2020-10-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘


    電影世界 摩洛哥的勵志電影
    2019-02-19 用語:Arabic(اللغة العربية)
    摘要 當我們看到阿瑪爾和卡門的友誼綻放,我們也看到國際關係對他們生活的影響。因此這部電影強調人與人之間和諧與諒解的重要。由奧利佛·勒賽執導的《我等行過阿特拉斯的幽谷》給人一種神秘、冥想、迷人的體驗。感人電影《大旅行》講述史詩般的旅程,如何連接父親與兒子的心與靈魂。電影也成功地展示了對伊斯蘭教朝聖傳統美麗的見解。Cinema Scene Moroccan Inspirational Movies: “Adios Carmen,” “Mimosas,” and “The Great Voyage” 2019-02-19 Language:Arabic(اللغة العربية)
    Details As we watch Amar and Carmen’s friendship blossom, we also see how international relations have impacted their lives. Thus, the film highlights the importance of harmony and understanding between all peoples. Directed by Oliver Laxe, “Mimosas” is an enigmatic, meditative, and mesmerizing experience. “The Great Voyage” is a moving film on how an epic journey unites the hearts and souls of a father and son. The film also successfully gives beautiful insight into the Islamic tradition of the Hajj pilgrimage.
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