「大掃除」、「年夜飯」英文怎麼說?10 個農曆新年單字!

2022/01/24閱讀時間約 11 分鐘
今天想說來跟你分享一些農曆新年相關的英文單字,我總共整理了 10 個 : 農曆新年、除夕、年夜飯 / 團圓飯、大掃除、大年初一、拜拜、拜年、紅包、春聯、回娘家
我也會在每一個單字下方附上講解 & 英文小對話,希望你之後有機會跟阿豆仔聊到台灣的農曆新年時能派上用場喔!

「農曆新年」英文:Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year

lunar 是形容詞「月亮的」,因為我們的農曆是按照月亮的變化週期來看,所以除了 Chinese New Year 有時也會聽到有人說 Lunar New Year。
A: What’s your plan for Chinese New Year?
B: I guess I’ll just stay home, considering the surge of Omicron cases.
(我猜我就只會待在家,考慮到 Omicron 確診案例激增。)

「除夕」英文:Chinese New Year’s Eve

我在之前的文章(【戒掉中式英文】「新年新希望」和「跨年」英文都不能直翻!)有提到,eve 是名詞「前夕」,所以 Chinese New Year’s Eve 就是「除夕」囉。
A: Will you stay up late on Chinese New Year’s Eve?
B: It seems that you don’t know me very well. I stay up late every day. I am a night owl.

「年夜飯 / 團圓飯」英文:reunion dinner、New Year’s Eve dinner

reunion 是名詞「團聚」,dinner 是「晚餐」,合起來就有「年夜飯 / 團圓飯」的意思囉,另外要說 New Year’s Eve dinner 也行。
A: What are you going to eat for the reunion dinner this year?
B: We are going to have hot pot, sweet and sour fish, plus a roasted whole chicken.

「新春大掃除 」英文:spring cleaning

spring 是「春天」,clean 是動詞「打掃、清潔」,cleaning 在這裡則是動名詞指「打掃這件事」,所以「新春大掃除」就可以說 spring cleaning 喔,也可以直白地說 clean the house thoroughly(徹底地清理房子)。
A: I hate spring cleaning. It’s so exhausting! I would rather hire someone to clean the house for me, but I know my parents would reject me.
B: I’m the opposite. I think it’s quite therapeutic to clean the house thoroughly by myself.

「大年初一」英文:the first day of Chinese New Year

如果「大年初一」英文是 the first day of Chinese New Year(農曆新年的第一天),那你應該知道「大年初二」、「大年初三」…怎麼說了吧?就是 the second day of Chinese New Year、the third day of Chinese New Year 喔。
A: I want to go to an exhibition featuring Mucha’s paintings on the first day of Chinese New Year. Do you want to come?
B: Sorry, I can’t. I have to visit my uncles and aunts. But is the exhibition available that day?
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pray 是動詞「祈禱、祈求」,例如去廟裡祈求考試順利、身體健康,而 worship 是動詞「崇拜某神明、因為信仰而參加宗教儀式」,意思有點不同喔。
A: Many business owners in Taiwan worship Guan Gong, the God of Wealth. They will definitely go to a temple to pray to him for a prosperous year during Chinese New Year.
B: It’s so cool to have such a deity.

「拜年」英文:visit relatives and friends

visit 是動詞「拜訪」,relative 是「親戚」,friend 是「朋友」,合起來 visit relatives and friends 就有「拜訪親朋好友」的意思,也可以指「去親朋好友家拜年」喔。
A: It’s better to avoid visiting relatives and friends during this Chinese New Year.
B: I can’t agree with you more. The number of Omicron cases will absolutely surge when the New Year holiday is over.
(我完全同意。新年假期結束後,Omicron 確診案例數字絕對會暴增。)

「紅包」英文:red packet、red envelop

packet 是「一小包東西」,envelop 則是「信封」,這兩個字前面在加上 red「紅色」就可以變成「紅包」。
A: How many red packets do you usually give out during Chinese New Year?
B: I usually give out 8 red packets in total: 2 for my parents, 2 for my grandparents, and 4 for my nephews and nieces.

「春聯」英文:spring couplets

spring 是「春天」,couplet 是「(長度、韻腳相同的)對句」,兩個合起來就是「春聯」囉。
那 couplet 其實是從 couple 這個生活常用字變來的,意思是「一對夫妻或情侶」,例如 They are a couple.(他們是一對夫妻/情侶。)
另外「a couple of + 複數名詞」也是個常用片語,意思是「幾個…」,可以等於 a few、 severalsome,例如 I haven’t seen John for a couple of years.(我好幾年沒看到 John 了。)
A: My dad likes to buy spring couplets from this calligrapher.
B: How much is a pair? And where can I buy them?

「回娘家」英文:visit my parents / visit my parents-in-law

visit 是動詞「拜訪」,parents 是「父母、爸媽」,而 parents-in-law 是指「因法律關係而來的爸媽」,也就是「岳父岳母/公公婆婆」。
「回娘家」對已婚的女生來說就是 visit my parents,對已婚的男生來說則是 visit my parents-in-law。
A: Do you have time on the third day of Chinese New Year? Steve and I are thinking about having lunch together that day.
(你初三有空嗎?Steve 和我在想那天要一起吃午餐。)
B: I don’t think I can make it. I’m going to visit my parents-in-law in Pingtung on Wednesday and won’t be back until the last day of the New Year holiday.
另外推薦你看以下相關文章 :
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原本是個痛恨英文的人,後來卻意外成為英文的頭號粉絲,並走上英文教學之路,至今已超過 10 年。目前努力在網路上推廣:要有「英文自學」的意識,才能跳脫「花一堆錢和時間卻沒進步」的可怕迴圈!