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無上師電視台, [26.12.20 01:34]
🙏❤️2020-12-26 焦點新聞:清海無上師在「攜手照亮我們的道路」節目中的談話 2020.12.22
Chief Lane(m): 衷心感謝。剛才在聆聽清海無上師善良、慈悲的訊息時,我感動得落淚。
Dr. Sailesh Rao(m): 我由衷感謝清海無上師帶來這極佳的訊息。我很感謝她代表動物表達如此清楚的心聲…我們必須以仁慈和慈悲善待動物。訊息中也強調所有宗教之間共同一致的慈悲心。
Connie Baxter Marlow(f): 謹向大師致敬,並感謝她認可原民同胞的角色,尊重所有生命的神聖,以及與人類同一體…
Adriana Alvarez(f): 非常感謝您。敬愛的清海師父,我們的內心、精神,我們每一部分的DNA都收到了您的祝福… 您的典範、您的行動啟發了我們,鼓舞了我們,攜手照亮了我們的道路,讓我們愛護、尊重、珍愛所有生命,尤其是動物親人。
Dr. Dot Maver(f): …無上師似乎擁有源源不絕的愛,長養地球上的所有造物,我的內心也充滿了愛。因此,感謝無上師和所有更有自覺地走在這個旅程的人們。
Noteworthy News
Supreme Master Ching Hai speaks at “Enlightening Our Way Together,” Dec. 22, 2020
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Our Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly accepted the heartfelt invitation by the Honorable Chief Phil Lane Jr., Hereditary Chief of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, to be a keynote speaker on December 22, 2020 at “Enlightening Our Way Together.” It is a global digital program, running from December 11 through December 22, celebrating the dawning of a new age, with emphasis on the worldwide adoption of the vegan diet and actualizing Article 15 of the International Treaty to Protect and Restore Mother Earth. Article 15 commits to eliminating factory farming and “protecting Mother Earth from further destruction.”
In his letter, Chief Lane, who was inspired by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s messages and Supreme Master Television programs to become vegan, said: “It was clear for me to fully address Article 15 that I needed to be vegan, myself, and 'Walk my Talk!' So I am a vegan now. Thank You for all your inspiration, prayers, and support. Literally, without Your very kind, loving, and generous support, all our work in 2020, could not have been accomplished! Our thanksgiving transcends the world of names and the murmur of syllables and sounds.”
Although unable to attend the event due to Her intensive meditation retreat, Master graciously recorded a special video message for the participants; the following is an excerpt.
Greetings, all the great First Nations in the world. All the Indigenous people, beloved of the Creation. I’m very honored to be with you today. But I feel like we always are together, no matter how long, how far the physical distance because that doesn’t matter to the souls.
I wish all of you, first of all, the best that Heavens can bestow, that your people will always be feeling the love of the Divine in your heart, in your mind and in your soul. Amen.
I congratulate those who have turned to veganism as a way of life to help save the animals and save our planet. I’m truly grateful for that. And may God bless you ever more.
Yes, our world is in trouble. But we can fix it. Each one of us has a power to do it – simple, being vegan. And then other beautiful qualities will come out, and bless you, bless your loved ones, and then bless the world as well. That is the power of compassion, benevolence, which is inherent in all of us. All we have to do is just to use it.
God is all love, and God has only love for all of us. It is that we should also spread that love, through a kind, compassionate way of life, so that no one, no beings get hurt, or damaged, or ruined, or destroyed through our negligent actions, through our inconsideration for others’ feelings and right to live.
I am thanking Chief Phil Lane again for his leadership in this role, in this time of need, that he may remind his kinships, his people, his relatives, friends, to remember the benevolent way of life. May God bless him. May God bless you, Chief Phil Lane. You are truly a Chief, because you research, you know and you assimilate all the knowledge that is beneficial to yourself and to your people. And you are spreading it.
And by being a vegan, you are the best example of leadership for your people. We thank you. Heaven takes note of that and is blessing you, your loved ones and your people evermore, evermore, evermore than before.
It’s just that in this time of trouble, people will be more inclined to look inward, to be more connected with the Divine. Thus, they will feel, they will recognize more of the love and the blessing of the Providence. And it is a good thing that sometimes we go through upheavals, so that we can be awakened to something greater than our physical lives and our physical beings. And the Indigenous people know this.
Because you are a very spiritual race of beings, ever since time immemorial, you have always tried to connect with the higher level of Spirit, and you have always tried to protect the environment, the lands, all the beings around you. Even trees, and grass, and flowers, always receive your respect, and love and protection. And for that, the Earth, Mother Earth thanks you. Nature thanks you and the animals thank you. And I thank you. And Heaven praises you for being so conscious of the blessing that you have. I wish all the people in the world have the same consciousness of respect, appreciation and protection and love for all beings around us, because we are all connected. If we hurt one, we will hurt ourselves. If we hurt one, we also hurt all. The Indigenous people, especially, realize this fact very, very deeply, and they always preserve the tradition of respect and love for all around them.
Because they are a gentle race of beings, they are the forefathers of many races on this planet. We all came from Indigenous roots. We all came from the First People on this planet. Like, the First Nations now you call them. And we all have the duty to protect them, to protect this ancient heritage, this ancient way of life, relying on nature more and protecting nature more, respecting nature more.
I do hope that all of us will remember these lessons we learned since the first day we appeared on this planet. Many of us have forgotten and that is a very sad thing. We pray Heavens to bless us to remember again, to remember deeper, deeper through our consciousness to be more connected with something higher than ourselves, something sacred, something protective, something holy, something benevolent, something of love of the highest order. Amen.
It is Christmas season and I hope all of us remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and make use of His blessing, His loving grace to do something good for ourselves, for others, for the world, and for the planet so that we might continue to exist in peace and love and harmony with all beings and above all, with all Heavens, with all the universe, in the all-embracing Love and Mercy of the Most High. May you all be well and blessed and loved the way that God intended for us to be. Love you forever. We are connected, we are relatives, we are friends. God bless you more. May God bless us all. Amen.
Following Master’s message, Chief Lane and several participants expressed their appreciation:
Chief Lane(m): Just heartfelt thanksgiving. I just had so many beautiful tears in listening to that beautiful kind, compassionate message from Supreme Master Ching Hai.
Dr. Sailesh Rao(m): I'm truly grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for this incredible message. And I am grateful to Her for speaking out on behalf of the animals so clearly… that we must treat them with kindness and compassion… And also for highlighting the unity of compassion among all religions.
Connie Baxter Marlow(f): I would like to honor and thank the Master for Her recognition of the role of the Indigenous people, in honoring the sacredness and oneness of all life for humanity…
Adriana Alvarez(f): Thank You so much. Beloved Master Ching Hai, we have received Your blessings in our hearts, in our spirits, in each part of our DNA… Your example, Your pathway has inspired us, motivated us, enlightened our way together, to love, to honor, to cherish all life, and especially our animal relatives.
Dr. Dot Maver(f): …And it is as though Supreme Master had a watering can of love and nourishment, on all the Earth for all creation and my heart is full. So, gratitude to You, to Supreme Master, and to all who are walking the journey ever more consciously.
Our deep gratitude, Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai, for sharing this illuminating message of Love, uplifting hearts and lighting our way to a future filled with benevolence for all beings. Also, our sincere appreciation, the Honorable Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. and all those involved in this event, for your caring leadership and commitment to safeguarding our precious Mother Earth. We pray more humans quickly adopt the compassionate vegan way of life so generations to come of all peoples and species will know an existence where peace and love reign.
Please tune in for Supreme Master Television’s show on the “Enlightening Our Way Together” global digital program, at a later date.無上師電視台, [29.12.20 09:26]
📖 本日節目表 12/29
❤️ 焦點新聞
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❤️ (重播)唐納‧川普閣下:矢志帶領美國和世界向前行
🖥 無上師電視台
📖 Today's program 12/29
❤️ Noteworthy News
❤️ God is Love: From Thoughts in Solitude by the Reverend Thomas Merton (vegetarian), Part 2 of 2
❤️ A Dazzling Vegan New Year Celebration , Part 1 of 8
❤️ “Live Fashion, Walk Compassion” – An Interview with Israeli Fashion Designer Liat Lahav (vegan)
❤️ The True Meaning Of Monkhood, Part 9 of 9, Dec 26, 2019
❤️ the re-air of “His Excellency Donald Trump: Determined to Bring the United States and World Forward”
🖥 無上師電視台
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焦點新聞 清海無上師分享猶太故事 2020.12.09 2020-12-14 摘要 我們最敬愛的清海無上師於二○二○年十二月九日從為世界密集打坐閉關中,抽出寶貴時間與無上師電視台團隊親切交談。她和藹地將《猶太民俗寶庫》中,故事從悠樂文(越南文)翻譯成英文,該書由阮願作家編輯。標題是「城市守護者」。講
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Google News 追蹤
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
《華頓商學院最受歡迎的談判課》一書,似乎是想學談判的人都會閱讀的書籍。 書中提供許多新法和範例,相當實用。 其中有 13 步談判公式,我將公式稍作分析之後,覺得恰巧和問題解決的步驟不謀而合。因此我嘗試將兩套工具融合。
主持人:「大家好!我是吳世非,今天的節目由生技公司「愈吃愈強壯」,獨家冠名公司,這家公司很厲害,早期可以將用過的食用油回收再利用,現在技術愈來愈好,連酒精、煤油到汽油都可以轉化成食用油,號稱安全健康、「絕不保證」!接下來為大家介紹今天的與會佳賓,首先是上次來過的藍里大女士! 」 藍里大:「大家好!
願此三十二拜文,久住於世,令有緣眾生,深信受持,正念念佛。 【一心觀禮,佛由心生,心隨佛現,心外無境,全佛是心,境外無心,全他即自,洪名正彰自性,淨土方顯唯心,感應道交,呼應同時,十萬億程,去此不遠,心作心是,阿彌陀佛。 南無阿彌陀佛(一拜三稱)】
願此三十二拜文,久住於世,令有緣眾生,深信受持,正念念佛。 【一心觀禮,極樂世界,教主本尊,今現在彼,為諸有情,宣說甚深微妙之法,令得殊勝利益安樂,十方菩薩瞻禮聞法,得蒙授記,稱讚供養,阿彌陀佛。南無阿彌陀佛(一拜三稱)】
慈悲 龍德上師開示:「拜祖先的最高境界是什麼?就是用佛法超渡祖先。」今生我們有幸值遇佛法,應該要懂得行孝,以超渡的功德救度先亡祖先、過去和現世的父母,以及摰愛的親人脫離痛苦。觀音山《金剛般若波羅蜜經》超渡法會,為先亡祖先、冤親債主、無緣水兒、地基主等登記「超薦蓮位」對轉生善趣或解脫六道有極大的幫助。
在《華頓商學院最受歡迎的談判課》的書中,作者談到如何在日常生活中應用談判技巧,以得到更多。透過談判技巧與情感因素,可以在不放棄的情況下,達成更多的目標。書中涉及多種生活範例,並提及在追求getting more的同時,也要考慮道德與他人的損失。
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
《華頓商學院最受歡迎的談判課》一書,似乎是想學談判的人都會閱讀的書籍。 書中提供許多新法和範例,相當實用。 其中有 13 步談判公式,我將公式稍作分析之後,覺得恰巧和問題解決的步驟不謀而合。因此我嘗試將兩套工具融合。
主持人:「大家好!我是吳世非,今天的節目由生技公司「愈吃愈強壯」,獨家冠名公司,這家公司很厲害,早期可以將用過的食用油回收再利用,現在技術愈來愈好,連酒精、煤油到汽油都可以轉化成食用油,號稱安全健康、「絕不保證」!接下來為大家介紹今天的與會佳賓,首先是上次來過的藍里大女士! 」 藍里大:「大家好!
願此三十二拜文,久住於世,令有緣眾生,深信受持,正念念佛。 【一心觀禮,佛由心生,心隨佛現,心外無境,全佛是心,境外無心,全他即自,洪名正彰自性,淨土方顯唯心,感應道交,呼應同時,十萬億程,去此不遠,心作心是,阿彌陀佛。 南無阿彌陀佛(一拜三稱)】
願此三十二拜文,久住於世,令有緣眾生,深信受持,正念念佛。 【一心觀禮,極樂世界,教主本尊,今現在彼,為諸有情,宣說甚深微妙之法,令得殊勝利益安樂,十方菩薩瞻禮聞法,得蒙授記,稱讚供養,阿彌陀佛。南無阿彌陀佛(一拜三稱)】
慈悲 龍德上師開示:「拜祖先的最高境界是什麼?就是用佛法超渡祖先。」今生我們有幸值遇佛法,應該要懂得行孝,以超渡的功德救度先亡祖先、過去和現世的父母,以及摰愛的親人脫離痛苦。觀音山《金剛般若波羅蜜經》超渡法會,為先亡祖先、冤親債主、無緣水兒、地基主等登記「超薦蓮位」對轉生善趣或解脫六道有極大的幫助。
在《華頓商學院最受歡迎的談判課》的書中,作者談到如何在日常生活中應用談判技巧,以得到更多。透過談判技巧與情感因素,可以在不放棄的情況下,達成更多的目標。書中涉及多種生活範例,並提及在追求getting more的同時,也要考慮道德與他人的損失。