【羅藤樹下】費茲傑羅號貨輪沈沒的啓示 When the Witch of November Comes Stealin’

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Edmund Fitzgerald
When the Witch of November Comes Stealin’
by Al Baker
December 22, 2022
“And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes the judgment.” -Hebrews 9:27
The Edmund Fitzgerald (AKA the Fitz), the largest ship on the Great Lakes (729 feet long, weighing 13,632 tons) left Two Harbors, Minnesota on Sunday afternoon, November 9, 1975, carrying 26,000 tons of taconite pellets (a means of extracting iron ore), and was on its way to Cleveland. Captain McSorley and his crew of twenty-eight men were well seasoned sailors. McSorley had captained Great Lakes vessels for over forty years. The crew knew very well that sailing on the Great Lakes in November, just prior to ships suspending operation for the winter months, could be very dangerous, especially if the gales of November came early, what the sailors called the “witch of November.” In fact at least 1500 vessels had been lost over the years, most of them sinking in November when dangerous “nor’easter” winds wrought havoc on the Great Lakes.
  • Edmund Fitzgerald 埃德蒙德·費茲傑羅號
  • Two Harbors, Minnesota 明尼蘇達州圖哈伯斯市
  • taconite pellet / ˈta-kə-ˌnīt,  ˈpe-lət / 鐵燧石顆粒
  • ore / ˈȯr / 礦,礦石
  • Cleveland, Ohio 俄亥俄州克里夫蘭市
  • Captain McSorley 麥克索利船長(全名Ernest M. McSorley)
  • gale / ˈgāl / 強風,大風
  • nor'easter / nȯr-ˈē-stər / 東北風暴,或稱東海岸低壓
  • wreak havoc / ˈrēk ˈha-vək / 造成嚴重破壞
  • Great Lakes 五大湖,位於加拿大與美國交界處的5個大型淡水湖泊
The weather forecast for the trip was not good. A storm system was moving northeasterly from Nebraska to Wisconsin and by the time the Fitz had traveled only a few miles on Lake Superior (the Chippewa Indians called it Gitche Gumme) the winds were up to fifty miles per hour with ten foot waves. Lake Superior is 350 miles long and has the world’s largest surface area of all fresh water lakes. When people drown in Lake Superior their bodies almost are never recovered because the lake’s water remains cold all year and thus prevents body decomposition and the release of gasses which cause bodies to rise to the surface. They said Superior never gives up her dead when the gales of November come early.
  • Lake Superior 蘇必利爾湖,五大湖中最大的湖,世界上面積最大的淡水湖
  • Chippewa Indians (北美印第安人)奇珀瓦族
  • Gitche Gumme (印第安語)大海,特指蘇必利爾湖
  • decomposition / (ˌ)dē-ˌkäm-pə-ˈzi-shən / 腐爛,分解
By 1 a.m. on Monday, November 10 the winds were 70 miles per hour, gusting to 100 miles per hour and the waves were thirty feet high. To make matters worse, both radar systems on the Edmund Fitzgerald had been knocked out by the waves and the lighthouse beacon at White Fish Point, only fifteen miles away, was inoperable as well. The men had to know they were in serious trouble. As Gordon Lightfoot has sung, “The waves turn the minutes into hours.”[1] The size of waves is determined by the strength of the wind, how long the wind is blowing at high speed, and over how much open water the wind travels. A ship called the Arthur Anderson was traveling ten miles behind the Fitz and was in radio contact, assisting the Fitz to stay on course. About 7:15 p.m. two waves thirty feet high came from the rear crashing into the Arthur Anderson’s stern and the ship handled the waves with no trouble. However, as many have speculated, the waves continued ahead to the Edmund Fitzgerald. The first wave hit, swamping the Fitz and plunging the bow of the ship under the surface of the lake and the weight of the water plus the weight of the 26,000 tons of taconite shifting to the front of the ship, caused it to plunge directly down to the bottom of Lake Superior, 530 feet below the surface, with the bow buried in the lake floor. A second or two later the second wave hit and the ship could not recover. Within a minute all twenty-nine men on board died. None of their bodies have ever been recovered.[2]
  • Whitefish Point (密歇根州)懷特菲什波因特
  • Gordon Lightfoot 戈登·萊特福特,加拿大民謠唱作人
  • Arthur Anderson (船名)亞瑟·安達臣,最後一艘與費茲傑羅號有通信的船
What should we learn from the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald? The writer of Hebrews spells it out very clearly, without equivocation. We will all die and then we face the judgment. We, of course, know this is true but most of us just don’t want to think about it. What will you do when the witch of November comes stealin’?
  • equivocation / i-ˌkwi-və-ˈkā-shən / 含糊其辞,模棱两可
I remember my years at St. Simons Island where I attended the weekly luncheons of the Rotary Club. I always enjoyed those meetings. Almost every week the Emcee of the meeting would say, “Mr. _____ died this past week, let us have a moment of silence and remember him for the good he did in our community.” Most of the men in the St. Simons Island Rotary Club were retired businessmen, and I often wondered, as we bowed our heads for a moment of silence, if they ever thought to themselves, “Well, I am sorry to see Mr. ____ go. I wonder where he is now. And what about me? What is going to happen to me when I die?” I am pretty sure most of the men never really gave it too much thought. Right after the moment of silence, we would commence with eating our lunch and then hear a speech from a business or civic leader and then get back to our work or golf, or fishing, or whatever the retired men did.
  • St. Simons Island (喬治亞州)聖西蒙斯島
  • Rotary Club 扶輪社(地區性團體,以促進職業交流和社會服務)
  • emcee /  ˌem-ˈsē / 主持人,司儀
  • moment of silence 默哀
I am sure the prospect of death had to cross the minds of the men who traveled the Great Lakes and heard the horror stories of death, especially when the “witch of November” came stealin’. I am also confident that some of the men were true believers in Christ and consequently had great assurance that if and when the gales of November came early for them they were ready, that they were in good standing with God. However, surely there were others who never gave it a thought, who had convinced themselves that when we die it is all over, that we simply go back to the dust from whence we came. They convinced themselves that either there was no heaven or hell or that they had nothing to worry about because they were pretty good people, that they occasionally attended the Maritime Sailors’ Cathedral in Detroit, where the church bell tolled twenty-nine times for the men of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
  • prospect / ˈprä-ˌspekt / 可能性
  • Maritime Sailors’ Cathedral in Detroit (Mariners' Church)位於底特律的馬里內大教堂,直譯為「水手教堂」
Do you believe what God says in His word—that all are sinners, that all deserve hell, that the wages of sin is death, that all are under the wrath of God, that hell is a place where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched, that God will by no means leave the guilty unpunished? And do you believe that Jesus is the only means of salvation, that there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved, that only the free grace of God in Christ can set us free from the sentence and condemnation of death and hell? And while we certainly rejoice at this time of year in the incarnation of our Savior, we must never forget that His incarnation was not merely to render Him an example of goodwill, sacrifice, or kindness. It was the only means by which sinful men can be right with the holy, righteous God who demands perfection. Seeing our need, our utter inability to save ourselves, this gracious God sent His Son to become man and die for our sins and be raised again from the dead for our justification.
If you understand that by God’s free grace alone you are saved and that your life gives evidence of obedience in walking with the One who died and gave Himself up for you, then never forget that your friends, neighbors, family members, and people you have never met are all under the sentence of death and condemnation until God opens their hearts to repent and believe on Jesus to save them. Do you believe this? Do you live your life on these central truths of Scripture? Are you engaged in taking the good news of Jesus to the world around you, near and far? Nothing is more important. This is what we must learn from the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Death and judgment come to all who are not prepared to face the witch of November when she comes stealin’.
1  <gordonlightfoot.com> Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
2  Mighty Fitz: The Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Michael Schumacher.
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艦船角色 埃爾德里奇號(USS Eldridge ,DE-173)是美國坎農級護航驅逐艦,艦名是為了紀念在所羅門羣島行動中陣亡的美國海軍少校約翰 • 埃爾德里奇(1903-1942)。埃爾德里奇號於1943年2月22日開工,1943年7月25日下水,1943年8月27日正式服役。
瑪麗.賽勒斯特號(英語:Mary Celeste,又作Marie Celeste)是一艘美國貿易前桅橫帆雙桅船。1872年,在大西洋被一艘加拿大前桅橫帆雙桅船Dei Gratia(意即承蒙天恩)於亞述群島附近發現,當時此船正朝向直布羅陀海峽航行,然而船上並沒有目擊到任何人。
冒險加利號,Adventure Galley,也稱為Adventure,原是一艘英國商船,由蘇格蘭船長威廉.基德(William Kidd)駕駛,她是一種混合動力船,將風帆與槳相結合,使其在有風和平靜的條件下都具有機動性。該船於 1695 年底下水,並於次年被基德收購,用於他的私掠活動。
維達號(Whydah Gally,也有Whidah或Whidaw等拼法)是18世紀初的一艘大型販奴船,後來被大西洋上的著名海盜頭目黑山姆奪為旗艦,不久便於1717年4月26日在鱈角近海遭遇暴風雨觸礁沉沒,僅兩人生還,船上估計載有4.5公噸的金銀珠寶。
英國社會思想家約翰.拉斯金(John Ruskin):「一艘輪船發生船難,其中一名乘客在船底被發現時,身上纏著裝了二百磅黃金的腰帶。這個人是沉下去淹死的,是他擁有這些黃金嗎?抑或黃金擁有他?」(《給後來者言》,約翰.拉斯金(John Ruskin),博客來電子書)
一段航海日誌,揭露了一個久遠的傳說故事...... 飢餓會帶來,人性最黑暗的一面, 用顫抖的手,寫下鮑里斯的遺願, 讓世人知道,海怪真實存在於世。 風平浪靜的海面,冒出許多水泡, 大量魚群在海面,上下來回跳躍, 船長鮑里斯似乎,知道了些什麼? 我從來沒有見過,他如此慌張過,
  朋友们好,在二战时期,发生了许多普通商船被无故攻击的故事,今天,我们来谈一谈关于英国商船勒威克号被袭击时发生的事情。戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们来了解一下。   在1942年1月12日,一艘5626吨的英国蒸汽商船勒威克号,负责将一批锰矿石运往英国伦敦东部达根汉姆的福特工厂,在完成货物
  朋友们好,今天我们来谈一谈,在第二次世界大战期间,有一艘挪威的油轮尼霍尔特号,在从冰岛雷克雅未克前往纽约的航行中,被德国海军的U-87潜艇给击中之后,它的结局如何呢?戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们来了解一下吧。   在1942年1月17日这一天,挪威8087吨重的机动油轮尼霍尔特号从雷克
3.1:碼頭區(Docklands) 泰晤士河畔的碼頭上,巨大的船隻停泊著,帆桁林立,載滿了來自遠方的貨物和宝貝。工人們忙碌著,穿梭在碼頭間,肩負著沉重的貨物,忙於裝卸船隻。他們沾滿汗水,黑煙從煙囪中冉冉升起,掩蓋了整個碼頭區域的天空。
艦船角色 埃爾德里奇號(USS Eldridge ,DE-173)是美國坎農級護航驅逐艦,艦名是為了紀念在所羅門羣島行動中陣亡的美國海軍少校約翰 • 埃爾德里奇(1903-1942)。埃爾德里奇號於1943年2月22日開工,1943年7月25日下水,1943年8月27日正式服役。
瑪麗.賽勒斯特號(英語:Mary Celeste,又作Marie Celeste)是一艘美國貿易前桅橫帆雙桅船。1872年,在大西洋被一艘加拿大前桅橫帆雙桅船Dei Gratia(意即承蒙天恩)於亞述群島附近發現,當時此船正朝向直布羅陀海峽航行,然而船上並沒有目擊到任何人。
冒險加利號,Adventure Galley,也稱為Adventure,原是一艘英國商船,由蘇格蘭船長威廉.基德(William Kidd)駕駛,她是一種混合動力船,將風帆與槳相結合,使其在有風和平靜的條件下都具有機動性。該船於 1695 年底下水,並於次年被基德收購,用於他的私掠活動。
維達號(Whydah Gally,也有Whidah或Whidaw等拼法)是18世紀初的一艘大型販奴船,後來被大西洋上的著名海盜頭目黑山姆奪為旗艦,不久便於1717年4月26日在鱈角近海遭遇暴風雨觸礁沉沒,僅兩人生還,船上估計載有4.5公噸的金銀珠寶。
英國社會思想家約翰.拉斯金(John Ruskin):「一艘輪船發生船難,其中一名乘客在船底被發現時,身上纏著裝了二百磅黃金的腰帶。這個人是沉下去淹死的,是他擁有這些黃金嗎?抑或黃金擁有他?」(《給後來者言》,約翰.拉斯金(John Ruskin),博客來電子書)
一段航海日誌,揭露了一個久遠的傳說故事...... 飢餓會帶來,人性最黑暗的一面, 用顫抖的手,寫下鮑里斯的遺願, 讓世人知道,海怪真實存在於世。 風平浪靜的海面,冒出許多水泡, 大量魚群在海面,上下來回跳躍, 船長鮑里斯似乎,知道了些什麼? 我從來沒有見過,他如此慌張過,
  朋友们好,在二战时期,发生了许多普通商船被无故攻击的故事,今天,我们来谈一谈关于英国商船勒威克号被袭击时发生的事情。戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们来了解一下。   在1942年1月12日,一艘5626吨的英国蒸汽商船勒威克号,负责将一批锰矿石运往英国伦敦东部达根汉姆的福特工厂,在完成货物
  朋友们好,今天我们来谈一谈,在第二次世界大战期间,有一艘挪威的油轮尼霍尔特号,在从冰岛雷克雅未克前往纽约的航行中,被德国海军的U-87潜艇给击中之后,它的结局如何呢?戴上你的金丝边框眼镜,让我们来了解一下吧。   在1942年1月17日这一天,挪威8087吨重的机动油轮尼霍尔特号从雷克
3.1:碼頭區(Docklands) 泰晤士河畔的碼頭上,巨大的船隻停泊著,帆桁林立,載滿了來自遠方的貨物和宝貝。工人們忙碌著,穿梭在碼頭間,肩負著沉重的貨物,忙於裝卸船隻。他們沾滿汗水,黑煙從煙囪中冉冉升起,掩蓋了整個碼頭區域的天空。