更新於 2022/03/06閱讀時間約 15 分鐘

Mary Ann:人類並沒準備好進入2027年震驚的年代

分享 Mary Ann 導師3月6日電郵:
我們真的在處理棘手的問題。 掌握這些知識告訴你的最重要的事情之一,它告訴你一個非凡的真相。這個事實是,我們對正在發生的事情沒有任何準備。我們沒有。這是需要在最深、最深層次上接受的事情。我們沒有準備好。我們不可能準備好。
在Human Design(人類圖/人設圖/人類設計)的背景下,想想這一點的好處。關於人類圖的一切,都是為這個即將到來的時代而設計的,在這個時代裡,你不能依賴他人,你必須依賴你自己,而且你確實需要在自己內心找到一種方法,在沒有參照物的情況下在這個平面上航行。現在,想想當你把這個拿走時,這有多強大。因為沒有人感受到這一點,機構正試圖聲稱他們可以根據自己的經驗來處理這個問題。好吧;而且這畢竟不只是關於經濟。
Hello to Each of You
Since 2020 began, the world we live in is drastically changing - right before our very eyes. 2020 began the final 7 years before 2027. Nothing is as it was. Nothing will ever be as it was. It will continue to breakdown and shift to something totally different for humanity. As I look at the world, often in shock, I see that no matter how much I knew about 2027 and the changes – my mind could never have thought of what is unfolding now. When I learned about Global Cycles – I only had what my mind knew as a reference point. It is similar to when I had my reading with Ra, and he told me about my chart. My mind “thought” it understood. Because at that time, it was only through my mind that I could understand what he was saying.
The more I live me – the further and further away I am from what my mind thought my design was about. I see the same happening for me now with my knowledge about 2027. Nothing but living as myself can prepare me for Now and for the Future. Nothing but living who we are can prepare any of us.
I have a heavy heart these days witnessing what is happening in Ukraine. I know it is affecting so many of us and knowing what we know about 2027 doesn't make it any less painful.
Ra would often talk about humans as killer monkeys. I know that anything can happen especially with the tribal and collective structures breaking down. I don't know what the outcome of this war will be - none of us do. It appears that countries are trying to avoid another world war. I needed to Google when the first war happened. One of the first known wars was fought in about 2700 B.C. between the Sumerians and the Elamites, in what is now Iran. According to a New York Times article, over the past 3,400 years humans have been completely at peace for just 268 years; that is just 8% of our recorded history.
It looks like humans will kill other humans until the end of time. I don't see that ever changing. I have no hope for humanity. I only have hope for individuals. There is no "collective" peace. There is no "world" peace. There is only the peace within oneself and that can only happen one person at a time.
As long as it is correct for me, I want to be available to support the inner process of waking up to oneself. It's already there inside each of us - it's just covered over. For me, my strategy is what uncovered my true nature. I wish this for each of us. There is no other way to live in this Now and to meet whatever the future brings.
Sending you my love
Mary Ann
"We’re really dealing with tricky times. One of the most important things to grasp about what this knowledge is telling you, it’s telling you an extraordinary truth. That truth is that we are not in any way prepared for what’s going on. We’re not. This is the thing to take in at the deepest, deepest level. We’re not prepared. We can’t be prepared.
Think about the beauty of that in the context of Human Design. Everything about Human Design is designed for this coming age where you cannot rely on another, where you must rely on yourself, and that you do need to find within yourself a way to navigate on this plane without that reference. Now, think about how powerful this is when you take this away. Because nobody is feeling this, the institutions are trying to claim that they can handle it based on their experience. Well; and it’s not just about the economy, after all.
It’s about understanding that we are in a situation now where there is a change that’s coming that none of us are designed to be prepared for. We’re not. And we’re not going—and I speak of humanity as a whole—to take it calmly. Think about Shanghai. It has 35 million people in the city. They have to eat every day. All of that is made possible by a whole vast infrastructure that is established to be able to maintain that. The vast infrastructures that feed all of us, that maintain our banking systems, that do all of these things, they survive because of the 37/40, of the Cross of Planning. And they’re going to fall apart. That’s something to really grasp. This is all that is holding it together and this is disappearing. You’re prepared. I’m prepared. Humanity is not going to be prepared for such a thing. They’re not.
Don't trust the past. There is nothing for us to trust in that; nothing. Do not trust the future. You cannot. You trust yourself. And if you don't start doing it now, it's going to be too late."
Ra Uru Hu 2008
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