2020-05-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


01|via 通過:via internet
02|venture [noun]商業行為:look for more business ventures;joint ventures between this two countries ● [verb]冒險:We are venturing into the unknown.
03|eager [adjective]熱切:eager population of costomers;He sounded very eager to meet you.eager for money
04|steady [adjective]持續規律的:move in a steady pace; produced a steady flow/stream/trickle of new books ●其他意思:平穩的:make a steady profit;hold something steady;steady job ●其他意思:可靠的:a steady partner
05|establish [verb]設立:was established in 1995 ●其他意思:使被接受:were well established at my new jobs
06|entrepreneur [noun]企業家:became a successful entrepreneur
07|investment [noun]投資:a foreign investment;a long-term investment
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