更新於 2024/10/06閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

17 What About Us-P!nk

Producer-Steve Mac, P!nk & Johnny McDaid A lost generation of abandoned and unheard people uniting through dance, symbolizing love. Released-August 10, 2017-Album-Beautiful Trauma


We are searchlights, we can see in the dark We are rockets, pointed up at the stars We are billions of beautiful hearts And you sold us down the river too far
What about us What about all the times You said you had the answers What about us What about all the broken happy ever afters What about us What about all the plans That ended in disaster What about love What about trust What about us
We are problems that want to be solved We are children that need to be loved We were willing, we came when you called But man, you fooled us, enough is enough
What about us What about all the times You said you had the answers What about us What about all the broken happy ever afters What about us What about all the plans That ended in disaster What about love What about trust What about us
What about us What about all the plans That ended in disaster What about love What about trust What about us
Sticks and stones, they may break these bones But then I'll be ready, are you ready It's the start of us, waking up, come on Are you ready I'll be ready I don't want control, I want to let go Are you ready I'll be ready Cause now it's time to let them know We are ready What about us
What about us What about all the times You said you had the answers So what about us What about all the broken happy ever afters What about us What about all the plans That ended in disaster What about love What about trust What about us
What about us 6x
FAVORITE LINE We are problems that want to be solved. We are children that need to be loved.
在分享《渴》的這篇文章,有提到我大學當會長的經歷,當時我參與了很多活動的籌備,其中我學到最多的就是卸幹後的那場社團研習營(以下簡稱社研)。 社研集結各種各樣的社團人,舉辦一場為期三天的營隊。 營隊裡,我們編排數個課程,還有常見的活動項目,給予新任的會社長一個指引。
《What About Us》是社研夜宴的合舞選曲。 夜宴是社研第一個夜晚的室內表演。 台上的夥伴(工作人員,在社團裡我們都稱呼彼此是夥伴),男男女女一起大跳現代舞,好像每個人都喝醉酒似的,被音樂牽動肢體,用滿溢的情緒感染著學員和遠在控台的我。
「我們是需要被解答的疑問,我們是需要被愛的孩子。」即便是參加了那麼多的活動,我依舊有上百上千的疑問沒有被解答,更何況是台下的孩子們(對下任會社長的稱呼)呢? 我們用這句歌詞,堅定的對他們說著「我們懂。」那些困惑和不安。 雖然不一定能幫助他們解決,但是我們懂那些難以解答的不安和責任,我們可以陪著你們面對。(雖然活動過後,他們也像當時的我一樣,忙到忘記可以求助了,呵呵)

社研的第一場籌備會議,我其實已經不太記得我們都幹了些什麼。 唯一記得的,是活動組帶所有夥伴進行的團康,打破我對活動組「只籌備給學員的活動」的印象。

卡爾.艾伯修(Karl Albrecht)的「服務金三角」(Service Triangle)理論,認為以服務為導向的組織,必須同時注意內部行銷、外部行銷以及互動行銷三個面向。
想像組織是一個頂角向下的倒三角形,切分三角形為三個區塊,分別代表組織內的不同層級。 頂角區塊是一個組織的領導人,可以向三角形中間的組織成員進行內部行銷、向底邊的顧客做外部行銷;而在三角形中間的組織成員對顧客的直接服務則稱為互動行銷。
今天我就先說說內部行銷的部分吧! 內部行銷,簡單來說,就是組織管理階層向組織內部行銷理念的一種管理方法。
為什麼要做內部行銷呢? 這麼做要確保組織的基層人員可以準確地把組織的理念傳達給顧客。
在團康活動中,我們成為活動組的第一批學員,建立「活動組大概就會這樣帶動學員參與活動吧!」的想法以及信心,也更有效的協助活動組的活動呈現。 每個人的一舉一動,都會影響(甚至主導)團體的信念和成敗,不要輕易的放棄自己在團體中的公民權。

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