2021-04-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

Asian Racism The UNSPOKEN TRUTH 😥華人被歧視背後其實是…

各種歧視背後其實是… What's Behind Discrimination, Racism, and Stereotypes?
彼此不夠了解,希望大家能多以溝通去化解這種大規模的誤解。 這一集繼續和Fearless Passport的Yeeven談談被歧視的經驗,也會和你分享遇到不舒服的情況可以採用的實際應對方法。想一想你是不是有類似的經驗,如果有什麼啟發記得和身邊也覺得曾被歧視的人分享。 DISCRIMINATION in fact is MISUNDERSTANDING at scale. Since we’re all equal, what we can do is to TALK IT OUT. #asianlivesmatter#blacklivesmatter#alllivesmatter
這次也提供音檔、影片、章節,用聽的用看的都可以,想練習英文的人可以按照推薦的使用方式一步步增加吸收的程度。There’re audio, video, chapters. Feel free to choose the easiest format for you! 想要文字稿的,請留言告訴我,我再放上來 Let me know in the comment if you want to read the script. 音檔連結: https://wp.me/paMwby-A4

學語言最有效的方式:Best Ways To Learn A Language
  1. 先聽幾次音頻或影片不要看字幕,速度可調慢
  2. 之後閱讀文字稿再聽幾次,最後跟著字幕讀
Chapters 章節如下:
01:40​ – A story of an Asian student attacked in Leuven, Belgium 一名亞洲學生在比利時魯汶遇襲的故事 03:29​ – Chinese got discriminated when going house hunting in Leuven, Belgium 我在比利時魯汶找房時受到的歧視 04:59​ – Experience of getting catcalled and yelled at in different Asian languages 用不同亞洲語言對我們大吼大叫,對我們做鬼臉、笑我們眼睛小? 05:32​ – Why do they do this to us? What can we do if someone makes us uncomfortable? 他們為什麼對我們這樣做?如果有人讓我們不舒服該怎麼辦? 08:28​ – Some people assume we can’t speak English because we look Asian? 有些人覺得亞洲人不會說英語? 09:53​ – How can a hello offend people? What can we say so we don’t offend strangers? 一句你好居然會冒犯別人?我們能和陌生人說什麼才不會冒犯? 11:06​ – After generalization, it depends on individuals 概括之後還是取決於個人 11:41​ – Why do they keep speaking the language I don’t understand? 他們為什麼繼續說我不懂的語言? 12:34​ – All are just assumptions if you don’t find out! I assume that they assume that I don’t speak English. Why feeling hurt based on assumption? 如果不知道事實,所有都只是假設!我以為他們以為我不會說英語?為何因假設感到不舒服? 13:14​ – Discrimination at the workplace, they called me a “Chinese Volunteer” 我在工作時受到歧視,有人叫我「華工」、「華人志願者」 14:20​ – What does Chinese Volunteer mean? Een chinees vrijwilliger in Dutch 「華人志願者」 是什麼意思?荷蘭語的 chinees vrijwilliger 14:50​ – What’s discrimination? 什麼是歧視? 15:22​ – The step you need to take to mitigate or eliminate discrimination and stereotypes 想減輕或消除歧視和刻板印象應做的事 16:00​ – Equality is also about equal understanding 平等也意味著要有著同等的理解 16:10​​ – We’re more similar than different. We’re all just human. 我們其實沒有想像中的不同


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