Enjoy the surprising, Nourish the mind, with this pretty flower, of Cactus.Onto the thorn, the bloom starts.Unlock ourselves, for reaching the new and pretty, Release us from the artificial, At least few quarters a day, few hours per weekend, Go back to the NATURE, Effect ourselves naturally. Fully encouraged by so actively blooming the Cactus flower, during my biking along the coastline, in summer. No doubt, you’re the cheer leader. Inspiringly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 豔陽天濱海行, 仙人掌列隊熱情鼓勵著.這花朵, 明亮動人; 開放於, 刺座之上; 那花瓣, 晶瑩剔透, 如羽翼般柔順細緻; 生長環境, 本領鍛鍊; 堅韌勁道, 動人.