一個不會哭,一個超愛哭。Graham離別前決定勇敢愛的告白「I am in love with you, and what I want is you」,讓Amanda在車上終於哭出來,她懂得了愛與被愛,下車一路跑回小屋,擁抱正在哭泣的Graham,延緩回國,留在英國一起度過新年。
Amanda:Sex makes everything more complicated, even not having it because the not having it makes it complicated. Graham:That's why it's better to have it... some say.
熱愛音樂一身才華的電影配樂師的Miles (傑克·布萊克 Jack Black飾),親眼看到女友出軌,與Iris彼此在感情上都遇到相似的問題【Why do I always fall for the wrong person? 】真心喜歡一個人,對方卻把你的付出當成理所當然,那種渺小微不足道又心酸的感受,是兩個人相知相惜的連結。
舉手之勞的善良之舉,認識了同樣熱愛文學及電影的知名老編劇 Arthur (伊萊·沃勒克 Eli Wallach飾) ,成為了忘年之交。
「電影通常都有女主角跟知己,我看的出來妳是女主角,妳卻甘願只是知己。In the movies we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason you are behaving like the best friend.」
Iris: You're supposed to be the leading lady in your own life, for God's sake!
Miles: If you were a melody, I used only the good notes.
經歷過這一切後,到頭來,人會重新開始,再遇到值得付出的人,然後一點一點地重拾自信,而那些模糊的回憶,那麼多年浪費掉的人生,終究還是會消逝。 And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. and you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little peices of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade.