「香港反修例風波引起的抗爭運動即將踏入第六個月。各路和勇英雄,萬眾一心,各司其職。我等一群香港伊利沙伯中學學生,背負女王之名,謹遵校訓「修己善群」之教誨,希望在英國戰線上略盡綿力。我們近日撰寫一封公開信給英女王伊利沙伯二世,,正本已郵寄至白金漢宮,冀望能與女王在香港危機上 ‘connect’。
// We are a group of students from Queen Elizabeth School in Hong Kong, a secondary school founded in 1954 to commemorate Your Majesty’s coronation in the previous year. We wish to inform you of the dire situation in Hong Kong and plead for Your Majesty’s support in defence of freedom and democracy of our home.
Despite our young age, our stake in society as Hongkongers is no less significant than that of the adults. We were born and raised in this city, and we love our home for its cultural diversity and the cherished legacy of British governance, notably a well-established legal system safeguarding our rights and freedom.
The situation, however, has deteriorated abruptly in recent months.... //