更新於 2020/07/30閱讀時間約 4 分鐘


    尤其我們這一個industry 名氣超級重要。名氣大錢就多,追求名氣的方法就是不停的讓人家看到你,or the students 不停的get exposures 。雖然壓力蠻大的但是對我而言就是沒有其他的方法。
    我向來就是個外向的extrovert. 以前每個禮拜六禮拜天都一定會排的滿滿的各式各樣的飯局或者是活動。有的時候禮拜五晚上沒有約我都還會自己特別開車跑去鼎泰豐take away 就是絕對不能不出門就對了。不出門就會覺得無聊。
    上網教教學生。時間到就錄podcast, 和朋友吃吃飯,學習新的東西,和家裡人聚聚。
    What 4 months quarantine taught me:
    1. Music heals the soul I dig out cello and Chinese harp from the storage and start playing again. 30 mins of piano and singing every single day. We form a instrumental group so when the world opens again we will meet each other and play regularly. “If the world was ending” singing collaboration with my students and podcast listeners is extremely fun too.
    2. Life needs routine Habit share app with my habit share group is extremely helpful. Balance relaxation with productivity.
    3. Who are the important people Keep your family and friends close. As long as everyone is safe and well, nothing else matters.
    4. What you need in life is not as much as you think I used to look out for new investments or products all the time. Now you realize all you need is food and happy mood.
    5. Unexpected opportunities. I never think quarantine will bring out new adventures. Now with zoom lessons I have students from Dubai, Taiwan and USA. It makes me design new ways of teaching and connect with students in different part of the world.
    6. Quarantine doesn’t mean isolation. We have Susie’s monthly zoom book club, fortnight toastmaster club, friends coffee zoom catch up. When you have WiFi, the world is your oyster.
    Stay safe and keep well darlings.
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