更新於 2022/05/11閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

May 11

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
  I AM the Source of all things. I AM the Source of your abundant supply. Think abundance; think prosperity. Never for one second think lack or poverty. When you think limitation, you create limitation; you draw it to you. Before you know it, you will find that you have dammed up the free flow of My limitless supply of all things. Next time you find yourself suffering lack of any sort, do not blame your circumstances, your conditions or your situation, but take time to look within and see what there is in you which is causing the blockage. Is it fear of lack, fear of being short of something? Fear can cause a blockage quicker than anything else. Cast all your fears and worries upon Me and Iet Me sustain you. Let Me infill you with power and strength, with faith and belief. Once you have your spiritual values right, you will find that the rest of your life will fall into place in true perfection.
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