前幾天有同事在校園走動的時候,笑嘻嘻的跟我說有人看到他就避開了,我隨之問到為什麼?我們相視而笑之後,便異口同聲的說:“Because you are (I am) Chinese." 。在社群上,不免看到新起的Meme跟貼文,建議大家一看到中國人打噴嚏就趕快百米衝刺逃走。這一些也能看到部分澳洲人對於武漢肺炎/新冠狀病毒 (Novel Coronavirus)的疑慮跟恐慌。
Internationally, approximately 11,955 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV, and 259 deaths have been reported – a 2.17% fatality rate. - Australian Department of Health
澳洲衛生部(Australian Department of Health)相信新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV)
在潛伏期(incubation period)是沒有感染性的
致死率為2.17% ,比SARS跟MERS還低 (SARS為10%,MERS為35%)
外加中國目前封城跟有旅遊限制,所以受感染的人有受到控制。最新資料是顯示,潛伏期(有症狀前)是否有傳染性還不確定,所以澳洲相關機構目前是不採納相關的研究結果。Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy表示新型冠狀病毒跟SARS和MERS相似,而後者在有症狀前都沒有感染性,所以新型冠狀病毒也應相同。
It would be very unusual because this virus is similar to the SARS and MERS viruses and they were not infectious before symptoms...’
There is preliminary evidence of a very small number of people who may have been infectious before their symptoms developed. More information about this new virus is needed in order to understand when a person becomes infectious.