You strive to play music of thunder and the wind
But notes couldn’t be heard
with black-and-white keys
The tail of conductor’s baton
couldn’t control the speed
The enemy you once feared
is now confined across
plodding back and forth, for all day long.
The children, having your pictures
as collections in their albums
They get back to their sweet cage
playing Beethoven’s.
— translation of Hong Hong (鴻鴻)’s work in publication Off the Roll Poetry (衛生紙詩刊)
This is an excellent piece about confinement. Made me think a lot about the zoo and our education. Or even, to view it from a larger context, about how human are confining each other in this society. Hope you like the piece and my translation too.
I worked on the translation last year when I was working with creative writing poetry translation workshop in NTU; the workshop was led by editors George O’Connell and Diana Shi. We worked on translation of Taiwan poets, and would make an anthology afterwards.
This piece was not further discussed and rendered by the workshop at the time, so I refined and published it here under my own name.
For works that are collectively discussed, rendered and published, you’re welcome to have a look at the journal . More works will be published soon, so stay tuned!