更新於 2021/08/02閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

Horse with black-white stripes


Photo by on
空有黑白相間的琴鍵 彈不出半個音符 不停指揮的尾巴 揮不動已遠去的風聲,雷聲
從前最恐懼的天敵 現在關在對面 成日自兜自轉
而那些愛你的孩子們 則把你收集在相簿中 然後爬回自己的囚籠 繼續練習田園 以及月光
— 選自鴻鴻《衛生紙詩刊》

我在國立台灣大學的《創意翻譯工作坊:臺灣當代詩歌之英譯》課程中開始翻譯詩的旅程。我的老師喬直(George O’Connell )和史春波(Diana Shi)同時也有自己的journal ,若有興趣看老師們或是工作坊中的其他作品,歡迎參觀。

Horse with Black-White Stripes
We confine animals — of the same species or not
You strive to play music of thunder and the wind But notes couldn’t be heard with black-and-white keys The tail of conductor’s baton couldn’t control the speed
The enemy you once feared is now confined across plodding back and forth, for all day long.
The children, having your pictures as collections in their albums They get back to their sweet cage playing Beethoven’s.
— translation of Hong Hong (鴻鴻)’s work in publication Off the Roll Poetry (衛生紙詩刊)

This is an excellent piece about confinement. Made me think a lot about the zoo and our education. Or even, to view it from a larger context, about how human are confining each other in this society. Hope you like the piece and my translation too.

I worked on the translation last year when I was working with creative writing poetry translation workshop in NTU; the workshop was led by editors George O’Connell and Diana Shi. We worked on translation of Taiwan poets, and would make an anthology afterwards.
This piece was not further discussed and rendered by the workshop at the time, so I refined and published it here under my own name.
For works that are collectively discussed, rendered and published, you’re welcome to have a look at the journal . More works will be published soon, so stay tuned!
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