起來聽聽音樂劇 唱唱歌壓驚
說到EVITA 最喜歡的兩首歌其實是
「Buenos Aires」
Hello Buenos Aires! Get this--just look at me, dressed up somewhere to go. We'll put on a show!
帶著興奮的心情 到步調快 時尚又繁華的台北城 宛如Evita當初第一次到阿根廷首都一樣的心情
另外還有一首『Rainbow high』也是經典
I came from the people
They need to adore me
So Christian Dior me
From my head to my toes
I need to be dazzling
I want to be rainbow high!
They must have excitement
And so must I
阿根廷別為我哭泣 還有 You must love me反而沒那麼多感受
是的 Evita 我們也許不完全了解 但是永遠記得妳 妳的故事會一直被傳唱下去