Met the hostess and her son, while enjoying the flowers of the coral bean tree. New flower name learned in April, New friends encountered during travelling.How delicious the taste, How warm the temperature, happily experienced during the friendly conversation. Meaningfully Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 原始林貌中, 民宅位居著; 門前紅艷花, 朝天椒姿勢, 玫瑰花熱情, 巧墜般結構, 枝刺如玫瑰, 鄉野原始味. 本月首見花, 珊瑚刺桐也; 持續見識著, 生活豐富了. 駐足欣賞著, 女主人與兒, 熱心招呼著, 貼心問候著; 互動熱絡地, 如此親切地;真誠的言語, 直達心窩裡.暖心那滋味, 互動這誠意; 如此豪爽精確, 互助大方.漫步大自然巧遇可愛人們,完整了花語, 精采了花貌.