更新於 2021/11/09閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

November 8

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
Why accept any limitations anywhere in your life? Feel yourself expanding in consciousness day by day. Expect the new to unfold within you and before you, and if it calls for changes in you, be willing to change without hesitation. When you want to change a programme on the radio, you have to turn the knob until you find the new station. Then you have to take great care to tune in until the reception is clear and there are no distortions to spoil the programme. When your desire to move out of the old is great enough, you will leave no stone unturned until you have done so. You will turn every knob until you are tuned in to the new and can receive it loudly and clearly. With this clear reception you then have to be still and listen; and when you have absorbed what is being transmitted, you then have to get into action and do something about it. Why wait another day? Tune in now.
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