1967年 #8月24日#大丈夫林彬
24 Aug, 1967
1967年:「#商業電臺」著名播音員 #林彬 先生(諱少波)與堂弟林光海在本日上午近九時於九龍窩打老道山「嘉鳴閣」外遇襲。當時二人正準備駕車往廣播道,駛經上址時,兩名「#共匪」#暴徒 偽裝作修路工人將車攔截,並擲之以汽油彈;二人即時逃出車外,但已全身著火。途人見狀馬上報警,將之送院;但林傷重不治,翌日逝世。其弟則卒於 #8月29日。——有傳林於白車上痛呼:「#左崽害死我咯!」
Today in 1967 marked the zenith of the #1967LeftistRiots, where renowned radio host from Commerical Radio, Mr Lam Bun, and his cousin, Mr Lam Gwong-hoi, had been assassinated at Waterloo Road Hill, Kowloon around 9 a.m.
The Lam cousins were driving towards Broadcast Drive when the incident took place, where two #communists had disguised themselves as road repair workers, blocked the way and shoved Molotov cocktails inside the car. Having jumped out of the car, the Lam cousins still caught on fire nevertheless. Witnesses contacted the police and sent the Lams to hospital. Lam Bun suffered from severe injuries and died on the day after, whereas Lam Gwong-hoi died on 29 Aug. There had been allegations where Lam Bun yelled "the leftists have murdered me!!" during his ambulance ride.
One of the thugs, Xu, promptly escaped back to his hometown in Fujian after committing the arson and assassination, an informed individual says.
而當年擔當「#鬥委會」主任、帶頭「#暴動」之 #楊光(前「#工聯會」理事長),後竟獲「特首」#董建華 頒授「#大紫荊勳章」;其死(2015年 #5月16日)後,時任「政務司」司長之 #林鄭月娥 則說:「#楊先生貢獻良多!」
Yeung Kwong (then Chairman of HKFTU), who lead the 1967 Leftist Riots as the Chairman of All-Circle Struggle Committee, was awarded Grand Bauhinia Medal by former Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa. Addressing his death (16 May 2015), then Chief Secretary for Administration Carrie Lam noted that Yeung "had made tremendous contribution".
附《餘音裊裊——悼念林彬先生》(「消失的檔案」、《香港蘋果日報》 24/8/2018):
【#百日維新 系列】
#光緖帝 諭知九月間偕同 #慈禧太后 詣天津行宮 #閱兵 日程。