2022-06-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

Lana Del Ray的獨白

Lana Del Rey 的歌我都喜歡,最喜歡Ride的獨白 網路上也很多中譯版本,但我還是想試試翻出它的意境 我處在生命中的寒冬 而這一路上所遇見的男人成為我唯一的暖夏 夜晚,我帶著自己的夢想入睡 和他們一起舞蹈、歡笑、哭泣 在無休止的世界巡演的三年後 對他們的記憶是唯一能夠支持我,是我唯一真正的美好時光 我曾是個默默無名的歌手 夢想成為一位美麗的詩人 但事與願違 看到那些夢想支離破碎 如同夜空中的萬縷繁星 一次又一次,我帶著希望如曇花一現地閃耀後又破碎 但我並不介意,因為我明白 失去曾經一切所渴望擁有的 才能領悟真正的自由 當曾經認識我的人 發現我的景況 過著漂泊的生活,他們無法理解 但多做解釋也是徒然 因為安逸於室的人無法明白 尋求安身立命的棲身之處是什麼感覺 我是個與眾不同的女孩 我母親說我變幻莫測 不安本分 性格難以捉摸 內心優柔寡斷 就像大海波濤,搖擺不定 如果我說這一切都不是出自於本意 我必在說謊 因爲我註定成為花蝴蝶 既不屬於任何人,卻又屬於所有人 既一無所有,卻又想要一切 渴望體驗百態 又嚮往自由 甚至到癡狂的地步令我無法言喻 而驅使我奔走漂泊,浪跡天涯 這使我暈眩,眼目撩亂 每晚我都祈禱能找到志同道合的人 最後我尋見了 在開闊的道路上 我們一無所有 也別無所求 除了把絢爛的生活變成藝術 活在當下,人生苦短只求及時享樂 我相信曾經偉大的美國 我相信自己能成為期許的樣子 我相信開闊道路上的自由 仍然堅持信念 我相信陌生人的善意 當我與自己交戰時 我選擇奔馳 你是誰? 你是否觸及內心深處最黑暗的渴望? 創造自己想要的生活去體驗這一切? 我有過, 我是如次瘋狂 但我是自由的
Monologue: I was in the winter of my life And the men I met along the road were my only summer At night, I fell asleep with visions of myself Dancing and laughing and crying with them Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour And my memories of them were the only things that sustained me And my only real happy times I was a singer, not a very popular one I once had dreams of becoming a beautiful poet But upon an unfortunate series of events Saw those dreams dashed and divided Like a millions stars in the night sky That I wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken But I didn't really mind because I knew that It takes getting everything You ever wanted and then losing it To know what true freedom is When the people I used to know Found out what I had been doing How I had been living, they asked me why But there's no use in talking to people who have a home They have no idea what it's like to seek safety in other people For home to be wherever you lie your head I was always an unusual girl My mother told me I had a chameleon soul No moral compass pointing due North No fixed personality Just an inner indecisiveness That was as wide and as wavering as the ocean And if I said that I didn't plan For it to turn out this way, I'd be lying Because I was born to be the other woman Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone Who had nothing, who wanted everything With a fire for every experience And an obsession for freedom That terrified me to the point that I couldn't even talk about And pushed me to a nomadic point of madness That both dazzled and dizzied me Every night I used to pray that I'd find my people And finally I did On the open road We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain Nothing we desired anymore Except to make our lives into a work of art Live fast Die young Be wild And have fun I believe in the country America used to be I believe in the person I want to become I believe in the freedom of the open road And my motto is the same as ever I believe in the kindness of strangers And when I'm at war with myself I ride, I just ride Who are you? Are you in touch with all your darkest fantasies? Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them? I have I am fucking crazy But I am free *The other woman : the lover of a married or similarly attached man. 就是當小三、情婦,我選擇「花蝴蝶」比較符合意境 很多句子沒有直譯是因為想保留中文的美感 中文不太好,歡迎指教。😅
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