2020-02-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

[繪本]Emma by Barbara Cooney

    Emma by Barbara Cooney, lovely illustrations and touching story.❤️picture from Emma, amazon.
    "Emma" by Barbara Cooney, lovely illustrations and touching story.❤️ picture from "Emma", amazon.
    小繪本插畫很美、故事很喜歡,“Emma 72歲的婆婆,家裡有一隻貓咪陪伴,小孩不時會來陪伴但偶爾還是會感到孤單。因緣際會開始拿起畫筆畫下喜歡的人、身邊的貓、記憶中的小城,屋子裡滿滿的畫作,Emma再也不孤單了。"
    Emma is trying to save her lovely orange cat from the tree. Love this illustration so much. picture from "Emma", amazon.
    Emma is a lonely elder. She starts painting the people she loved, the little orange cat she has and the scenes in her mind through serendipity. Emma no longer feels lonely with all these painting around her.
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