今天真的好冷啊!!!講到「好冷」,你會怎麼用英文形容呢?只用 very cold、quite cold 有時好像不夠力。
cold 這個字的用法還可以怎麼變化、
有哪些類似 cold 的單字可以學,以及補充一下
※ 之前我有寫過一篇關於「天氣熱」的 15 種說法,你還沒看過的話可以點下面的連結喔:
cold 的用法還可以怎麼變化?
除了說 very cold、really cold、so cold,你也可以這樣說:
⊙ extremely cold
⊙ incredibly cold
⊙ ridiculously cold
⊙ unbelievably cold
⊙ terribly cold
⊙ bitterly cold bitter 通常是形容詞「苦的、痛苦的」,有時也可以用來指天氣「極冷的、冷到骨頭會痛的」,所以
bitterly 這個副詞放在 cold 前面強調是沒問題的喔。
⊙ freezing cold freezing 在這裡是當副詞,修飾形容詞 cold,但它本身也是個常用來形容天氣超冷的形容詞,下面我會再介紹更多。
⊙ ice-cold
According to the weather report, it will be extremely cold tonight.
It’s freezing cold outside. Let’s go into the house.
另外,cold 這個字除了用來形容天氣,還可以用來形容物體、食物等等。例如:
Your hands are ice-cold. / Your hands are as cold as ice. Where are your gloves?
(你的手好冰冷 / 你的手和冰塊一樣冷。你的手套在哪裡?)
I can’t have anything cold. I’m on my period.
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以下 6 個形容詞都跟「天氣冷」有關,你也可以順便學一下喔:
⊙ chilly
It’s so chilly here that I keep shivering. My teeth are chattering, too. Did you hear that?
⊙ bone-chilling bone 是名詞「骨頭」,chilling 也是從
chill 變化來的,所以 bone-chilling 就是形容詞「寒冷刺骨的」。造句:
It’s bone-chilling in Taiwan right now. The cold and wet weather makes you feel a lot colder than the actual temperature.
另外,也可以改用 someone is chilled to the bone 來形容「冷到骨子裡」。例如:
I’m chilled to the bone! I need some ginger duck soup to warm myself up.
⊙ freezing
Your room is freezing (cold). My hands and feet are going numb. Can you turn the heat on?
此外,想要誇張地表達「冷死」,就可以說 freeze to death。造個句子:
You will freeze to death if you go hiking right now. Why don’t you wait until the weather gets warm?
⊙ cool 前面三個字都是用來表達很冷,但
cool 是「涼的、涼爽的」,等於
slightly cold、a little bit cold。造句:
I love this cool weather. Let’s go take a walk.
cool 也常翻譯成「冷靜的」、「很酷的、很棒的」。舉些例子給你看:
Stay cool. We have to deal with this matter with caution.
You look cool in this leather jacket!
⊙ crisp crisp 用來形容天氣、空氣時,有「乾冷清爽的」的意思。舉例:
The air in the mountain is fresh and crisp. I love it.
⊙ bleak bleak 用來形容詞天氣的話,有「陰冷的」的意思。可以想像超級無敵冷的時候,天空也是灰暗的,讓人好憂鬱啊。舉例:
Although I love snow and those breathtaking glaciers in Norway, I really can’t stand the bleak winter there.
在報導「寒流來襲」的英文新聞中,我看過以下 4 個說法: