chhin--a, in kòe tio̍h hēng-hok koh bí-boán, Jia̍k ū súi-saⁿ thang chhēng, ū hó-mi̍h thang chia̍h, ū iu-siù ê lô͘-po̍k thang ka sū-hāu, koh ū chē-chē chhut-kioh ê pêng-iú sûi-chāi i khì kah lâng kau-pôe.

Só͘-pái i chit-má tng hó-ūn, m̄-koh i iáu m̄ chai-iáⁿ, in lāu-bú ê chiù-chhàm chóng ū 1 kang ē kā i tài-soe.

Thus it happened that one day when he was going a-hunting with all the ladies and gentlemen, Jack forgot to change the golden snuff-box (which he always carried about with him for fear of accidents) from his waistcoat pocket to that of his scarlet hunting-coat; so he left it behind him. And what should happen but that the servant let it fall on the ground when he was folding up the clothes, and the snuff-box flew open and out popped the three little red men yawning and stretching.

Che tāi-chì to̍h是án-ne發生--ê-lah,有1日,Jia̍k hâm 1 tīn紳士淑女做夥去拍獵,伊bē記chit ài kā hit ê金鼻薰kheh-á,ùi kah-á ê lak袋á換去hit領烏tò͘紅ê獵裝--ni̍h,本底Jia̍k是一直lóng有kā金鼻薰kheh-á隨身chah--leh,nā萬不二to̍h有thang用,今á日soah ka落勾tī厝--ni̍h。Koh來,使用人來leh摺伊ê衫á褲ê時,hit ê金鼻薰kheh-á去ho͘ ka-la̍uh tī土脚,kheh-á chŏaⁿ khia̍k--1-ē開--開,in 3仙細仙á紅人,to̍h ná hah-hì ná伸勻ùi kheh-á內跳--出-來。

Che tāi-chì to̍h sī án-ne hoat-seng--ê-lah, ū 1 ji̍t, Jia̍k hâm 1 tīn sin-sū siok-lú chò-hóe khì phah-la̍h, i bē-kì-chit ài kā hit ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á, ùi kah-á ê lak-tē-á ōaⁿ khì hit niá o͘-tò͘-âng ê la̍h-chong--ni̍h, pún-té Jia̍k sī it-ti̍t lóng ū kā kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á sûi-sin chah--leh, nā bān-put-jī to̍h ū thang ēng, kin-á-ji̍t soah ka làu-kau tī chhù--ni̍h. Koh lâi, sú-iōng-lâng lâi leh chih i ê saⁿ-á-khò͘  ê sî, hit ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á khì ho͘ ka-la̍uh tī thô͘-kha, kheh-á chŏaⁿ khia̍k--1-ē khui--khui, in 3 sian sè-sian-á âng-lâng, to̍h ná hah-hì ná chhun-ûn ùi kheh-á lāi thiàu--chhut-lâi.

Well! when they found out that they hadn't really been summoned, and that there was no fear of death, they were in a towering temper and said they had a great mind to fly away with the Castle, golden pillars and all.

Sòa--lòe in 3仙紅人,發見講in m̄是真正去hông叫--出-來-ê,現此時mā m̄是siáⁿ-mih性命危險ê時機,in氣kah peh起來跳,講in滾kah想beh kā城堡,hit 12支金á-thiāu,koh有全部ê物件lóng款款--leh做夥飛--走。

Sòa--lòe in 3 sian âng-lâng, hoat-kiàn kóng in m̄-sī chin-chiàⁿ khì hông kiò--chhut-lâi-ê, hiān-chú-sî mā m̄-sī siáⁿ-mih sìⁿ-miā gûi-hiám ê sî-ki, in khì kah peh khí-lâi thiàu, kóng in kún kah siūⁿ beh kā siâⁿ-pó, hit 12 ki kim-á-thiāu, koh ū choân-pō͘ ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ lóng khoán-khoán--leh chò-hóe poe--cháu.

On hearing this the servant pricked up his ears.

"Could you do that?" he asked.

"Could we?" they said, and they laughed loud. "Why, we can do anything."

Then the servant said ever so sharp, "Then move me this Castle and all it contains right away over the sea where the master can't disturb us."

He使用人聽tio̍h chia-ê話,sûi to̍h用心ka聽ho͘斟酌,koh問講:「Lín kám有才調án-ne做?」

In笑kah險去ho͘ saⁿh--tio̍h,ìn講:「Goán?Goán啥to有法度lah!」

Chit ê使用人ûn-ná真奸巧,sûi to̍h應講:「Án-ne to̍h替我kā城堡kòa內底所有ê一切,lóng總ka sóa ùi海ê hit pêng--去,án-ne主人to̍h bē-tàng來kā咱攪擾--ah。」

He sú-iōng-lâng thiaⁿ tio̍h chia-ê ōe, sûi to̍h iōng-sim ka thiaⁿ ho͘ chim-chiok, koh mn̄g kóng: ‟Lín kám ū châi-tiāu án-ne chò?”

In chhiò kah hiám khì ho͘ saⁿh--tio̍h, ìn kóng: ‟Goán? Goán siáⁿ to ū hoat-tō͘ lah!”

Chit ê sú-iōng-lâng ûn-ná chin kan-khiáu, sûi to̍h ìn kóng: ‟Án-ne to̍h thè góa kā siâⁿ-pó kòa lāi-té só͘-ū ê it-chhè, lóng-chóng ka sóa ùi hái ê hit pêng--khì, án-ne chú-lâng to̍h bē-tàng lâi kā lán kiáu-jiáu--ah.”

Now the little red men need not really have obeyed the order, but they were so cross with Jack that hardly had the servant said the words before the task was done; so when the hunting-party came back, lo and behold! the Castle, and the church, and the golden pillars had all disappeared!

實在講,in chit 3仙細仙á紅人,根本to̍h免聽chit ê使用人ê命令,m̄-koh in的確是有夠chheh Jia̍k--lah,chiah-ē使用人話tú講soah,任務to̍h已經完成--ā。Só͘-pái,in hit tīn phah獵ê人轉來到tè ê時,hiau-hēng o͘h,城堡、教堂hâm金á-thiāu lóng消失kah無khoàiⁿ影--ah!

Si̍t-chāi kóng, in chit 3 sian sè-sian-á âng-lâng, kin-pún to̍h bián thiaⁿ chit ê sú-iōng-lâng ê bēng-lēng, m̄-koh in tek-khak sī ū-kàu chheh Jia̍k--lah, chiah-ē sú-iōng-lâng ōe tú kóng soah, jīm-bū to̍h í-keng oân-sêng--ā. Só͘-pái, in hit tīn phah-la̍h ê lâng tńg-lâi kàu tè ê sî, hiau-hēng o͘h, siâⁿ-pó, kàu-tn̂g hâm kim-á-thiāu lóng siau-sit kah bô khoàiⁿ iáⁿ--ah!

At first all the rest set upon Jack for being a knave and a cheat; and, in particular, his wife's father threatened to have at him for deceiving the gay young daughter; but at last he agreed to let Jack have twelve months and a day to find the Castle and bring it back.

So off Jack starts on a good horse with some money in his pocket.

頭起先,ta̍k ê lóng認為Jia̍k是1 ê lān-mōa ê pián仙á,尤其是in丈人á,koh威脅講beh對付--伊,因為伊欺騙伊hit ê青春活潑ê chŏ͘-kiáⁿ。M̄-koh最後,伊有同意hō͘ Jia̍k 12個月koh過1 kang ê時間,hō͘伊ē-tàng去chhōe城堡,koh kā城堡chah--轉-來。

Só͘-pái,Jia̍k騎1 chiah好馬,koh袋kóa錢,人to̍h出發--ah。

Thâu-khí-seng, ta̍k ê lóng jīn-ûi Jia̍k sī 1 ê lān-mōa ê pián-sian-á, iû-kî sī in tiūⁿ-lâng-á, koh ui-hia̍p kóng beh tùi-hù--i, in-ūi i khi-phiàn i hit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍h-phoah ê chŏ͘-kiáⁿ. M̄-koh chòe-āu, i ū tông-ì hō͘ Jia̍k 12 kò-goe̍h koh kòe 1 kang ê sî-kan, hō͘ i ē-tàng khì chhōe siâⁿ-pó, koh kā siâⁿ-pó chah--tńg-lâi.

Só͘-pái, Jia̍k khiâ 1 chiah hó-bé, koh tē kóa chîⁿ, lâng to̍h chhut-hoat--ah.

And he travelled far and he travelled fast, and he travelled east and west, north and south, over hills, and dales, and valleys, and mountains, and woods, and sheepwalks, but never a sign of the missing castle did he see. Now at last he came to the palace of the King of all the Mice in the Wide World. And there was a little mousie in a fine hauberk and a steel cap doing sentry at the front gate, and he was not for letting Jack in until he had told his errand. And when Jack had told it, he passed him on to the next mouse sentry at the inner gate; so by degrees he reached the King's chamber, where he sate surrounded by mice courtiers.

伊走真遠,mā走真緊,東南西北四界chông,大通小路á走透透,樹林山谷mā sûn了了,盤山過嶺連牧場mā無落勾,to̍h是m̄知影城堡走去siáng in tau。最後,伊來到全世界niáu鼠á ê王ê王宮。王宮ê大門前,有1隻細隻niáu鼠á,穿鏈á甲,tì鋼ê頭盔teh khiā-哨,tī Jia̍k無kā ka-tī ê目的交帶ho͘清楚進前,lóng無ài hō͘ Jia̍k--入-去。Jia̍k kah伊會清楚了後,伊chiah放Jia̍k過去內底門teh khiā-哨ê niáu鼠á hia,to̍h án-ne會過1遍koh 1遍,siāng尾,Jia̍k chiah去到王ê議事廳,王坐tī內底,四pêng邊--á lóng是伊ê niáu鼠á大臣。

I cháu chin hn̄g, mā cháu chin kín, tang-lâm-sai-pak sì-kè chông, tōa-thong sió-lō͘-á cháu thàu-thàu, chhiū-nâ soaⁿ-kok mā sûn liáu-liáu, pôaⁿ-soaⁿ-kòe-niá liân bo̍k-tiûⁿ mā bô làu-kau, to̍h-sī m̄ chai-iáⁿ siâⁿ-pó cháu-khì siáng in tau. Chòe-āu, i lâi-kàu choân-sè-kài niáu-chhí-á ê ông ê ông-kiong. Ông-kiong ê tōa-mn̂g chêng, ū 1 chiah sè-chiah niáu-chhí-á, chhēng liān-á-kah, tì kǹg ê thâu-khoe teh khiā-sàu, tī Jia̍k bô kā ka-tī ê bo̍k-tek kau-tài ho͘ chheng-chhó chìn-chêng, lóng bô ài hō͘ Jia̍k--ji̍p-khì. Jia̍k kah i hōe chheng-chhó liáu-āu, i chiah pàng Jia̍k kòe-khì lāi-té mn̂g teh khiā-sàu ê niáu-chhí-á hia, to̍h án-ne hōe kòe 1 piàn koh 1 piàn, siāng-bóe, Jia̍k chiah khì kàu ông ê gī-sū-thiaⁿ,  ông chē tī lāi-té, sì-pêng piⁿ--á lóng sī i ê niáu-chhí-á tāi-sîn.

Now the King of the Mice received Jack very graciously, and said that he himself knew nothing of the missing Castle, but, as he was King of all the Mice in the whole world, it was possible that some of his subjects might know more than he. So he ordered his chamberlain to command a Grand Assembly for the next morning, and in the meantime he entertained Jack right royally.

Niáu鼠á王真好禮kā Jia̍k接待,koh講伊tùi失蹤ê城堡ê tāi-chì lóng無清楚,m̄-koh伊是全世界ê niáu鼠á ê王,凡勢伊ê大臣a̍h是人民有人ē知影,só͘-pái伊命令伊ê總管大臣講,明á載早起beh召開大會,同齊時,伊mā用對待王室ê禮數kā Jia̍k款待。

Niáu-chhí-á ông chin hó-lé kā Jia̍k chiap-thāi, koh kóng i tùi sit-chong ê siâⁿ-pó ê tāi-chì lóng bô chheng-chhó, m̄-koh i sī choân-sè-kài ê niáu-chhí-á ê ông, hoān-sè i ê tāi-sîn a̍h sī jîn-bîn ū lâng ē chai-iáⁿ, só͘-pái i bēng-lēng i ê chóng-koán tāi-sîn kóng, bîn-á-chài chái-khí beh tiàu-khai tāi-hōe, tâng-chê-sî, i mā iōng tùi-thāi ông-sek ê lé-sò͘ kā Jia̍k khoán-thāi.

But the next morning, though there were brown mice, and black mice, and grey mice, and white mice, and piebald mice, from all parts of the world, they all answered with one breath:

"If it please your Majesty, we have not seen the missing Castle."

Then the King said, "You must go and ask my elder brother the King of all the Frogs. He may be able to tell you. Leave your horse here and take one of mine. It knows the way and will carry you safe."

M̄-koh隔轉工早起,ùi世界各所在來--ê,烏--ê,phú--ê,白--ê,花斑ê niáu鼠lóng總聚集做夥,in ta̍k隻齊聲ìn講:

「大王陛下在上,真失禮,goán lóng m̄-bat看過hit棟失蹤ê城堡!」

Só͘-pái,Niáu鼠á王to̍h kóng:「Án-ne你to̍h ài去問goán兄哥--a,伊是全世界水雞ê王,伊凡勢ē-tàng kā你講。Kā你ê馬留tī chia,騎我ê馬--去,伊bat路,ē安全kā你送到tè。」

M̄-koh keh-tńg-kang chái-khí, ùi sè-kài kok só͘-chāi lâi--ê, o͘--ê, phú--ê, pe̍h--ê, hoe-pan ê niáu-chhí lóng-chóng chū-chi̍p chò-hóe, in ta̍k chiah chê siaⁿ ìn kóng:

‟Tāi-ông pē-hā chāi siōng, chin sit-lé, goán lóng m̄-bat khòaⁿ-kòe hit tòng sit-chong ê siâⁿ-pó!”

Só͘-pái, Niáu-chhí-á ông to̍h kóng: ‟Án-ne lí to̍h ài khì mn̄g goán hiaⁿ-ko--a, i sī choân-sè-kài chúi-ke ê ông, i hoān-sè ē-tàng kā lí kóng. Kā lí ê bé lâu tī chia, khiâ góa ê bé--khì, i bat lō͘, ē an-choân kā lí sàng kàu tè.”

So Jack set off on the King's horse, and as he passed the outer gate he saw the little mouse sentry coming away, for its guard was up. Now Jack was a kind-hearted lad, and he had saved some crumbs from his dinner in order to recompense the little sentry for his kindness. So he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the crumbs.

"Here you are, mousekin," he said. "That's for your trouble!"

Jia̍k to̍h án-ne騎王ê馬起行--ā。伊騎到外口門ê時,看tio̍h hit隻niáu鼠á哨兵已經lo̍h哨tng beh離開,Jia̍k是1 ê心肝bē-bái ê少年家,伊有留1 kóa暗頓ê pháng幼á,beh答謝hit隻niáu鼠á哨兵進前ê好意,só͘-pái伊to̍h kā手伸入去lak袋á,kā hia ê pháng幼á the̍h--出-來。

Jia̍k講:「Niáu鼠á兄,che hō͘--你,進前ê tāi-chì,勞煩--你-ā,真多謝neh!」

Jia̍k to̍h án-ne khiâ ông ê bé khí-kiâⁿ--ā. I khiâ kàu gōa-kháu mn̂g ê sî, khòaⁿ tio̍h hit chiah niáu-chhí-á sàu-peng í-keng lo̍h-sàu tng beh lî-khui, Jia̍k sī 1 ê sim-koaⁿ bē-bái ê siàu-liân-ke, i ū lâu 1 kóa àm-tǹg ê pháng-iù-á, beh tap-siā hit chiah niáu-chhí-á sàu-peng chìn-chêng ê hó-ì, só͘-pái i to̍h kā chhiú chhun ji̍p-khì lak-tē-á, kā hia ê pháng-iù-á the̍h--chhut-lâi.

Jia̍k kóng: ‟Niáu-chhí-á hiaⁿ, che hō͘--lí, chìn-chêng ê tāi-chì, lô-hoân--lí-ā, chin to-siā neh!”

Then the mouse thanked him kindly and asked if he would take him along to the King of the Frogs.

"Not I," says Jack. "I should get into trouble with your King."

But the mousekin insisted. "I may be of some use to you," it said. So it ran up the horse's hind leg and up by its tail and hid in Jack's pocket. And the horse set off at a hard gallop, for it didn't half like the mouse running over it.

Niáu鼠á mā多謝伊hiah好禮,koh kā Jia̍k問講,kám ē-sái chhōa伊做夥去水雞á王hia?

Jia̍k講:「Án-ne m̄-thang,我驚á ē去得失tio̍h lín Niáu鼠á王。」

M̄-koh niáu鼠á堅持講:「凡勢我ē-tàng kā你tàu-saⁿ-kāng--lah。」

Só͘-pái,伊to̍h ùi馬á ê後脚開始peh,順勢pha過馬á尾peh--起-lih,藏入去Jia̍k ê lak袋á--ni̍h。He馬á mā開始走kah緊suh-suh,實在是伊chiok無kah意niáu鼠á tī伊seng-khu頂走來走去。

Niáu-chhí-á mā to-siā i hiah hó-lé, koh kā Jia̍k mn̄g kóng, kám ē-sái chhōa i chò-hóe khì chúi-ke-á ông hia?

Jia̍k kóng: ‟Án-ne m̄-thang, góa kiaⁿ-á ē khì tek-sit tio̍h lín Niáu-chhí-á ông.”

M̄-koh niáu-chhí-á kian-chhî kóng: ‟Hoān-sè góa ē-tàng kā lí tàu-saⁿ-kāng--lah.”

Só͘-pái, i to̍h ùi bé-á ê āu-kha khai-sí peh, sūn-sè pha kòe bé-á bóe peh--khí-lih, chhàng ji̍p-khì Jia̍k ê lak-tē-á--ni̍h. He bé-á mā khai-sí cháu kah kín-suh-suh, si̍t-chāi sī i chiok bô kah-ì niáu-chhí-á tī i seng-khu téng cháu-lâi cháu-khì.

So at last Jack came to the palace of the King of all the Frogs, and there at the front gate was a frog doing sentry in a fine coat of mail and a brass helmet. And the frog sentry was for not letting Jack in; but the mouse called out that they came from the King of all the Mice and must be let in without delay. So they were taken to the King's chamber, where he sate surrounded by frog courtiers in fine clothes; but alas! He had heard nothing of the Castle on golden pillars, and though he summoned all the frogs of all the world to a Grand Assembly next morning, they all answered his question with:

    "Kro kro, Kro kro"

which every one knows stands for "No" in frog language.

最後,Jia̍k to̍h去到全世界水雞ê王ê王宮,王宮大門前有1隻水雞,穿料身真好ê戰甲kah黃銅ê頭盔teh khiā哨。Chit隻哨兵水雞m̄ hō͘ Jia̍k--入-去,m̄-koh niáu鼠á跳出來hoah講,in是ùi全世界ê niáu鼠á ê王hia來--ê,ài sûi hō͘ in --入-去,bē-tàng iân-chhiân。In to̍h hông chhōa去王ê議事廳,水雞á王ê四pêng邊--á lóng是穿kah真奢華ê水雞á大臣。M̄-koh真無彩,王mā是m̄知影hit棟起tī金á thiāu頂koân ê城堡ê tāi-chì。Sui-bóng王隔轉工早起mā是有召開全世界ê水雞ê大會,m̄-koh全世界ê水雞lóng總ìn講:


Ta̍k ê lóng知影che tī水雞á話內底to̍h是leh講「無」ê意思。

Chòe-āu, Jia̍k to̍h khì-kàu choân-sè-kài chúi-ke ê ông ê ông-kiong,  ông-kiong tōa-mn̂g chêng ū 1 chiah chúi-ke, chhēng liāu-sin chin hó ê chiàn-kah kah n̂g-tâng ê thâu-khoe teh khiā-sàu. Chit chiah sàu-peng chúi-ke m̄ hō͘ Jia̍k--ji̍p-khì, m̄-koh niáu-chhí-á thiàu chhut-lâi hoah kóng, in sī ùi choân-sè-kài ê niáu-chhí-á ê ông hia lâi--ê, ài sûi hō͘ in --ji̍p-khì, bē-tàng iân-chhiân. In to̍h hông chhōa khì ông ê gī-sū-thiaⁿ, chúi-ke-á ông ê sì-pêng piⁿ--á lóng sī chhēng kah chin chhia-hoa ê chúi-ke-á tāi-sîn. M̄-koh chin bô-chhái, ông mā sī m̄ chai-iáⁿ hit tòng khí tī kim-á-thiāu téng-koân ê siâⁿ-pó ê tāi-chì. Sui-bóng ông keh-tńg-kang chái-khí mā sī ū tiàu-khai choân-sè-kài ê chúi-ke ê tāi-hōe, m̄-koh choân-sè-kài ê chúi-ke lóng-chóng ìn kóng:

‟Ko͘-ló͘-kó͘-lo͘h, ko͘-ló͘-kó͘-lo͘h.”

Ta̍k ê lóng chai-iáⁿ che tī chúi-ke-á-ōe lāi-té to̍h sī leh kóng “Bô” ê ì-sù.

So the King said to Jack, "There remains but one thing. You must go and ask my eldest brother, the King of all the Birds. His subjects are always on the wing, so mayhap they have seen something. Leave the horse you are riding here, and take one of mine. It knows the way, and will carry you safe."

Só͘-pái,水雞á王to̍h kā Jia̍k講:「現此時to̍h chhun 1步niâ,你to̍h ài去問goán兄哥,全世界ê鳥á ê王。伊ê臣民不時lóng tī天頂teh飛,凡勢有人ē看tio̍h siáⁿ-mih影跡。Kā你騎--來ê馬留tī chia,換khiâ我ê馬--去,伊bat路,ē kā你安全送到tè。」

Só͘-pái, chúi-ke-á ông to̍h kā Jia̍k kóng: ‟Hiān-chú-sî to̍h chhun 1 pō͘ niâ, lí to̍h ài khì mn̄g goán hiaⁿ-ko, choân-sè-kài ê chiáu-á ê ông. I ê sîn-bîn put-sî lóng tī thiⁿ-téng teh poe, hoān-sè ū lâng ē khòaⁿ tio̍h siáⁿ-mih iáⁿ-chiah. Kā lí khiâ--lâi ê bé lâu tī chia, ōaⁿ khiâ góa ê bé--khì, i bat lō͘, ē kā lí an-choân sàng kàu tè.”

So Jack set off, and being a kind-hearted lad he gave the frog sentry, whom he met coming away from his guard, some crumbs he had saved from his dinner. And the frog asked leave to go with him, and when Jack refused to take him he just gave one hop on to the stirrup, and a second hop on to the crupper, and the next hop he was in Jack's other pocket.

Then the horse galloped away like lightning, for it didn't like the slimy frog coming down "plop" on its back.

Jia̍k to̍h koh起行--ā,Jia̍k心肝bē-bái,伊有留1 kóa暗頓ê pháng幼á,to̍h送hō͘ hit隻tú lo̍h哨ê水雞á哨兵。水雞to̍h講beh hâm Jia̍k做伴做陣去,sòa--落-來Jia̍k ka拒絕ê時,伊to̍h做伊跳起lih馬踏鐙,第2跳to̍h跳去馬á kha-chhng,koh跳1-ē to̍h跳入去Jia̍k另外1 ê lak袋-á--ah。

Koh來,馬á to̍h走kah親像sih-nah hiah緊,實在是伊無kah意he黏thi-thi ê水雞“thom”--1-ē lak tī伊ê kha-chiah-phiaⁿ。

Jia̍k to̍h koh khí-kiâⁿ--ā, Jia̍k sim-koaⁿ bē-bái, i ū lâu 1 kóa àm-tǹg ê pháng-iù-á, to̍h sàng hō͘ hit chiah tú lo̍h-sàu ê chúi-ke-á sàu-peng. Chúi-ke to̍h kóng beh hâm Jia̍k chò-phōaⁿ chò-tīn khì, sòa--lo̍h-lâi Jia̍k ka kī-choa̍t ê sî, i to̍h chò i thiàu-khí-lih bé-tah-tèng, tē 2 thiàu to̍h thiàu khì bé-á kha-chhng, koh thiàu 1-ē to̍h thiàu ji̍p-khì Jia̍k lēng-gōa 1 ê lak-tē-á--ah.

Koh-lâi, bé-á to̍h cháu kah chhin-chhiūⁿ sih-nah hiah kín, si̍t-chāi sī i bô kah-ì he liâm-thi-thi ê chúi-ke “thom”--1-ē lak tī i ê kha-chiah-phiaⁿ.

Well, after a time, Jack came to the palace of the King of all the Birds, and there at the front gate were a sparrow and a crow marching up and down with matchlocks on their shoulders. Now at this Jack laughed fit to split, and the mouse and the frog from his pockets called out:

"We come from the King! Sirrahs! Let us pass."

So that the sentries were right mazed, and let them pass in without more ado.

Koh過無jōa久了後,Jia̍k to̍h去到全世界鳥á ê王ê王宮,王宮正門有1隻厝鳥á kah 1隻烏鴉,in 2 ê ê肩胛頭lóng phāiⁿ 1支火銃,來來回回teh巡邏。Jia̍k看1 ē笑kah kiōng-beh péng--過,這時niáu鼠á kah水雞ùi Jia̍k ê lak袋á hoah講:


He哨兵去hō͘ in hoah 1 ē lóng sa無cháng,無koh ke問to̍h放in過--ah。

Koh kòe bô jōa kú liáu-āu, Jia̍k to̍h khì kàu choân-sè-kài chiáu-á ê ông ê ông-kiong, ông-kiong chiàⁿ-mn̂g ū 1 chiah chhù-chiáu-á kah 1  chiah o͘-a, in 2 ê ê kian-kah-thâu lóng phāiⁿ 1 ki hóe-chhèng, lâi-lâi-hôe-hôe teh sûn-lô. Jia̍k khòaⁿ 1 ē chhiò kah kiōng-beh péng--kòe, chit-sî niáu-chhí-á kah chúi-ke ùi Jia̍k ê lak-tē-á hoah kóng:

‟Goán sī ông phài--lâi-ê! Chhàu-sió-kiáⁿ! Kín pàng goán kòe!”

He sàu-peng khì hō͘ in hoah 1 ē lóng sa-bô-cháng, bô koh ke mn̄g to̍h pàng in kòe--ah.

Goán是1 tīn真要意台語台文ê人,對台語有真深ê感情,tī chit-má這ê對台語,也tio̍h是咱Formosa chit粒島嶼本底ê共同語,去hō͘ chē-chē人看輕ê時代,想beh出來做kóa tāi-chì,kā goán目前koh ē-hiáu ê物件,分享hō͘社會知影。

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