Record the thought after visiting the nature, comparing the minds between years ago and the present. Got progress, take it as the harvest, for collecting the power initiated by the happiness. Believe what I trust, do what I could do. Incorporate the optimistic/positive from the nature and the people, and keep going ahead bravely, even steadily. Enthusiastically&Regularly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 平易近人, 七里香果; 一路走來, 成果了. 開花前, 飽滿豐腴, 紅艷色澤; 但, 含蓄地, 低調的.想起那, 初嘗試種子盆栽, 體驗; 實踐, 心兒想做的. 目前, 映入眼簾; 著實, 新歡攝影, 遇上那舊愛鮮活; 這回, 更懂”處之泰然”了; 雖然, 風霜難免.綜觀自然, 納進, 山的堅定, 雲的豐富, 太陽明亮, 天海氣度; 學習, 蝴蝶輕舞, 鳥兒飛翔; 擁抱自然.