更新於 2020/03/03閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


文法興許是大家學英文路上最可怕的絆腳石。如果能夠不學文法,就學好英文,該有多好? 其實,只要透過大量閱讀兒童繪本作品,就能從小自然而然地打好英文根基! 想試試看嗎?跟著文青懶媽一起試一試吧!
《故事大綱:》 如果,你給一隻小豬一盤鬆餅,會發生什麼事?他會心存感謝?他會要求洗個泡泡浴?他想去農場找朋友?他甚至想要蓋一棟樹屋? 這莫非是蝴蝶效應,一盤鬆餅居然讓你如此措手不及,卻又無法拒絕只能任他予求予求?
書名:If You Give a Pig a Pancake 作者:Laura Numeroff 主題:幽默風趣、幫助他人 適合年齡:3-7歲 難度:Lexile 480L 適合的英語程度:親子英文共讀1-2年以上的小孩
這系列的作品,插圖內容豐富、故事內容富含趣味,很能為親子共讀帶來樂趣。 充滿細節的插圖能幫助親子共讀間的對話延伸,或激發幼童觀察、與生活串聯的描述。 《If you give a pig a pancake》包含了一個孩子在家裡可能會做的任何事,可能會天外飛來一筆的各種奇思異想。生活化的單字與句子,能幫助孩子在自然而然中,習得各種居家活動的字彙句型。
共讀步驟:1) 共讀前 (Before Reading) 共讀前,先翻翻封面,與孩子討論他們看到了什麼? 參考句型: What do you see here? A piglet. What is he holding in his hand? A pancake. What is on the table? A bottle of syrup, and a plate of pancakes. 與孩子討論,收到一盤鬆餅的小豬,會做些什麼事呢?要吃鬆餅前要做什麼事? 參考句型: What do you think the piglet would do if you give him a pancake? What do you need to do before eating a pancake?
2) 共讀中 (During Reading)
在共讀的過程中,試著和孩子一起討論,如果有一隻小豬來,你會請他吃鬆餅嗎?為什麼想請他吃鬆餅?為什麼不請他吃呢?吃鬆餅要配什麼好呢? If a piglet comes, will you give him a pancake? Why do you want to give him a pancake? What do you want to go with a pancake? Milk? Juice? 如果你是那隻小豬,在...後,你會想做些什麼呢? If you were the piglet, what do you want to do after taking a bath/ after finding the old tape shoes/ after ...
3) 共讀後 (After Reading) 共讀後,和孩子針對內容一起討論,覺得自己跟小豬像嗎?曾經碰過這樣的朋友嗎? Do you think you and the piglet is alike? Do you have friends like the piglet? What did he do? Do you like him?
精選句型練習: 授與動詞 give/get/pass someone something = give/get/pass something to someone 把**東西給某人 If you give a pig a pancake. == Please give me the ball. Please get me some water. Please pass me the eggs.
搭配副詞 want something to go with something...搭配食用/搭配使用 She will want a pancake to go with syrup... == I want some milk to go with the bread. I want some water to go with the medicine.
字彙片語小提示:》 get sticky -- she gets all sticky. ask for == ask for a toy. homesick == feel homesick. try on == try on the old tap shoes. a piano piece == play your very best piano piece. take a picture == take someone picture.
繪本讀後小活動: 跟寶貝共讀完後,餓了嗎?或者想一起玩泡泡浴了呢? Let's go to make pancake together. Let's go to take a bubble bath.
讀完這篇的你,是否會心一笑呢? 家裡何嘗不是養了隻天馬行空,令你團團轉的可愛小豬?
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