更新於 2019/04/28閱讀時間約 3 分鐘


4-這是一篇美國的AeroSpace America在2018年針對混合式火箭的報導。
而這次,ARRC也有被報導到喔!! 報導主要是針對我們正在研發中的4-HELP混合式引擎懸浮平台計畫。
4-Hybrid Rocket Engine Levitating Platform (4-HELP)
不過可能之前沒有說明得很清楚導致報導內容有點錯誤...(因為小編都PO中文居多啦XD) 我們做推力控制的引擎是使用"雙氧水"混合式推進系統, 之前也有PO在FB過。如下方連結: (https://www.facebook.com/ARRCRocket/videos/1288540024624534/) 。目前正在將其推力放大至120-150 kgf, 而這更是HTTP-3A火箭計畫中不可或缺的一部份, 其設計就是要用來做推力向量控制使用。 未來我們將陸續公開HTTP-3A的計劃內容,請大家盡請期待吧~
A recently reported The 2018 Year In Review of Aerospace America has reported ARRC's research in hybrid rocket propulsion using cheap and simple ball valve for precise throttling of H2O2/plastic hybrid rocket engine. The report is basically correct, but with a mistake that we are using H2O2, not N2O for this technology. Our throttlable hybrid rocket engine applies H2O2 and plastic as fuel and oxidizer respectively. A typical hot-fire video clip can be found at https://www.facebook.com/ARRCRocket/videos/1288540024624534/ And we are currently scaling it up to 120-150 kgf and apply it to the HTTP-3A rocket for the TVC purpose. More development activities will be released as time goes on.
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