2019於太巴塱部落內策劃以《循 靈 Midongdong to naripa’an no sisakawihay》為主題的展覽。我們在部落內找到一處閒置空間,夥伴們一同協力打造出一個展覽空間。我負責參與其中動態影像紀實與靜態影像的部分。
Romansa Wong is an independent documentary filmmaker. Graduated from National Taiwan University with a master's degree in Journalism, and she founded “Swallow Studio” in 2018. At the same year, the studio starts to work on documentary “Growing up with Me” sponsored by Cardinal Shan Foundation, which focus on a group of playing-football children who live at the foot of Tafalong Mountain.
In 2016, she participated documentary “'uz'ureman。Building the House”, a Golden Bell Awards winner, as assistant director, cinematographer, and English translator. (trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBRnOpTYaow)
During the master’s degree, she was the exchange to Shanghai Fudan University, and went to five cities in China for conduct field investigation, as well as interviewed with more than 30 Chinese independent filmmakers. She completed the master’s thesis “The Seen But Unspoken Truth: A Study of Contemporary Chinese Independent Documentary (2000-2015)”.