2022-05-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 17 分鐘


故事進行到遮,咱攏知影一个好好 ê 齒盤,一旦去予牛奶茶 a̍h-sī 其他遮的燒茶白茶滾水浸澹,人生 tō 隨 tòe 電腦內底 ê 資料烏有去……。
毋過若當初時無倒牛奶茶 kā giàn-muh 毀害去,嘛無別條路通好揀。     《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
毋過若當初時無倒牛奶茶 kā giàn-muh 毀害去,嘛無別條路通好揀。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
咱 kan-na 看會 tio̍h Stefan 對 in 爸大聲嚷 ê 後果 kah 下場是啥物。
Stefan tòe in 老爸 ê 指示,姑不而將坐起--lì 車內予人載。伊 tī 倒爿,睏 kah 毋知人,頭幌--leh 幌--leh ; ah-nā Peter chòe ka-kī 去駛,前往伊真正欲去 ê 所在。
Chín 車內 tng-leh 放送“Making Plans For Nigel” 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Ti 英國 kah 日本相仝,駛車 ê 人愛坐 tī-leh 正爿駕駛座,倚路 ê 倒爿前行。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Stefan in 兜 ê 旅行車,駛來到 Haynes-先生 ê 診所外口。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Stefan 感覺 tio̍h 車內無 koh-再振動,人隨精神將目睭擘予金。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Peter] We're here.
Peter kā 後生講 in 已經到位--ah, 隨開門落車,放 Stefan ka-kī 一个 tòe 伊入去予 Haynes-先生看。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)

[Stefan] This is Dr. Haynes' place.

Stefan 智覺 tio̍h 情形有 sió-khóa-á 無對同,對 in 爸提出質疑。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Stefan] - You said we were getting lunch. 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Peter] - You need to speak to her.
Peter ê 口氣雄雄反嚴肅,ná-chhiōⁿ 伊這站仔 lóng teh 為 Stefan 扒腹操心。
[Peter] - You're under pressure, you're… You're not sleeping, you're not eating. I'm concerned about you, OK ? 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Peter] - I think the healthiest thing to do is to talk about any concerns you may have instead of botting them up inside.
Peter 看前顧後目睭四界巡,心內是真無 siōⁿ-boeh tòe 老爸去予心理醫生看。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
這个時陣伊發見背後,拄好 Colin 出現 tī 街仔頭,koh 看對伊這爿來。 毋過隨 chòe 伊去。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
害得 Stefan 真躊躇,毋知敢 boeh 逃走 tòe Colin ê 跤步行? 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)

Outside Dr. Haynes 11-L VISIT DR. HAYNES
Stefan 猶原 tòe Peter 去揣 Haynes-先生,眼神 kâm chi̍t-sut-á 無奈。
[Stefan] Don't know if it's the deadlines, but my head is all over the place. I keep having these vivid dreams. Like thinking weird things.
Haynes-先生聽 Stefan 講起伊 ka-kī ê 心肝亂紛紛,時常 teh 做惡夢、陷眠兼想空想縫。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Haynes] What sort of things ?
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Stefan] Like I'm not in control.
[Haynes] - Of ?
[Stefan] Anything, little things, tiny decisions.
[Stefan] - What I have for breakfast in the morning. What music I listen to. Whether I shout at Dad, or…
[Haynes] You feel like you're not making these decisions ?
[Stefan] I feel like I'm not guiding them. Like someone else is.
[Haynes] You're not hearing voices or…? 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Stefan] No voices, but there is something. 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Stefan] - I-I don't know, an impulse.
[Stefan] - I'm sure there is.
Stefan 破腹相告,伊心慒慒,chih-chài bōe 牢 boeh 用手摸伊 ê 耳珠, tō chhan-chhiōⁿ 彼時 tī Tuckersoft 面試 kāng-khoán. 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Haynes] OK. The fact that you're aware of your mental state is actually reassuring. But it sounds like you're starting to dissociate so we want to nip that in the bud
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Haynes] - before you start to seriously entertain delusions.
[Haynes] - I don't think we're there yet though. We can't overlook the fact that the anniversary of your mother's death is due, and as we know, that's a stressor.
Haynes-先生認為 Stefan ê 壓力來源,是因為伊過去面對 in 阿母死亡 ê 創傷。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Stefan 聽 kah 一半,發現伊彼款無法度控制 ka-kī ê 心理症頭 koh giâ--起來--ah. Liâm-mi boeh khè 指甲, liâm-mi siōⁿ-boeh 摸伊 ê 耳珠仔。
Stefan 用倒手 kā 伊 ê 正手 tēⁿ 予牢。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)

Bite Nails or Pull Ear ? 12-L BITE NAILS
Stefan 大頭拇攑起來,倚近喙唇 boeh kā 咬,
[grunts] 毋知啥原因伊無法度反抗。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Stefan 緊用倒手 ê 拳頭拇 kā 正手 tǹg tī 桌仔頂。
伊 ê 雙手可比一隻 tih-boeh 死 ê 八爪蟧蜈,予大粒石頭仔 teh tī-leh 下跤。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Haynes] With that in mind, I think it's important that you stay on the pharmaceutical path at least for the next few months. I'm upping the dosage slightly.
Stefan 緊 kā 手骨收 tī-leh 懷中,驚 Haynes 發覺伊 ê 症頭。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Haynes lia̍h-chún Stefan teh 煩惱食藥仔是病症反嚴重 ê 歹吉兆,ná 拆藥單 ná kā 伊安搭予好勢……。
[Haynes] Stefan, don't see this as a setback. You're not alone. We're in it together.
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Haynes] - One for all, and all…
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Stefan] For one.
坦白講,逐遍 Haynes kah Stefan teh 對談 ê 時陣,in 若提起一寡數字 a̍h-sī 某乜 kah 數字有倚音 ê 英語詞,通來 kā 斟酌聽。日後 tō 會智覺講,in ê 對話內底,有 bōe 少線索藏 tī 真深 ê 所在。
[Haynes] If anything happens, just call me. 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Haynes] - You know the number.
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
這个時陣原來 Peter khiā tī 診斷房間 ê 門跤口 teh 偷聽 Stefan kah Haynes in 兩人所講 ê 一切。等 kah Stefan 出來,Peter 才 koh 假做無代誌問伊去予醫生看了 án-nóa?
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)

[Haynes] I'm upping the dosage slightly.

頂日仔 Haynes 先生講 boeh kā Stefan 食 ê 藥仔份量, ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á 加予 khah 厚 khah 重。 這工早起,Stefan kāng-khoán 徛 tī-leh 浴間仔鏡台頭前,規个人懶懶仔目睭皮擘 bōe 金。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Stefan kā 藥矸仔 ê 崁蓋 chūn 予開開,原底按算 boeh 繼續服藥仔。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
伊看 tio̍h 手面掌握 che 兩粒藥丸仔,雄雄 teh 躊躇敢 boeh kā 吞--loeh ? 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)

Pills 13-L TAKE THEM
Stefan 猶原 tòe Haynes-先生 ê 指示,恬恬仔 kā 藥仔食落去。
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
伊將藥丸仔哺入去嚨喉,chham 白茶做伙啉--loeh. 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
Khah 早有一句俗語話 bat án-ne kóng:「Chia̍h tio̍h 藥,chheⁿ-草一 hio̍h;chia̍h m̄-tio̍h io̍h, jîn-som 一 chio̍h.」毋知影 Stefan 敢有食毋著藥仔--無?
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)

["Silent Night" playing] Four months later

Kúi-lo̍h 個月後,tú-hó 是耶穌-seⁿ. Chhiōⁿ《恬靜暝》這款樂曲,mā tī 唱片行 tng-teh 放送。真 chōe chín 推出 ê giàn-muh, 攏會揀耶誕 ê 時機上市。
過路人來來去去,「恬靜暝」無恬靜。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
剾風落-seh ê 寒夜中,有一个人 ê 形影。 He sī 身穿伊 hit 領金色裘仔 ê Stefan. 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
伊人來到 WHSMITH 唱片行,徛 tī 玻璃窗外, 看櫥仔內底 tú 發行 ê 電腦 giàn-muh 排規排。
其中,Stefan chit 幾個月以來編寫設計 ê《Bandersnatch》 只不過 sī 一項無 tio̍h-等 ê 產品。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)

〔TV jingle plays〕
[Leslie] So, Bandersnatch. Worth it ?
《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Robin sighs] I wish I could say yes but it's frustrating. It's as if the creator simply gave up halfway through went on autopilot. If we had second chances in life, I'd hope they'd choose differently but, er, sadly we don't. And nor do they. If that makes sense ?
[Leslie] So your verdict ?
[Robin] Two and a half stars out of five. Disappointing.
Chit 改會去予 Robin 嫌講《Bandersnatch》ná-chhiōⁿ teh 自動駕駛,che sī 必然--ê, koh-khah án-nóa 講阮有影 kā Stefan ê「命運」全全交予系統決定。猶毋過 kah 當初時一粒星 to 無得 tio̍h ê 結果相比並,kan-na tio̍h-分兩粒星半敢有影是 bái ê 結局?
[Leslie] Oh, dear. Well, maybe next week we'll have something more to float your boat, Robin.
主持人 Robin 毋知敢是認真 teh 講 a̍h-sī teh 講耍笑,猶毋過人生若是會當重來第二改,咱敢會做 bô-kâng ê 選擇?
Stefan 孤單一个坐 teh 膨椅頂頭看電視節目 kā 批評。伊 tī 心內 koh 一改下決定。 《Bandersnatch》(Netflix, 2018)
[Stefan] I should try again.

踏 tio̍h 沉重 ê 跤步,beh 行千里路途。Lia̍h-chún ka-kī 命薄淪落江湖,越頭才智覺講,有情 ê 月,一直照 tī góa 心肝底。
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